Pin Trading: Disney Store UK

Started by casschr05, January 22, 2009, 09:28:16 PM

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Well I'll probably cough up the £7 for the up pin.  I'm currently choosing to reserve my judgement until I've actually seen it in person in a store tomorrow.  But I went to see Up in the flicks tonight, and I just loved it as a film.  Although I think I'd rather spend £7 on going to see Up again it was that good!!!


o.o I wasn't getting huffy. I was just worried that you had been charged £7 for those pins when the price has always been £5. That wouldn't have been fair on you at all.


ok Sorry. Yeh I thought that too for a moment while I was sat looking at the wrong backing card lol oh well.

I cant believe, looking back that it was only £5! it seems so rare now that a LE pin is only £5 but I suppose it is to be expected as it takes off in the UK
5th Anniversary - Hotel Santa Fe
Christmas 06 - The Kyraid Hotel (extended vistit <!-- s]

Belle's World

To be honest i am a bit disappointed i was really hoping they would do a Halloween pin or a Christmas pin but not as yet, it's too late for Halloween now but i would have loved a Jack Skeleton pin.



Quote from: "Belle's World"To be honest i am a bit disappointed i was really hoping they would do a Halloween pin or a Christmas pin but not as yet, it's too late for Halloween now but i would have loved a Jack Skeleton pin.


Thats a really good point Belle's world! I never even thought about a halloween pin!! Whoever designs these pins really doesn't aim to make pins people will typically want...unless he thinks people want a lot of Tinkerbell pins!

I was in my local disney store today but unfortunately they hadnt got the new pins out ( i think they were still looking for them on the delivery) so I haven't seen them in person yet. I know clarebelle you were saying that the cap pin will be popular but I really can't see that happening...well definately not in my store over here unless the english fans love it :?

I got the first mickey cartoon pin, although I am not sure if I kinda regret it as its not that great and since pin trading night I really only want to buy the ones I really want.

P.s Nadine (girl in Disney store) if your reading this thanks for offering to look for the pins instore today sorry I didn't get back again later in the afternoon to see if you found them!

Luv Aveen xoxo


Yeah I was thinking that too! It's a shame really, as the Nightmare Before Christmas stuff seems very popular. Fingers crossed for a Christmas pin in December!

I had two really nice visits to the Manchester store today. :) The Manchester store holds a pin trading morning every Saturday when new pins are released (so once every two weeks). I was working today, so I could only pop in before work and again during my lunch. In the morning I ended up buying two of the new Grape pins. Originally I was only buying one (on behalf of my mum), but I ended up buying one for myself just incase I go to another PTN at DLRP. I still think it's a lot to pay for such a plain pin, but there's already 62 people wanting it on PinPics, so maybe it's going to be worth while at some point.

Anyways, that was in the morning. When I came back on my lunch, I chatted with one of my fave Cast Members for a bit about the Up pin that you can get by trading in Vue cinema tickets. Soon after, I was approached by a lovely lady named Elaine. :o I met Elaine on FaceBook (she's part of the same pin trading groups as me), and she recognised me in the store today. We traded pins together and chatted, and she showed me a bunch of her keeper pins that she had on lanyards. :D It was really nice to trade with another guest for a change rather than a Cast Member, and it was really nice to see her pin collection.

Unfortunatly I had to leave soon after as my lunch only lasts 30 minutes! :P But yes, I was so glad I got to meet Elaine in person. She had just finished work when she came to visit the Disney Store, so we're hoping that both of us will have the day off next time they do a pin trading morning so we can trade pins again!


Quote from: "Masamune"Yeah I was thinking that too! It's a shame really, as the Nightmare Before Christmas stuff seems very popular. Fingers crossed for a Christmas pin in December!

I had two really nice visits to the Manchester store today. :) The Manchester store holds a pin trading morning every Saturday when new pins are released (so once every two weeks). I was working today, so I could only pop in before work and again during my lunch. In the morning I ended up buying two of the new Grape pins. Originally I was only buying one (on behalf of my mum), but I ended up buying one for myself just incase I go to another PTN at DLRP. I still think it's a lot to pay for such a plain pin, but there's already 62 people wanting it on PinPics, so maybe it's going to be worth while at some point.

Anyways, that was in the morning. When I came back on my lunch, I chatted with one of my fave Cast Members for a bit about the Up pin that you can get by trading in Vue cinema tickets. Soon after, I was approached by a lovely lady named Elaine. :o I met Elaine on FaceBook (she's part of the same pin trading groups as me), and she recognised me in the store today. We traded pins together and chatted, and she showed me a bunch of her keeper pins that she had on lanyards. :D It was really nice to trade with another guest for a change rather than a Cast Member, and it was really nice to see her pin collection.

Unfortunatly I had to leave soon after as my lunch only lasts 30 minutes! :P But yes, I was so glad I got to meet Elaine in person. She had just finished work when she came to visit the Disney Store, so we're hoping that both of us will have the day off next time they do a pin trading morning so we can trade pins again!

aw that is soo cool!! :D  hehe, I love when you get to meet and talk to other disney fans! :D Hehe so you gave in with the grape pin! is it any nicer in real life? I still don't think I am going to buy it. My "local" (an hour away) disney store was sooo busy today it was unreal, the manager girl was saying that that is probably going to be the way it will be up until christmas.. I hate trying to get around the disney store at christmas lol! I think I will be just going to the online store lol :wink:
Luv Aveen xoxo


:) Yeah, she was really nice, so I hope to see her in the Disney Store again.

I have to admit, the Grape pin is nicer IRL than it is on the site. I've only bought it to trade or sell, so I have no intention of keeping it. :P The Cast Members today said it would be a good investment.


Quote from: "Masamune" :) Yeah, she was really nice, so I hope to see her in the Disney Store again.

I have to admit, the Grape pin is nicer IRL than it is on the site. I've only bought it to trade or sell, so I have no intention of keeping it. :P The Cast Members today said it would be a good investment.

lol cool. I don't think I will be saving up any limited editions for trading for a lil while cus I spent a fortune on ones for the pin trading night and like they didn't even seem to want them....although I did get lovely pins with the woman I traded with that night in the shop....although god luv her i think she would have taken anything. she was so lovely! I hope I meet her again in DLP (she works there lol).

Luv Aveen xoxo


I don't think I'll ever be stuck with it. On eBay it seems to be going for around £8-£10. So if worst comes to worst, I'll just get my money back for it by selling it on eBay. :o If it's really going to be as popular as people are making out though, I'd like to keep it for a PTN just incase. We'll see.


you should post a pick of your chessire cat pins! I would love to see them sometime :D

wow its amazing people paying over the price when you can still buy it on the disney store online although I really do think its the £5 postage putting people off!
Luv Aveen xoxo


:shock: Actually, it appears to have sold out already on the website. And there's one going on eBay right now for over £20! :lol: OK, I'm actually glad I bought one now. I'm going to keep hold of it and let it appreciate in value.


It certainly is popular the grape soda pin, I'm not able to get hold of one! My local store has sold out, I went about 3.30ish yesterday afternoon never struggled for an LE in there before even managed to pick up no less than 6 of the recent Lion King pin (traded 2 and have 4 ready to go to a PTN oh and I didn't buy them all on the same day I went back a couple of days in a row)

My only hope now is that Mancehster will still have them left on Thursday when I go there, as its already sold out online.  If I do come across it though I'm definately getting 2 of them there is one on ebay now for £28!!!!!


Quote from: "Eager_Eyes"It certainly is popular the grape soda pin, I'm not able to get hold of one! My local store has sold out, I went about 3.30ish yesterday afternoon never struggled for an LE in there before even managed to pick up no less than 6 of the recent Lion King pin (traded 2 and have 4 ready to go to a PTN oh and I didn't buy them all on the same day I went back a couple of days in a row)

My only hope now is that Mancehster will still have them left on Thursday when I go there, as its already sold out online.  If I do come across it though I'm definately getting 2 of them there is one on ebay now for £28!!!!!

It really is shocking that this pin is so popular! It's not exactly that nice lol!
Luv Aveen xoxo

Belle's World

I have to say i'm really surprised how quickly the grape pin has sold out, i haven't seen the film yet but will do soon but i just can't see why it is so popular esp as it doesn't have a character on. I guess everyone has different tastes.
