Secret Tunnel?

Started by disneyloverjessie, October 31, 2009, 01:28:18 AM

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Quote from: "stepintothepink"As a former CM, I've got to say there  is a certain amount of magic at the WDW utilidoors  :D

I have taken the tour a few times and it always seems to take a different route but seeing the utilidoors is the best part of the tour its just amazing to see how everything is done ,see the laundry with all the costumes, hundreds of them .Its fun seeing about 20 Mickey heads on a shelf and seeing Snow White smoking a cigarette .Great fun and a must see.


Quote from: "britincgn"
Quote from: "stepintothepink"As a former CM, I've got to say there  is a certain amount of magic at the WDW utilidoors  :D

I have taken the tour a few times and it always seems to take a different route but seeing the utilidoors is the best part of the tour its just amazing to see how everything is done ,see the laundry with all the costumes, hundreds of them .Its fun seeing about 20 Mickey heads on a shelf and seeing Snow White smoking a cigarette .Great fun and a must see.

Do you really get to see that much?? I would've thought they'd be really careful to try and 'protect the magic'!


Quote from: "disneyloverjessie"If she lying, im not her friend. How could she do this to me?

And by Lake disney hotel i meant lake disney hotelS.....newport bay, sequia lodge and new york!! :)

AND the palce in the lift is on the wall somewhere :) you cant see it.

are these answers that your friend is giving you, or what you are presuming??

and to quote you....
Quote from: "disneyloverjessie"Lake Disney hotel
no "S"

This silly little childs game is really getting old now, given us all a good laugh though, thanks for sharing but enough is enough.

P.S has anyone heard the news that Disney are set to aquire land in Almeria, Spain to build a new Euro Disney. Yes thats right they are going to move Main Street and Le Château de la Belle au Bois Dormant brick by brick to Spain for its better year round weather after all it was the prefered location back in the planning stages. Maybe they will dig out those Lava Lagoon plans too  :lol: [/color]
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Quote from: "Clarebelle"P.S has anyone heard the news that Disney are set to aquire land in Almeria, Spain to build a new Euro Disney. Yes thats right they are going to move Main Street and Le Château de la Belle au Bois Dormant brick by brick to Spain for its better year round weather after all it was the prefered location back in the planning stages. Maybe they will dig out those Lava Lagoon plans too  :lol:

I heard that to, its all so they can give us splash mountian  :D/  [-o<

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Okay but yes she did give me all that information.....and i asked her today caouse i said you doubted me and then she said i absolutely promise soo......?
\'when you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires will come to you\' - Pinocchio

\'A dream is a wish your heart makes\' - Cinderella<3

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Quote from: "disneyloverjessie"Okay but yes she did give me all that information.....and i asked her today caouse i said you doubted me and then she said i absolutely promise soo......?
Soo..... we still lack evidence and we're only going by the word of one person who either is playing a joke on you or has a very big imagination ;)

You should say to your friend that you won't believe her unless she shows you a picture of this "secret tunnel", then post it here ;)

But take it from us, the DLP fans that know about this place better than anyone, it doesn't exist ;)

I'm in a very winking mood this evening aren't i? ;)  :mrgreen:
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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Quote from: "britincgn"
Quote from: "stepintothepink"As a former CM, I've got to say there  is a certain amount of magic at the WDW utilidoors  :D

I have taken the tour a few times and it always seems to take a different route but seeing the utilidoors is the best part of the tour its just amazing to see how everything is done ,see the laundry with all the costumes, hundreds of them .Its fun seeing about 20 Mickey heads on a shelf and seeing Snow White smoking a cigarette .Great fun and a must see.

Where did you see that???? I was a cast member at WDW and they are so strict on what people see. When training to be a character you have to "become" the character, and are simply getting overdressed when getting into costume. I cant see them showing rows of Mickey heads, and if you did see someone in costume smoking, that is a sackable offense.

They take every precaution in protecting the integrity of the characters. I know of a character that had a "fit" from the heat while on the parade, and still coudnt take off his head......


Quote from: "disneyloverjessie"Okay but yes she did give me all that information.....and i asked her today caouse i said you doubted me and then she said i absolutely promise soo......?
She sounds like a compulsive liar, and not a very good one.

She's probably found out you like DLP, and is making up wild stories so you'll keep being friends with her. I used to know kids like that at school.


Did the tone in this thread really have to get quite so harsh?

Yes, disneyloverjessie may well have been mislead, but I think we've gone a bit off topic now. After all, it's hardly her fault she's been lied to, and if she's coming here to ask the percieved experts, then that isn't really a problem, is it?

Quoteand to quote you....
Quote from: "disneyloverjessie"Lake Disney hotel
no "S"

I thought it was fairly obvious that was a typo, and that she was referring to the hotels around Lake Disney?

QuoteThis silly little childs game is really getting old now, given us all a good laugh though, thanks for sharing but enough is enough.

Was this really called for? This forum seems to be getting rather confrontational lately...

Out of interest, do we 100% know that no such tunnel exists, then? If we do, how do we know? Again, I'm not doubting you guys' knowledge, I was just wondering what peoples sources are for such a tunnel not existing.


I agree with the above post.

Technically, we don't know for certain if there is a secret tunnel because nobody on this forum knows everything about Disneyland Paris.

I doubt that there is a secret tunnel, but there could be.


I also agree with the above 2 posts.
I had noticed it was getting a little harsh, for a potential scoop of info.


Quote from: "Willow"I agree with the above post.

Technically, we don't know for certain if there is a secret tunnel because nobody on this forum knows everything about Disneyland Paris.

I doubt that there is a secret tunnel, but there could be.

4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


Thankyou to the above posts,

I had been told about it and i wanted to know if it was real........isnt that what most of the topics are about?

And yes it may be real, noone knows for sure :)
\'when you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires will come to you\' - Pinocchio

\'A dream is a wish your heart makes\' - Cinderella<3

Hotel New York = 10 times
Sequoia Lodge = 1 time

[size=150]Disneyland Paris<3[/size]


Thinking about this realistically...

A tunnel from Lake Disney to the parks would be ridiculously expensive. If they didn't even think to build a tunnel from the station over to the backstage gate on the other side of Fantasia Gardens behind Front Lot (where I'd actually really like to see one, the CMs crossing the path of guests there is getting quite bad as the parks grow), then why would they have built this?

And everyone seems to have forgotten that huge RER/TGV trench slicing the resort in two. Any tunnel wouldn't be able to cross that, unless it went very deep.

So no. No tunnel like this exists.


I agree that it's most unlikely that this tunnel excists.
But calling someones friend a compulsive liar doesn't seem very right nor friendly either.