Unwanted vendors on the Resort Hub

Started by Joseph Carter, April 26, 2009, 04:53:35 PM

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Joseph Carter

I havent beeen to dlp for a couple of years and was wondering if there are still the creepy people around the resort hub and train station who try and take your picture and hassle you to buy there rubbish?? It really put a damper on the magic when we arrived last time???
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Quote from: "Joseph Carter"I havent beeen to dlp for a couple of years and was wondering if there are still the creepy people around the resort hub and train station who try and take your picture and hassle you to buy there rubbish?? It really put a damper on the magic when we arrived last time???

Well there's still plenty of people trying to sell the odd thing or two.......like silly little barking dogs etc :|  but I wouldn't have thought of them being scary, not to me anyhow :) I actually find them quite entertaining really........part of the atmosphere if you like =D>

Epcot_Boy :ears:



There were a couple of men there at Easter, who were setting up to take photos, but they didn't bother us, and were easy to avoid.
[size=85]1972 - Disneyland; 1974 - WDW; 1988 - Disneyland; 1996 - Disneyland; 1998 - Disneyland; 2000 - Disneyland; 2003 - WDW (Coronado Springs & Grosvenor Resort); 2009 - DLP (Newport Bay Club); October 2010 - DLP (Sequoia Lodge); October 2014 (Disneyland Hotel); September 2015 (Sequoia Lodge); March 2017 (Sequoia Lodge GF)


Last time I was there I had one of those guys approach me saying, "I take a photo of your beautiful daughter, for a small price", yet I had my camera around my neck right in front of me in full view of him..   #-o  :roll:

I don't have to tell you what my reply was..  :mrgreen:

The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "Epcot_Boy"Well there's still plenty of people trying to sell the odd thing or two.......like silly little barking dogs etc :|  

It is always so tempting to see how far I could boot one of those things :lol: Every time they stray off into the path in front of me, temptation starts nagging away at the back of my mind :P


QuoteIt is always so tempting to see how far I could boot one of those things  Every time they stray off into the path in front of me, temptation starts nagging away at the back of my mind

im glad its not only me that thinks that


I dunno who would buy those Devil Dogs, they are horrible and freaky looking.

This is a disadvantage of Disney not being in charge of that piece of land.


If they ever approach me , I always ask them if they work for Disney !! They always look a bit worried and leave really quickly !!! :D


Sadly the area they are in is not owned by Disney nor can they do anything about it, and even more sadly someone must be buying from them or they wouldn't be there...

For those of you with facebook.

August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


well, I am also kind "scared" by these people, esp. since I have witnessed a scene with the police and one of these guys...

It's those stupid dogs that attract the children; I can imagine that my kids would want one of them too, if they saw them.

on the other side I also do understand them in a way; I am sure it wasn't their first choice of what they would like to work; at least they try to gain some income.

it's just a very brusque "welcome back to reality" when you leave the park...

March 1995 - Walt Disney World Florida


they usually back off with a simple "non merci" but i did have one guy pestering to draw my picture once, dad got pretty angry lol. I find the laser pens most annoying, why do they think shining them in my eyes will make me want one?

ford prefect

Quote from: "smurfy74"
QuoteIt is always so tempting to see how far I could boot one of those things  Every time they stray off into the path in front of me, temptation starts nagging away at the back of my mind

im glad its not only me that thinks that

I am embarrassad to admit that I gave one a quick kick with the side of my shoe.  It was heading right in the crowd of people exiting the parks towards the buses, so I kicked it towards the train station were there wasn't anybody walking.

It travalled a fair distance and caused much shouting. :oops:
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!


I've only ever been approached once, and that was by an old woman.

There were more than I've ever seen before at the start of April, and getting very close to the Disney Village entrance, just a couple of metres away. As you stepped out, the entire path was blocked. The problem certainly isn't getting any better.

Wouldn't a good temporary solution for Disney be to just put very clear signs around there saying something like "Any vendors in this area are not connected with or condoned by Disney"? If they stop making money there, they'll clear off and continue to ruin the area around places like the Eiffel Tower instead.

Moved this to Resort forum.


i don't think theyre "scary" as such..annoying, yeah maybe.

when we were there i seen them trying to sell some little moving dog toys in the evenings. in the mornings it was usually the guys trying to take photographs, like another user i had a camera hanging from my shoulder, why would i want to pay for something i can do for free myself! but once we said we did not want the photograph they walked away.


Quote from: "ford prefect"I am embarrassad to admit that I gave one a quick kick with the side of my shoe.  It was heading right in the crowd of people exiting the parks towards the buses, so I kicked it towards the train station were there wasn't anybody walking.

It travalled a fair distance and caused much shouting. :oops:

Haha. Might be more action than those dogs had seen all day — I don't think they're selling like hot cakes.

Quote from: "awaywego"i don't think theyre "scary" as such..annoying, yeah maybe.

Yeah, "scary" might be pushing it.

But I presume the station and the space surrounding it are operated by SNCF? Don't they have a policy for vending?