More Toons or Enough?

Started by davewasbaloo, April 08, 2009, 09:41:58 PM

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Are Disney relying on too many toons

Yes, I really wish the toons never existed
0 (0%)
Yes, I think the toons are being overused, I used to like them
8 (19%)
Yes, they could mix it up a little more
9 (21.4%)
Hmmm, I have fun no matter
12 (28.6%)
No, I quite like the toons, but understand those annoyed
5 (11.9%)
No, I like the toons, what\'s the problem
6 (14.3%)
Give me more toons, it\'s all about the toons baby!!!
2 (4.8%)

Total Members Voted: 42

Voting closed: April 08, 2009, 09:41:58 PM


Let's do a tally of stuff recently opened or due to open - toon 53 and non 10 (even when DLP opened, the only toon attractions in Disney's 4 resorts lived in Fantasyland or Splash Mountain):

DLP: Toons 12, Non 2
Woody's Roundup
Mickey show on stage
Stitch thing
Playhouse Disney (for the record I kind of like and feel is appropriate)
Stitch Live
Crush Coaster
Toy Story Area
Mickey in Buffalo Bills
Toonvasion of the Lucky Nugget
SM MIssion 2 (not as good as the original either)
Princess meal at Auberge

DL (the original) Toons: 20, non 1
The BBQ restaurant with show (toon)
Nemo Subs
Pirate's Island (not toons, but still synergy)
IASW upgrade starring the toons
Princess Fairy Faire
Pixie Hollow
Redline Trolly
Monsters Inc (cool ride though it is)
Turtle Talk with Crush
Little Mermaid Attraction
World of Colour
Toy Story Mania
Goofy Coaster
Silly Symphony Swings
Mickey on the Sunwheel
Carsland (4 attractions, though they look like fun, they didn't have to be toonified)
Tarzan Tree House

WDW: Toons 12, non 4
Pooh Playground
Characters in the castle restaurant
Stitch Encounter
Rumoured new character attractions for the MK
The Seas with Nemo and Friends
Mission Space
Princesses at Akershus
Kim Possible Adventure
Toy Story Mania
Lights Motors Action (though Herbie is in it will count non toon)
Expedition Everest
Nemo musical
Character meal at Tusker House

TDL: 5 toon, 1 non
Monsters Inc
World of Colour
Turtle Talk with Crush
Toy Story Mania

HKDL toon 4 non, 2 not
Stitch Live
IASW with toons
Drawn to Animation
Mickey's House
Spaceship Fountains (very toony)

Now considering before 1989, the only toon attractions were in Fantasyland DL, MK and TDL. Then Splash Mountain opened. Epcot had no toons other than meet and greets (and was awesome) In 1992, DLP opened with all the toons in Fantasyland also (the way I like it). But Toontown opened in DL, spreading toons further. And now they have taken over the place.

Bear in mind I have been a fan of the Disney THEME PARK experience since 1974, this is why I really hate what is happening. Nothing against the toons on their own, but when you look at this trajectory, it is rediculous IMHO.

Hopefully now you can see why some of us are really grumpy about this stuff.

And how many of those toon attractions are of the quality of PotC, PM, BTMRR or IASW? A few, but not many.
since 2001 (many before that)


I used to like them
since 2001 (many before that)


so what your trying to say is there is too much toons around the park . I'll give you a clue: Disney = TOONS !

Kids come to the parks because there is rides , magic . But there has to be toon characters . Without the toon characters it just wouldn't be Disney . I mean it would be a park , but the characters add the extra disney  .
I want your love and i want your revenge you and me could write a bad romance

Don\'t call my name , don\'t call my name , Alejandro


I used to like them when they weren't so in-your-face. Now the toons are just annoying.

One of my favourite examples of attraction toonification is Toy Story Midway Mania at DCA. I think the whole idea of an interactive shoot em' up midway games attraction was fantastic, but they ruined it by throwing Toy Story on the end. Were the toons really needed? I'm sure the attraction would have done fine without them.


Quote from: "15yearsofMagic2008"so what your trying to say is there is too much toons around the park . I'll give you a clue: Disney = TOONS !

Disney also equals Imagineering ;)  There is far more to Disney Parks that just Mickey Mouse and co.  Look at Big Thunder Mountain, Phantom Manor, Space Mountain, POTC, Tower of Terror etc...  Any of these contain toons?

Also you talk about the magic of Disney Parks, look at all the Disney Park lands, nearly all of their main theming has no toons involved at all (i'm excluding Toon Town and Town Studio of course ;) ) and there's still the magic.  Toon's isn't everything, although it does play a big part there is a lot more to Disney than toons.

Anyway in answer to the question i've chosen the second option (can't remember exactly what it says) because i'm not 100% against the toons (i'm still very much looking forward to the "dreaded" TSPL :lol: ) but i do feel a lot of the Imagineering side of Disney has gone, which really does needs to come back [-o<
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
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Disney's joker against the rest of the world's Theme Parks are their proper (Also known as popular film characters). Give any Theme Park in the world the option for the copyright of any Disney character and they will bite your hand off.

* The next few big Disney attractions (Carsland, Little Mermaid and Ratatouille) are all toons based but they are going to be epic attractions and people will flock to the parks for them.
* Universal are adding Harry Potter (another film character) and people will flock to the park for it.
* Drayton Manor added Thomas Land in 2008 (More characters) and peopple flocked to the park for it (The most popular Theme Park addition in 2008).
* Thorpe Park added SAW: The Ride and many people flocked to it.

Its not a coincidence that all these additions are character-based and are very popular, its what the punters want.


I just have fun no matter what...just the smell and feel of Disney makes me smile  :mrgreen:

But I can totally understand why people aren't very happy because the quality of some of the rides is pretty bad.
I think that if they were to bring out some toon rides that are amazing like POTC or BTM then a lot of views will change.
Just that one ride that really makes everyone go  :o  :o  :o  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen: *then fall to the floor with awe*
"I could be the Alice to your Wonderland"


Hmm, I have no particular problem with the toons per se, however I do think that when Disney come up with an idea that's a bit mediocre they just say "Oh we'll throw a toon in there and that'll make it OK!" Well, in a word (or three! ;)), no it won't. I do think attraction quality has diminished slightly over the last 10 years or so, with the odd glittering exception (i.e. DLRP's 15th anniversary celebrations). In my humble opinion the Imagineers need to go back to what made Disney great in the first place, not being afraid to push boundaries and trying something that while deemed a little "out there" by some, just seems to work "because it's Disney". While the toons may be what drags in the masses, the die-hard Disney fans need to see something of the old Disney, the one that would constantly change and evolve. I have to say I don't see that much at the moment.

That said, and I'm probably going to contradict myself here, to me Disney is still Disney, it's what I grew up with and what shaped my childhood, so toons all over the place or not, I'm still going to enjoy myself whenever I go to a Disney park because it's a truly nostalgic experience for me, and I still feel like I'm 6 years old again whenever I'm there. The only "toon makeover" that truly bothered me was IASW (don't even get me started!) as I felt the message of the ride was undermined by the fact they shoved Disney characters all over the place, but I think that's a debate for another day... ;) So, while I understand everyone who's annoyed by the toons invading, it doesn't particularly bother me, and hey, if that means a Little Mermaid ride may come our way at some point, then they're certainly alright in my book! ;)



For those that think it's about the toons, let's do a DLP opening day attraction tally with a T next to the toons.

Toons 10 Not 28 (perfect ratio IMHO)
MS Vehicles
MS Motors
Discovery Arcade
Liberty Arcade
Fort Comstock
Lucky Nugget Review
Big Thunder Mountain RR
Phantom Manor
Mark Twain
Molly Brown
Keel Boats
Native American crafts
Indian War canoes
Cottonwood Creek Ranch petting zoo
Swiss Family Robinson Tree House
Adventureland Bazaar
Adventure Isle (slight ref with the pirate ship and skull rock)
Peter Pan (T)
Pinocchio (T)
Snow White (T)
Chateau (T)
Labrynth (T)
Dumbo (T)
Teacups (T)
Le Visionarium
Videopolis showing Roc Shoc
Star Tours
Captain Eo
WWOD Parade (T)
Fireworks (T)

And that was it, a much more acceptable level. and the 1st few years coolest additions were not toon related either except Storybookland (Space Mountain, Nautilus, Indy)
since 2001 (many before that)


Just thought I'd point out that an attraction doesn't have to be a huge e-ticket to tick all those "Disney quality" boxes. Take a look at the Enchanted Tiki Room at the original Disneyland - it's only a simple room with some animatronics, but it's still an absolutely fantastic attraction. :wink: More attractions like this would be great!

Quote from: "Willow"Its not a coincidence that all these additions are character-based and are very popular, its what the punters want.
Not true. Tower Of Terror (an immersive, highly themed, non-toon-based attraction) attracted the more people than ever to DLRP. Also, most of DLRP's most popular attractions aren't based on toons (ToT, Pirates, Phantom Manor, Big Thunder, IASW, Space Mountain, RnRC).


This is getting rather boring now.

OK you hate Toons, we get it BUT moaning about it isnt going to change a thing.  Like i have said to you many times before, things change they have to.  I am not fussed either way, i enjoy seeing the toons and the magic they bring to the kids etc.  

You should be lucky that you have been able to visit DLRP etc so often there are many families out there that won't get that chance.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Quote from: "littlemermaid83"This is getting rather boring now.
Toons are getting boring. We're actually trying to do something by spreading the word! :wink:

Quote from: "littlemermaid83"You should be lucky that you have been able to visit DLRP etc so often there are many families out there that won't get that chance.
Davewasbaloo is just upset that Disney has changed so drastically and rapidly in the last few years. To him, seeing Disney parks go this way is like seeing a close member dying. Please try to be a little more thoughtful, instead of having an attitude of 'oh this is boring, I'm not listening to you'. :)


Quote from: "RnRCj"
Quote from: "littlemermaid83"This is getting rather boring now.
Toons are getting boring. We're actually trying to do something by spreading the word! :wink:

Quote from: "littlemermaid83"You should be lucky that you have been able to visit DLRP etc so often there are many families out there that won't get that chance.
Davewasbaloo is just upset that Disney has changed so drastically and rapidly in the last few years. To him, seeing Disney parks go this way is like seeing a close member dying. Please try to be a little more thoughtful, instead of having an attitude of 'oh this is boring, I'm not listening to you'. :)

I have been listening to him for months, moaning and moaning.  It is getting boring. If he hates what is happening to DLRP then I don't know why he bothers going.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


@ littlemermaid -  i think youre being a bit rude, i dont agree with davewasbaloo all the time but he has a valid point and he has opened a topic about it in the disneyland park section which is the part of the resort that means so much to so many fans. He isnt the only one that thinks the toons are taking over, im not one of them but I can see it from his point of view, it something which he is passionate about, and I admire him for that. If everyone jumped and said everything the company did all the time was great then it would be a boring place. The toons are great and i enjoy them, just the wow experiences from the park (s) tend to come from non toon attractions. Daves point is factual and looking at the rumours for the upcoming attractions they are nearly all toon based but going in either toon studio or fantasyland and for me thats exactly where they should be. Please be considerate to others viewpoints, but by all means dont agree unless you believe they are right but on the other hand have a articulate response if you disagree.


Quote from: "littlemermaid83"If he hates what is happening to DLRP then I don't know why he bothers going.
Probably because there are still some great environments and attractions to enjoy, eg. Big Thunder, Pirates, Phantom etc. :) But attractions like those are fading out. All we're getting now is toon based attractions, and almost nothing else. That's the big problem.