Disney Village Expansion/Improvements

Started by Kristof, August 21, 2005, 02:18:16 PM

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It looks cheap and tacky-and the fact that the letters stick out-so what? Doesn't make any difference at all really.   :roll:


Quoteso what

Thanks for your honest opinion.


Quote from: "raptor1982"
Quoteso what

Thanks for your honest opinion.

No problem!  :wink:  :lol:


i like disney village how it is! i've been dere 15 times
Where Magic Lives


I hate Disney Village's design, it far too late 80's...

they need to come up with a more timeless design (like the classic design of Downtown Disney @ DLR), because the red/silver pillars and orange roof is soooooooooooooo out-dated
Shareholder TWDC & EDASCA


I agree for a full 100%!!!
In my opinion, I really do miss some GOOD and decent entertainment, and the cosy feel to the Village.  We often wander around in the village, always ending up at billy bob's to at least have some live music, but to my opinion not much is going on at the village.

I'm prepared to pay, but we need more than just a shopping street, really!  Add some palm trees, adjust the lightning and make it feel cosy, remove the ridiculous balloons.

Personally, when they announced the complete overhaul of the village in 2005, and the pillars got removed, I really hoped (and was convinced!!!) that the balloons were just there for a limited period of time, allowing them to continue upgrading thevillage.  Unortunately, not much in my opinion has changed to add to the atmosphere.

At least when the pillars were still in place, we had this great star ceiling with the lights connecting the pillars to each other...

I really do hope that after the many changes in both the MK and the studios, they will finally take some time to rethink where they are heading with the Village.  they realy can't be serious that a ridiculously expensive and not interesting at all game room (NEX) is going to save the village :)

Just my two cents though...
Next visit:
13-14-15 February 2009 - Valentine in DLH Castle Club

Thank you Disney for introducing me to my girlfriend!  Disney truly is magical!!!


Yes true, and Karl Holz also agrees.  When he was appointed as President of Euro Disney SAS, his first decision that day was to remove the pillars.  

Changes are coming, but lets not forget this is a resort in big financial troubles...  First they need to bring in the visitors along with their money, then they can start working on the Disney Village expansion and re-theming.


I will spend money in july or august!
Maybe I can find a can for donations at the villages front gates?
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Hehe the Disney Village relief fund... I'm sure there'll be lots of AP volunteers for it.  :wink:


Quote from: "raptor1982"Yes true, and Karl Holz also agrees.  When he was appointed as President of Euro Disney SAS, his first decision that day was to remove the pillars.
Which is probably not bad, but in my honest and humble opinion, I believe it was better to wait and find the funds first before starting a job that now is only finished for 50%...

I strongly believe the village looked a lot better with the pillars and the stars on the sky than it looks now...

So even though I believe that Karl Holz is doing the right thing, he shouldn't have started it before he was sure he could actually realise the entire plan...

Like for instance - the new esplanade in front of the studios entrance is going to look ten times better than it was, but I believe that the nice stars on the ground really could have stayed there a little longer, and that there were more urgent things to consider (--> The Village!!!)

People (that he needs to bring in the cash) won't see how bad the ground is in front of the studios (I loved it how it was btw!!!), but they certainly notice how plain the village is and that there is no atmosphere (and hence no reason to stay longer and spend more...)

I've been to DLP for dozens of times now, and I love the atmosphere in tghe parks when it's going dark, so I always try and spend a night at one of the hotels.  It wouldn't be the first time though that we felt there was not much we could do at the Village at night though...

Perhaps the suggested musical hall they could add would be a very nice and welcome addition, I believe...  I love the Lion King's musical, and Disney has a lot of similar stuff that they could offer!  Take broadway as an example - they have so many theatres, yet they are all sold out night after night, playing the same musical for years, so I think there definitely is an audience for that!

Bottom line is people want entertainment and to live the atmosphere...  They won't find it in the Village at this time, I'm afraid (who on earth likes going to a big shopping mall to spend their nights!!!)
Next visit:
13-14-15 February 2009 - Valentine in DLH Castle Club

Thank you Disney for introducing me to my girlfriend!  Disney truly is magical!!!


its true, they really need to sort things out when it comes to Disney Village.
I think there is just SO much potential with it, its a great area, theres already alot of good things in place (cafe mickey, annete's, kind ludwigs, and an area for a stage) so why not build on that and make use of the stage. i remember when i was younger there were always shows going on, even if they were random french ones, but now it just seems bare.
The Village should be moving in the same direction as the parks are with 15th anniversary celebrations! its a perfect time to really restore it!
the star ceiling shud be put back in place, a new stage erected, shows brought in to entertain people, and lighting added to make the place feel exciting and welcoming
whatever happened to the plans for the chinese retaurant, and the italian one replacing the sports bar? they were banded around 2 years ago now!
come on disney village!
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What´s going on at the Disney Store at the Village?

dlp.info wrote:

QuoteSince its early days as "Festival Disney" today's Disney Village has undergone many changes - not the least of them cosmetic in an attempt to improve the atmosphere. Just think of all the colorful balloons added in the last year. But not all of the steps are non-controversial. The change of the shop "Team Mickey" to "Disney Clothes" bare of the unique sport themeing of the early years has often been cited by fans as example of a doubtful "improvement" - even so the facade got a fresh paint job in the recent weeks together with the adjacent sections of the building.
But now the crews have arrived at the huge Disney Store - and have taken down the large train station themed marquees above the two entrances toward the main street of the Disney Village. At this point it is not known what kind of replacement will be installed and whether the change on the outside will have any influence on the decorations inside the store. Afterall the train circeling along the outerwalls of the main shoping area was only returned to function a bit more than a year ago.

Pics from the site:

 :arrow: //http://www.dlp.info/Guide/News-And-Rumours/Current-News-and-Rumours.asp?newsnr=451#451

Do somebody know more about it? Is the concept changing or get it just a new colour?
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Correction; Sorry, ive never really explored Disney village much just Mc Donalds area and Cafe Mickey Area. I thought it was new, but i hope it doesnt go its really nice.



Erm just to let you know that facade has been on that wall for many years already, probably since 1992, not really new is it :wink: .  He basically asks the question whether that facade will remain, I personally hope it will, it's definately one of the nicest things in the village now.


Besides, it features the only one-eyed Mickey in the whole resort!!  :wink: