Fire at roof of Rock 'n' RollerCoaster.

Started by MagicKenny, April 01, 2009, 07:03:37 PM

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Today, there was a fire in Rock 'n' RollerCoaster in Walt Disney Studio's Park.
QuoteIncendie dans une attraction de Disneyland Paris
INFO LE PARISIEN/AUJOURD'HUI EN FRANCE. Ce matin, un incendie s'est déclaré sur le toit du Rock'n'Roller Coaster, une attraction du Parc 2 de Disneyland Paris, le Walt Disney Studios, à Chessy (Seine-et-Marne). Il s'agit d'un train qui propulse ses voyageurs de 0 à 100 km/h en moins de trois secondes, enchaînant les virages, les descentes en piqué et les loopings.

Et ce, au rythme du son du groupe de rock Aerosmith. L'origine du sinistre est encore inconnue tout comme l'étendue des dégâts puisqu'à 13 heures, les secours étaient toujours en phase de sécurisation de l'attraction qui a été évacuée dès l'apparition des premières fumées. Le parc n'a pas été fermé. Mais un impressionnant cordon de sécurité formé par les employés de Disney a été mis en place pour contenir le public loin de l'attraction.
src: //

QuoteDébut d'incendie à Disneyland
Un incendie s'est déclaré sur le toit du Rock'n'Roller Coaster, attraction du Parc 2 de Disneyland à Marne-la-Vallée.
Un incident s'est déclaré ce matin dans le deuxième parc d'attraction de Disney, le Walt Disney Studios. Selon le service de presse de Disneyland Paris, le feu a pris sur le toit d'un bâtiment attenant à l'attraction Rock'n'Roller Coaster, non accessible aux visiteurs.  

L'attraction a été immédiatement évacuée dès les premières fumées mais le parc lui n'a pas été fermé.

Aucune victime n'est à déplorer. Les pompiers restent sur place une partie de la nuit pour éviter tout risque de reprise de feu. L'attraction pourrait réouvrir d'ici la fin de la semaine.

Le Rock'n'Roller Coaster est un train atteignant des pointes à 100 km/h en moins  de  trois secondes et enchaînant loopings, virages et descentes sur fond de musique d'Aerosmith.

I actually hope it is a joke for today... if not, then I hope the damage is not that huge... It's one of my favorite attractions!  :cry:

Just keep dreaming, just keep dreaming, what do we do, we dreaaamm


seems odd, no pics and have not seen this on any news sites

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Quote from: "bigrossco"seems odd, no pics and have not seen this on any news sites

 :?  :( ... oller.html


looks like it is true then  :(

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English translations of the articles that MagicKenny posted, just in case any members don't speak the lingo :)

QuoteFire in Disneyland Paris attraction
A fire broke out this morning on the roof of Rock'n'Roller Coaster, an attraction at Walt Disney Studios, Disneyland Paris' second park, in Chessy (Seine-et-Marne). The attraction accelerates from 0 to 100km/h in less than three seconds, followed by sharp turns, steep drops and loops.

This is all done to the music of rock group Aerosmith. At 1pm, the cause of the blaze and the extent of the damage were still unknown, as the emergency services were still in the process of stabilising the attraction, which was evacuated as soon as the first traces of smoke appeared. The park was not closed; however, a safety barrier set up by Disney cast members was put in place to keep guests away from the attraction.

QuoteFire breaks out at Disneyland
A fire has broken out on the roof of Rock'n'Roller Coaster, an attraction at the second Disney park in Marne-la-Vallée.
The incident took place this morning in Walt Disney Studios, the second Disney theme park. According to Disneyland Paris' press office, the roof of a building adjacent to the Rock'n'Roller Coaster attraction caught fire. This building is not accessible to guests.

The attraction was evacuated immediately as soon as smoke appeared, but the park itself remained open.

There were no casualties. The fire service will remain in the park for part of tonight to avoid any risk of the fire restarting. The attraction could reopen by the end of the week.

Rock'n'Roller Coaster can reach speeds of 100km/h in less than three seconds and contains loops, sharp turns and steep drops, all done to the music of Aerosmith.    

If they think it can reopen by the end of the week, here's hoping the damage isn't too bad :)



Thanks for this info!  I was there yesterday when they put the barriers up.  I'd just left RnRC, walked round to ToT to meet my husband & daughter and when we went back it was all blocked off!  :shock:  There was a crowd of people, but no-one knew what was happening!  Let's hope the damage isn't too bad.
Does anyone know how the fire got started yet?


At least no-one was hurt. I hope there isn't too much damage and that it's up and running again soon!


Ironically, one of Johnny Hallyday's songs is called Allumer le Feu, or in English - Light the Fire. :lol:

The damage in RnRC is minimal apparently. The fire mainly damaged the roof of the showbuilding, and not inside.

Should be open again within the next week or two. :)


Some photos of the damage posted by magnyseb on Disney Central Plaza:

The damage was mostly done to the exterior by the looks of things.

I'm wondering where the fire started exactly? It's unclear whether it actually started inside the building or outside. :?


Don't buildings of this size usually have Air-conditioning equiptment of the roof?

An electrical fault could be a possible reason for the fire. Obviously I have no experience with fire investigation so its a totaly guess.


Sorry for my english :roll:   but I try:

Workers of a private enterprise worked on the roof with a grinder. A spark would have set fire to the glaswolle which burned under the iron sheets. There were no big flames in fact.

It is said that the company in question had had no authorization of fire brigades to realize these works.

The attraction has nothing except few water on the floor (and some light effects damaged?!) because of the firemen intervention. Normally It will re open tomorrow according to Neznez DCP who works in RNRC.


Oh dear, well apart from the exterior it sounds as if there was no damage to the inside and i'm glad no-one was hurt because it is one of my favourite rides. Hope it's up and running soon.
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It is not a big incident happily  [-o<  that could have been worse, fire brigades intervened very quickly and succeeded to bring the launchpad very quickly on the roof situated in 35 m of height   =D>


Quote from: "kaysha"Sorry for my english :roll:   but I try:

Workers of a private enterprise worked on the roof with a grinder. A spark would have set fire to the glaswolle which burned under the iron sheets. There were no big flames in fact.

It is said that the company in question had had no authorization of fire brigades to realize these works.

The attraction has nothing except few water on the floor (and some light effects damaged?!) because of the firemen intervention. Normally It will re open tomorrow according to Neznez DCP who works in RNRC.

Thanks for the info kaysha. :wink: So glad the fire didn't occur inside the building!


We were in the park on Wednesday, and my hubby went off to ride the Roller Coaster, only to find that end of the park sealed off - an 'incident' they said - though no one would elaborate.....I envisaged someone having fallen off and they were still scraping the blood up !! but then again I hate roller coasters !!