Mickey Waves Good Bye

Started by nathan.jackson, July 14, 2008, 10:26:39 AM

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There was a video put up on DLRPMagic.com recently with him waving goodbye to everyone when the park was closing. Does this happen everyday or was this just a one off!

If it is everyday, I have completely missed it the last billion times I have been!  :oops:

evil cod

I believe its everyday, at least over the past year, ive seen him waving goodbye every time ive been.


You know, I've never seen it neither!! I didn't even know they did it until I saw it in a video a few weeks ago...

I really have no idea how I've been doing all these years to miss it everytime!

Disneyland Paris Treasures

During our 5 days stay in february he waved every single evening. But during our stay in May he only waved goodbye on two (maybe three, not sure) of the six days.


YAY! will definately been on the lookout in August!

Thanks peeps :!:

Captain Pan

Mobi that picture is so amazing! Its like Mickey is wishing you well as you leave his home!


Yeah thats a great picture!

Anyone got any more?


These images and videos are from my trip in April, i'm pretty sure he appears everyday!


Captain Pan

Those pictures are so cute... and the video made me giggle and go "Awwww!!"


I didn't see him at all on my trip last September, I do remember seeing something similar in WDW though!



So exactly when does he wave goodbye?

For example, when I go in August, will he be there after the fireworks?


I guess so. I will make sure to check!


Few more!


These are great! So is it just above the entrance to DL park? When you are just about to go through the turnstiles?


ooo wow
i've missed this every time i've been!
next time i'll look for him!  :mrgreen:
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