Euro Disney SCA accused of racism

Started by Kristof, July 18, 2008, 02:05:55 PM

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"SOS Racisme" accuses Euro Disney SCA of racism after they published an advertising in a French newspaper in which they are looking for performers in the parades and shows.  The two conditions were being an adult and having an European nationality.   SOS Racisme considered this as racism and says this is an effort by Euro Disney to discourage people from (North) African origins from applying for the jobs.  
They filed a complained on 12 February 2007.  

Source: Newsparcs through Disney Central Plaza member Zaugra57.

A bit weird news if you ask me, especially since Euro Disney won two major awards in April for being the most diverse company in France.   And have a look around the resort, there are soooo many Cast Members from North African, African and Asian origins and not just in the parks, but also in the spectacles and parades.  

The reason why "European Nationality" is mentioned on those advertisements is because they can only hire people from within Europe, no matter what skin colour they have.

Racism is wrong and should be stopped, but I'm afraid SOS Racisme is misfiring in this case and is losing a lot credibility...


Quote from: "raptor1982"The reason why "European Nationality" is mentioned on those advertisements is because they can only hire people from within Europe, no matter what skin colour they have.

Indeed.... It is not uncommon for companies to select on nationality - take ESA for example. ;) There is a big difference between nationality and race origins, I would say!
You can take the girl out of Scotland, but you can't take Scotland out of the girl.


Quote from: "raptor1982"SOS Racisme considered this as racism and says this is and effort by Euro Disney to discourage people from (North) African origins from applying for the jobs.

If they mean the citizens from the Parisian suburbs with African origins, the I assume they have a European passport aswell? Unless they are illegal ofcourse. Or do I not get the whole picture here?

Pete's Dragon

I think this is a bit OTT. Disney is a respectable company. Is there is some law/policy about Non-EU workers for insurance reasons, or tax reasons ( dunno, thinking out loud ) ?

Would SOS complain if an advert said " Jasmin needed, no whites apply " ?

Rasicm is despicable, but groups and agencies seem too quick these days to label anything as Racist if they look at it from a certain angle.