Disney Village Expansion/Improvements

Started by Kristof, August 21, 2005, 02:18:16 PM

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It depends whether there's still enough custom for it after Buffalo Bills.  Also, the future plans (back on page 6 or so I think) don't seem to show any kind of new arena/theatre space in particular, just a large conjoined building around the whole massive Gaumont/Ludwigs/McDonalds area.

But then... what about Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show?  It can't run forever... or can it?  It still seems to be very popular - maybe they should think about another evening or dinner show?


The masterpieces of art continue:

More: http://joel.at.dlp.online.fr/dlp/20070123/

At least they finally changed the name.


Very nice to see it actually has a new name, though they could have at least changed the balls for something else :lol: .  I really like the green for some reason.


Quote from: "PATMAGIC"Very nice to see it actually has a new name, though they could have at least changed the balls for something else :lol:
Haha true - they even went to the trouble of painting them silver...  But yes, the mint green is actually quite nice.  Reminds me a bit of Disney Vault 28.

I wonder, though, what made them choose orange for the sign?  And that font for "fashion"?  The word Disney looks strange too, it looks like a fake rip-of brand from a market stall.  I'd half expect it to say "Diznee" instead.

It's even more of a shame considering they already have a very very nice Disney Fashion logo scattered around inside:

And http://joel.serre.online.fr/dlp/20040316/DSC00968.JPG

Would have looked nice with the green too.


The green looks good, true. BUT the sign itself looks pretty cheap in my opinion. They can do better.  :?


Quote from: "Reiana"The green looks good, true. BUT the sign itself looks pretty cheap in my opinion. They can do better.  :?

the sign looks kinda outof place, but the green is nice, that's just a really the disney land color if you ask me, I mean around the entire resort you see that sort of colour alot, or am
I going crazy?
"Cause I found some kind of fairy...tale"


I actually think the orange suits the design. It may look a bit bold considering the minty-green background, but it is very eye-grabbing! At least the shade sort of compliments the green too. The new DV is all about vibrancy and the variety of colours, so I think it fits really.

As for the "Disney" font, I'm unsure what the fuss is all about lol. From this angle it looks a bit crushed, but that's all that I notice. The sign is quite simple, minimalistic if you will, but at least it's smart and modern.

Overall it's a very tasteful makeover, although those balls mean nothing now LOL.
Grab a balloon, come on let\'s go!


Its the whole name of the shop to be honest! I mean "disney fashion", whats that all about.??

That makes it appear cheap and tacky and like some cheap market stall. Think of the Down Town Disney and the thought and themeing that goes into the shops, then look at that photo......

It does not mean they need to spend money, just use a little imagination!


Quote from: "penfold12"It does not mean they need to spend money, just use a little imagination!

I totally agree with your post penfold! Especially the last sentence. The green looks quite good to be honest, but the sign of Disney Fashion itself is simply awful. Anyone with a sense of taste and imagination could have done better for the same amount of money. And thats the worst insult you can make to an Imagineer in my humble opinion.  :?


Quote from: "Maarten"
Quote from: "penfold12"It does not mean they need to spend money, just use a little imagination!
I totally agree with your post penfold! Especially the last sentence. The green looks quite good to be honest, but the sign of Disney Fashion itself is simply awful. Anyone with a sense of taste and imagination could have done better for the same amount of money. And thats the worst insult you can make to an Imagineer in my humble opinion.  :?
Exactly. =D> This is the upsetting thing - they're repainting the stores, they're adding new signs - they obviously have some money to spend, yet they're just doing this!!

I think a better name for the shop could have been something like "Mode Disney", something a bit more French... Paris is meant to be fashionable afterall right?

The shop looks like a tribute to Disney's Ugly Betty... :lol:



Quote from: "Baloo"The shop looks like a tribute to Disney's Ugly Betty... :lol:

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I agree about the orange sign, my grandma's 1960's typewriter has better fonts then the one they've used. Orange signs are for made for SOLDEN, BIG SALE, ALL HALF PRICES HERE signs....not for the expensive Disney clothing. (at least IMHO)

GJ :)


About the colours & the sign; it looks sooo much better than on J°o°el's photos!  The letters on the sign are actually sticking out.


Im not usualy this easily convinced, but after looking at the photo from the side angle it looks good! Or maybe im just getting used to the sign lol


ok it is Disney Fashion... What the hell are soccer balls and sports flags are doing over its entrance?...

Lame overall theme...
Hug it out bitch !


Quote from: "raptor1982"The letters on the sign are actually sticking out.
When you're saying this, you know Disney Village needs help... :wink: