Magic Circus Hotel renovation

Started by Anthony, September 08, 2009, 11:29:33 PM

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I know the newly renamed Holiday Inn has been having some interior changes since Vienna International took over (let's hope they ripped out at least 90% of the coin operated machines in the lobby), but does anyone know what's happening to the front façade of the Magic Circus Hotel?

It looks like the (apparently fake) redbrick is being ripped off leaving the grey block bricks behind, but only in patches...

I wonder if it's just a repair job, or if something prettier and perhaps more circus-y is on the way? It's always been by far the ugliest of the hotels on the outside, no charm at all.

In other Val de France news, even Kyriad now offers free Wi-Fi in every room (keep up, Disney!) and the Explorers seems to have had the top of its look-out tower painted brown. Looks nicer, but I didn't get a photo, sorry.


It looks like it is ill! Strange why they would leave some - no logic building-wise.

A tie in with Toy Story Playland, with a new camouflage look of concrete and bricks painted green?  :lol:


It does almost look like it's meant to be like that. There was a small cherry picker type thing parked over to one side. They'd obviously given up for the weekend. On the subject of making it more colourful, I'll challenge myself and say they might not even be allowed to do that, considering it's outside the main resort area and these were all designed in very traditional (boring) colours.

VI have done a good job changing every single signpost and logo to the new name though. You still see "MyTravel's Explorers Hotel", but definitely "Magic Circus" beneath it.

In the mornings now, one pink bus only goes to two hotels. I've forgotten the groupings, but it's a smart idea to finally put that in writing. Just a shame the stop at the bus station still doesn't have a canopy or any kind of queue system. All it would take is for VI to say "right, now we've got two hotels, we're getting our own buses", wouldn't it?


Perhaps they are trying to mimic Pirates...?

The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "Adam"Perhaps they are trying to mimic Pirates...?

They've done a better job than the guys at Disneys Blockbuster Cafe then! :roll:  :wink:


It looks weird, they must be going to repaint it or something! :?  Surely it can't be left like that, it looks disgraceful and even though they aren't Disney Hotels, they are Disney recommended and have Disney shops in them so they do reflect Disney in some ways.

To me the Magic Circus Hotel will always be the Holiday inn! I stayed here on my first trip to DLP in 2006 and I have to say I loved the hotel - not exactly for theming but I just thought it was really nice. :D
Luv Aveen xoxo


We really liked it there too. We have stayed there 3 times over the last 3 years and found it really good value when you consider the amenities like the pool and the free shuttle. We were most disappointed to see it's been taken over by VI who are far more expensive   :(

We haven't been there since Feb 2008 but I really don't recall the outside needing a facelift?? Must be part of the new theming??
I believe in fairies......I do, I do!

5th Anniversary - Santa Fe
February \'07 - 2 day trips from Paris
April \'07 - Holiday Inn
October \'07- Marriott Village
December \'07 - Dream Castle
February \'08 - Holiday Inn
May \'08 - WDW
May \'08 - Disney Wonder
Feb \'09 - Marriott Village
Dec \'10 - Motorhome


Magic Circus is expanding with a convention center and a new restaurant.  A new building would be build on the courtyard, so I assume this is where it'll go?


That makes more sense! :D
Luv Aveen xoxo


The renovation/rebranding phase is now complete. Pictures and press release info: ... n-to-come/

They invested €4m in this refit, the new conference pavillion will cost the same again.

Interesting note in there that both their Val de France hotels have been in profit right since they bought them.


Looking good. Any idea if they have fixed the brickwork as above?