Space Ranger Scores

Started by Anthony, March 28, 2006, 02:50:49 PM

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really it isnt that good, dont look forward to it too much or you will be disapointed as it is mostly cardboard cut outs with targets stuck to them. The shooting is fun though


Really well for some people that is enough and after all that is the whole idea behind the attraction.  Also theres some great animatronics in it and the shooting is great fun hence the whole idea of the attraction.  Have fun blasting to save the toy universe :wink: .

Lightning McQueen

I had lots of fun blasting the baddies and got 314,600 which isn't bad for a first attempt.The targets might not all be high-tech but this doesn't take away from the excitement,it was a good move to open a ride where the visitors can be active. =D>
Lightning McQueen


I got on Laser Blast quite a bit more this trip.  The first few days it had 80minute waits, but then the last two days it was just 5min or even 2min all day!

Top score was 515,400 which made me very happy.  What I loved though was that with each ride my score increased.  I don't know how they designed it so you get a bit better each time, but it's very cool. I've maybe done it 15-20 times now, so with about 15 more I should theoretically be getting 999,999 :lol:

I have to admit - Laser Blast is the best thing they've ever added to the park.  Far better than Indy, HISTA and Space Mountain... it might not be a more artistic or expensive attraction, but in terms of satisfaction it's going to stay top for years. :)


it does not satisfy me :lol: , I can never get over 79,800, suppose I need to ride it more then, but 79, 800 is mny latest highest score, I'm just rubbish, maybe I should not have spent the last section bored shooting my sister in her head she was annoying me :lol: .


Updated the first topic with a list of all the top scores.


Oooo good idea!  (Mainly because I managed to come third :P)


On my last visit I got about 630,000. I loved it when the ride suddenly stopped for five minutes :lol:


I havnt been on the pairs one yet, so hoping to get on the DLRP magic scoreboard when i return with my score .  :)


I dont know how anyone can slate buzz lightyears lazerblast,it is a very cool ride! when we were at dlrp at christmas we went on it everyday,purely for my daughters benifit obviousley lol,and loved it every time.with my parents there too there were three generations of our family on it,and it was hard to know who enjoyed it more,my three year old or my dad who's 57.toy story is the favorite film in our house so getting a chance to blast zurg was great,and my daughter even managed to beat me once!!!my daughter has already decided thay when we go in may we are going to ride lazerblast every day at least once,so hopefully my score will go up from my present pb of 108000.i dont think thats too bad considering i was taking pictures at the same time and helping my daughter. excuses,excuses!!! :roll:


222.000 or something.
I've got photo proof, i bought the photo @ Disney, very "intens" pic that is  :P
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


we bought our photos too,but they arent always dads photo said hed scored 210,000!! lol,he didnt have his glasses on and could barely see the aliens let alone the targets! he actually scored 53,000,so make sure you check your score before you get out of the cart. :D


Oh me and my husband we just love the ride. It's so cool and it makes so much fun. On our first ride my husband shooted with two guns, because he was alone in the buggie. He made a score of 50,000 and 70,000.
On our second ride he scored 153,000 and I scored 19,500.
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"


my top score is 613.700
Shareholder TWDC & EDASCA


dont know if im posting on the right board but is this ride for like 2 people so if 3 of you went you'd have to go in a 2 and a 1?