Secret Tunnel?

Started by disneyloverjessie, October 31, 2009, 01:28:18 AM

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Quote from: "Annet"I agree that it's most unlikely that this tunnel excists.
But calling someones friend a compulsive liar doesn't seem very right nor friendly either.
You're right, and I apologise to disneyloverjessie if I upset her in any way. Perhaps I didn't choose my words very well.

I just don't like it when people take someone's passion for something they love, like DLP, and use it against them by making up stories for them to believe, which then ultimately makes them look foolish.


Quote from: "penfold12"
Quote from: "britincgn"
Quote from: "stepintothepink"As a former CM, I've got to say there  is a certain amount of magic at the WDW utilidoors  :D

I have taken the tour a few times and it always seems to take a different route but seeing the utilidoors is the best part of the tour its just amazing to see how everything is done ,see the laundry with all the costumes, hundreds of them .Its fun seeing about 20 Mickey heads on a shelf and seeing Snow White smoking a cigarette .Great fun and a must see.

Where did you see that???? I was a cast member at WDW and they are so strict on what people see. When training to be a character you have to "become" the character, and are simply getting overdressed when getting into costume. I cant see them showing rows of Mickey heads, and if you did see someone in costume smoking, that is a sackable offense.

They take every precaution in protecting the integrity of the characters. I know of a character that had a "fit" from the heat while on the parade, and still coudnt take off his head......
Ive been on the tour 3 times now and thats what Id seen.The heads were I suppose in the costumes dpt ,I cant really remember and everything else was just walking though the utilidors.The only thing  noticed about being in character was the part of the tour we were in hairdressing/wigs dept and our tour guide asked one of us to ask one of the princesses for her name ,she answered with her character name even though she wasnt fully in character.
Dont forget this was not on scene but in the utilidors and the depts in the utilidors.
This was in 2000 ,my first tour and the tours after that the time in the utlidors has been shortened.
In 2000 we went in through the back (I think it was the cast members entrance)Through costumes and the check in for costumes and in various other depts like the parade control roomWwhich was neat because it looked so oldfashioned).