Thierry Marx reinvents outdoor vending treats

Started by Anthony, October 17, 2009, 10:15:39 PM

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no they dont they were just there in Belles village, with a small price tag, i was dissapointed to  say the least  :(


Yes, in truth I'd almost expect him to be stood there in the stall making it and handing it over to you for that price... €5 should probably have been the upper limit.

It'll be interesting to see if they actually sell. Smurfy74, were many other people buying them?


That does seem ridiculously priced, is there not even a muti buy option. To be fair would a Foreign guest outside of france have even heard of the chef, I could imagine some chefs carrying a  premium that I would pay but I have never even heard of this guy.
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There werent any multi buys and no one else bought them when we were there but in fairness there werent any toffee apple ones left so some one must have done but 3 for €21 with the current exchange rate was a lot so we wont be buying any next week when we return.


I had one of the cookies on a stick for €7 last week.    

Not sure why they put it on a stick as almost the first thing it tried to on biting into it was fall off.    Luckly I caught it.

As for it's size - I'd wouldn't have said the one I had was small - much bigger than a Babybel.   It was a fair size for a cookie - think Doughnut size.

Disneyland Paris Treasures

So there is no sign, no label or badge, no info on the price tag whatsoever that these snacks are in any way special (aside from the "special" price) ??

I also did not know Thierry Marx, but if somewhere were written "Designed by famous chef Thierry Marx" or something like that, I would understand that something must be special about these treats, even if I don't know the man himself. And maybe I would get curious and try one. And for sure I would see more sense in the exorbitant price.


Just looked him up, sounds a like a French version of Heston Blumenthal.. I wonder who came first , there really isn't room for two chefs doing this type of stuff without one being called a food plagarist. They both have the same number of Michelin Stars.
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Hi All,

I realise these were originally promoted/intended for the 2009 Christmas season, but is there any chance that these products are still available?.




dont think so but there are new buzz lightyear eclairs

if you are a fan of disneyland paris on facebook the have the story

heres a link to the pics ... 870&ref=mf


Just saw these. I can see my 7 year old wanting one, picking off the Buzz topping and leaving the pastry! :lol:

I'm wondering if they will market them more with Christophe Michalaks name appearing on the menus as they are being sold in restaurants as a dessert rather than as a snack

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