Fantasyland Expansion Rumours - Little Mermaid and more

Started by Kristof, August 09, 2008, 02:23:54 AM

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-- For discussion of Fantasyland expansion, including possible Fantasy Festival Stage removal, Little Mermaid dark ride, and more...

La Roquine hinted earlier about the destruction of the Fantasy Festival Stage (all the way in the back of Fantasyland, where Winnie the Pooh is currently playing).  All the stage elements, seating area and the glass roof will be removed according to him.  The actual Fantasyland Station will remain unchanged.  

Sounds like this might be part of a bigger idea?

What do you think?


I wonder what they're going to do with it?


Interesting, there is room to tunnel under the tracks and expand into a small area ? that or the stage costs more than it makes ?
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


Maybe a darkride, we can hope right? :mrgreen:


I'd like to think all the above, but remember the rummours and excitement as work started on woody's round up? When is this starting? After the summer?


I would have liked to have been inside the building before they knock it down, if they do.  :roll:

I've passed it enough but it's never been open.  I often wondered what went on in there... :shock:  :shock:

So if it does go, I'll not know what I've missed in there since 2005... :shock:  :roll:


Oh, so do you think they will replace it by something else? I guess I've never seen a show in there, but I can't remember if there was so much space?!  :-k
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
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2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
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2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


What's with all these rumours and "hints" that have been popping up recently? :lol: I don't know what to believe and what not to believe!

If this is true though it doesn't really bother me. I've never really been interested in the Fantasy Festival Stage.


Apparently, the theater isn't up to today's standards in one way or another. Not enough seats? Not up to fire code? I can't remember, but rumors have been flying around as always.

Another rumor was that Storybook Land (let's pretend it's called that for convenience's sake) has a minor traffic flow issue and the pathway underneath the Stage and the Fantasyland Station will at first connect to this part of the park. Eventually, the area behind the station will be home to a new attraction.

But who knows.


Why remove such a beautifull building?  Cant they just retheme the enterance to "Pooh's Hunny Hunt" from Tokyo Disneyland or something?  There seems to be good space behind Peter Pan for the actual ride building.


I have never been in this building, tried to get to one of the Winnie the Pooh shows last year but I was too late so didn't bother going. I hope if it's pulled down that something nice will go in it's place.

Aveen xxx
Luv Aveen xoxo


if they do remove it i hope there is some kind of replacement??
wouldn't an attraction be too small to fit in there?
where would they place another stage to show Winnie the Pooh? or will this go on to the stage to the right of the castle?
Sophie \":nemo:\"
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All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.- Walt Disney


What do i think ?....

Maybe some words from a disney gods website  :wink:

Quote» Imagineers claim in the magazine "Tales from the Laughing Place" that the Matterhorn was once considered for the area behind the station.

Now that would be intresting !  :)

Quote from: "Nicholas-c"Interesting, there is room to tunnel under the tracks and expand into a small area ? that or the stage costs more than it makes ?

Heres your answer nicholas :)

Quote» A tunnel leads underneath the station which was supposed to have given access to an attraction build behind it.



I love the title. "DESTRUCTION!" haha, that's vicious.

But I'm beginning to feel sorry for this little theatre. For years now these rumours of it being demolished keep popping up... the most popular in the past was always that they'd get rid of it and then build a big, proper theatre behind there (like the Storybook Theatre at HKDL) and use the existing tunnel through.

A path between here and Storybookland would be brilliant. Fantasyland lacks those "secondary" paths that Frontierland and Adventureland have... not to mention an extra E-ticket to suck up the crowds. Just imagine the treasures untold that might await... perhaps...?

But how big is the tunnel? It doesn't look very big at all from what you can see on aerial photos. I wonder if they'd have to do major work under the railroad? And what would Fantasyland station look like without the theatre there, would there be big themeing gaps needing to be filled?


So, i just went on google earth and print screened some of fantasyland and backstage.

In red i circled what i thought could be the exspansion area.

And in black i circled buildings or other things behind the station.

Does anybody no what they are ?