nemo1981`s January trip

Started by nemo1981, March 16, 2010, 02:55:28 AM

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So this is it! My very first trip report on these pages....I know it is a late report(cause I´ve been in January), but I´ve been busy....I don´t have a lot of pictures though,you`ll read why....

It was my(Daniel) seventh, and my boyfriends (Eric)first Disney trip! I was soooo excited to show him "my Magic Kingdom". For two years I have been telling him everything about it, and finally it was time to let him make the experience!!!
We left Vienna on Saturday the 30th of January in the afternoon and arrived at the hotel cheyenne at 7:30 pm. The cheyenne is my favourite i have to say( beside the DLH, where i stayed on my very first trip in 1997).  Eric had a bad cold, so on the way to Paris he slept on the plane and seemed not very happy. However once he saw the Cheyenne he said:" Oh my God,that IS perfect!" And from that moment on he couldn`t stop smiling(neither could I:-)). Eric was completely taken away by the charme of the cheyenne.We had booked rioGrande rooms,but the Hotel was completely overbooked this evening and we had to stay in a normal room, so we got some money back. :D (that really made us happy,cause we never really wanted Riogrande Rooms.We had to take them,cause they were the only ones available,when we booked.)
 After check in, the parks were closed already and so we went to see Buffalo Bill`s WWS.It was very cold on the way to Disney Village, but that didn`t bother us. The Wild West show was amazing. I´ve seen it once before, but I`ve completely forgotten how great it is. Although I have have to admit, I`m really not sure about the cartoons in the show, but it wasn`t as bad as I thought it would be. We enjoyed the show, and afterwards Eric meant:" I know now what you mean, they really take you to a different world here..."  So we had a great first evening,went back to the hotel.
Then I tried to fall asleep, but I couldn`t!!!!! I was so so so excited, all I could think of was,that in a few hours I`go on Space Mountain,Pirates,etc.(It`s weird,isn`t it I am 28 years old and still the same disneyexcitemet as always, should I worry about that???;-)) It`s really mean to have the magic next door,but having to wait for it!!:-)I tried to watch TV,but there was nothing on,there was not one channel that really worked on the TV.They should really do something about that. By 3 in the morning I was still awake. And Eric awoke too,with a fever!!!!!!!!!!!! His cold really got worse during the night. I was close to crying, finally in disneyland again and then this.....
At 7 in the morning I hadn`t slept a single minute!!!!!So I decided to take a walk and enjoy the morningatmosphere . And I was lucky when I came to the Gates of the park all the cast members were arriving and on the way into the park. So I sat in front of the DLH for about half an hour and enjoyed the silence and the view of this beautiful hotel.(I think it`s my favourite building in the whole resort). On my way back to the Cheyenne I got really tired and then I finally fell asleep at 8 am in the morning. After only two hours sleep, the alarm went off and my boyfriend was not feeling well. But what can you do? He decided to take some drugs( although I tried to stop him,seriously!)
And then we finally headed for the Disneyland Park. The wheater was amazingly beautiful,sun was shining,it was warm and no cloud in the sky.Perfect! After a short while Eric felt better(I don`t know if it was the drugs or the magic;-)) Luck was on our side again!! The park looked very well maintained. A lot of the effects were working and every cast member was very friendly. Eric didn`t say a lot when we entered the Kingdom, he just looked and watched and looked ....until we did our first ride: Pirates!! On our way in Eric finally said:"Sorry if I don´t talk that much,but there are so many things to look at I can`t quite grasp it at the moment...." During the ride all I heard was:" Wow,perfect,great,amazing,haha,look at that ,oh my God,..."So to bring it to a point Eric finally fell in love with disneyland too( at least a bit):-). We did all the major rides on that day and all of them were in great shape.  We had a lot of fun and a perfect Disneyland-Day.
In the Evening we had dinner at the plaza Gardens. I have to admit that it was way too overpriced!!!! the food was not bad,but cold!!! In the end we paid 56 Euros for it. Was not worth it!!!
After the parks closed we went to  bed and fell asleep immediately.
Next day it was snowing in the morning but after an hour the sun came back and we had another lovely day. We took some time to stroll around and got a coffe to go,just to suck up the mood....
We had to leave the resort at 5pm to catch our fligths back to Vienna. And seriuosly 10 minutes before we left,we realized that we hadn`t taken any pictures!! We had been so "lost in the magic",that we completely forgot about that. And so we took some last minute shots! I`ll try to post them later on....
So all in all it was an amazing trip, both of us had a great time. We got back to Vienna at 11pm tired,exhausted, Eric still full of drugs:-),but very happy!!!
We are already planning our summer trip!! yay!!!!
When you look at the pics, the black haired,bearded guy is me![/url][/UR[url=http]L][/img]


Yeah, you did it and posted your first trip report.

I'm very sorry for your boyfriend, but at least he could enjoy the whole Disney magic a little bit and I'm glad that he liked it.

Can't wait to see your last minute pictures.


Well I really tried to put the pictures directly under the report,but I just don`t know how!! The only link that works now is the link to photobucket,when you klick on the "image"....maybe someone can tell me how to upload pictuers in a way that they are seen on these pages, i mean without any links????


I do it this way:

I'm also using photobucket. Under the pictures in your photobucket is an IMG code. I copy this code and paste it to my post. When you submit the post, the pictures can be seen.


Oh, so sorry your boyfriend was ill for his first trip! Still, sounds like he fell in love with the magic  :D

You know, I'm 32, and very often I'm so excited about a visit that I can't get any sleep the night before! But once I'm there I forget all about it and feel great!

Thank you for sharing your trip with us!


I'm sorry to hear Eric got sick, hopefully you'll be able to take another trip soon and he'll be able to enjoy it in full health!


It's a shame that eric was ill, I always seem to never be able to sleep when I go to disneyland, I'm almost 14 though, understandable I alredy can't sleep and i'm going in 3 weeks! I get very excited about disneyland  :oops:

 :jack:  :stitch:
August 1997 - Off Site
August 1998 - Cheyenne
May 1999 - Disneyland Hotel
July 2004 - Cheyenne
August 2007 - Off Site
August 2010 - Santa Fe
August 2011 - Santa Fe
September 2015 - Sequoia Lodge Golden Forest