NEW Official Website

Started by Anthony, February 10, 2006, 11:00:03 AM

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The Shareholder's AGM is still going on, but they've just announced that they intend to really up their game with the website and other marketing options, showing images from recent email newsletters and this screenshot from the brand new official website, due to launch soon:

Apparently, they've designed it to "meet the demands of guests".  Anything would be better than the current one!  I just hope it's as good as the Disneyland and Walt Disney World ones...


I really do love that swirly design as it reminds me of the Dramatic Disney Sea celebration. It's very tasteful, modern and yet classical at the same time. The screen shot doesn't quite have the "wow" factor, but I'm sure that the actual pages will look cool in the end. Perhaps they are going a little over-the-top with that motif though  :?
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Well it's nice to hear finally a new website coming, it's been a long time hasn't it since the site was actually anywhere near many resort websites qualities.  Shows they must truely be trying now with the new look brochure and all the new look for the site, really Kris does anything not remind you of Tokyo Disney Resort :lol: .


I think the design of that page looks pretty good.  It's nice to have it the same as the brochure, it helps to give an identity/brand to the resort that visitors can recognise easily.  One of the problems with DLRP's advertising is that not only is it a bit rubbish, but they change it too much each time.  Look at the new video trailer on the current website, for example: ... /index.htm  Maybe it's just trying to use POTC 2 to get interest, but the style is totally wrong for DLRP, it's nothing like their new brochure style - people will get confused and it won't be effective.  Oh, and they don't even show the POTC attraction - duh!

Back to the website: It's only the language select page too, so they've got room to impress us on the pages that follow...  :) As a start, though, I think it looks magical, modern and easy-to-use, so it's doing pretty well for me!  :D

The only thing I don't like is how they've incorperated the Earful Tower into the design...


Quote from: "Baloo"Look at the new video trailer on the current website, for example: ... /index.htm  Maybe it's just trying to use POTC 2 to get interest, but the style is totally wrong for DLRP, it's nothing like their new brochure style - people will get confused and it won't be effective. .

What's so wrong about a little change? Why is it totally wrong for DLRP?!?!? I'm actually rather happy it finally isn't some kind of childish commercial again. With children running after a disney character all the time. DLRP should really get rid of that image, that it's only for little kids. This commercial seems so much more focussed on teens and also adults. Finally....!!!

Back on topid again: I like that first shot of the webpage a lot. Looks very nice! Really interested in seeing the rest of their plans.


Quote from: "Jorien"DLRP should really get rid of that image, that it's only for little kids.
Yeah, I totally agree, but I think they went about it the wrong way with that advert.  The way they feature things for all the different age groups in the new official brochure is far better, in my opinion.  It's more professional, more modern and less... crappy looking!  I just don't like that advert at all, sorry!  They've got 30seconds to really sell the resort there, yet they fill it with the same shots we've seen a thousand times before mixed with text stolen from the SM:M2 trailer!  And then - they end it with a series of shots of children!  It's just really mixed up...  I don't like it...  I'm so sorry!!! :lol: *runs and hides*


I have just four words to say when it comes to the new website; it was about time...  :D


Well, I've revived this long-dead topic from the forum's archives to *finally* bring some positive news.  There's a new website!!!  Kindof...

The International version of was updated yesterday.  This is the website for people not in one of the six main countries.


I've also written a little about it here.

We don't yet if this is the final new website, the one that will soon be available for the six main countries, but just a quick look through the pages makes it obvious this is a very complete website if it's just for International visitors.

The design isn't quite as slick as the US sites (a little cluttered and sometimes slow), but the content is a billion times better than the current website, and overall its a huge improvement (though that wouldn't have been hard, eh?)

Thanks to Jakub for letting me know about this!  I never would have thought to look at the Czech Republic site. :)

Edit: I'm quite impressed that each of the restaurants also have their own pages: http://international.entertainment.disn ... ndex.xhtml :)

The Butlin Boy

Very impressive :)


The new FAQ is quite good: ... ndex.xhtml

I especially like when you click "Questions about our Website" and then "Whom can I contact for technical problems"... and then there's a blank box. :lol:

I still dislike the ugly sidebar on some of the pages, it looks very messy.  Navigating through the lands and so on can be a pain sometimes too. I've just been on there for another 20 minutes today, so they've definitely got it sorted content wise, there's so much to look at.

I like the video on the main page too - click the "Discover the resort" bubble tinkerbell makes appear.




Shame the old website is still online, so anyone with ... ?c=uk&l=uk bookmarked still gets the old site.

The new site isn't *that* bad I guess.  It's just slow and the design is sloppy for such a big company. Navigation isn't too fun either.

Ok, ok, I'll stop writing here. Need to stop moaning. :wink:

Oh, and there's no "request brochure" thing apart from ebrochures.


Isn't it so sad how most of these fan sites are better than the official ones?

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At least the DLRP website looks far better than the WDW and TDR one.


I just noticed the language select screen has been updated now.  Looks lovely, far better than what lies beyond...