Orbitron In Silver

Started by CafeFantasia, May 26, 2009, 07:29:24 PM

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Agent Lex

At least that one's nice and colourful. That wouldn't work in Discoveryland either, of course, but I think in general it looks better than that terrible silver one.


The sad thing is the way they now try to steer clear of any kind of stylistic statement lest it become outdated again in ten years.

Discoveryland managed timelessness in a fantastic way, but bronze is apparently too risky for the suits nowadays (it might not sell enough Buzz Lightyear toys), so they're going with this vaguely Jetsonian, booooooring style.


Here's the new "Pimp My Orbitron" in motion, on YouTube:



Quote from: "Alan"Here's the new "Pimp My Orbitron" in motion, on YouTube:

And, errr, oooh... that is a good way to describe it. Looks a little blingy, a little forced. Could actually probably to with a bit more silver at the base. It certainly wasn't designed with this in mind.


I don't like it.

(Ooh sorry, I slipped into Disneyland Anaheim fan mode then ;))

I like it, its a nice look. Thats the problem with Tomorrowland though, things need refreshing very quickly or they get old fast.

I wouldn't swap Tomorrowland for our Discoveryland.
Discoveryland is timeless, Tomorrowland is anything but timeless.


I think it's hardly any better than the repainted Mount Rushmore Disney Store sign. It's still an antique-looking thing, only now it's multi-colored. It still doesn't make sense in Tomorrowland.


I agree: Discoveryland must keep it's style. It is essential to our european version of the Park and it captures a wonderful atmosphere. The julevernesque atmosphere.

Quote from: "Willow"Discoveryland is timeless, Tomorrowland is anything but timeless.
Tomorrowland wasn't meant to be timeless, as the name suggests. Iirc...
Life is different.


Maybe the idea is Timeless but if it was truly Timeless it wouldn't need updating every few years.

I've never known any land in any Disney parks that has been refurbed as much as the Tomorrowlands.


I see it as a good thing that Tomorrowland at DL needs regular updates.  There's no room for expansion there, but new things constantly need to be added to keep the park fresh.  The need for regular TL updates provides the solution to this problem.


No! Tomorrowland is the future from the 70's point of view, wheras Discoveryland is a steampunk vision of the future from the 1800s, it's superb!

Adam (TR Wolf) on the left, and Phil on the right \":)\"


...and that even before the term 'steampunk' was commonly known/used!
Life is different.


Quote from: "Alexander"...and that even before the term 'steampunk' was commonly known/used!

True, back then it was "Victoriana"

Adam (TR Wolf) on the left, and Phil on the right \":)\"


No thanks you. Just keep ours the way it is. ;) Even buzz should be more Victorian. I hope they are more creative in the future.