Walt Disney Studios Park Crowds !

Started by Owain, March 13, 2008, 09:22:34 AM

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Quote from: "Malin"I think DLRP may need to have a look at show times and crowd patterns now that TOT and Stitch Live have opened.

Very good point Malin, I never thought of that before. Especially the showtimes of Moteurs... Action! are important since the show can host up to 5000 people like you mentioned. By the way, last time I went to the park, all shows (Animagique, Cinemagique and Moteurs) didn't perform after about 16h/4pm... Wouldn't it be a wise move to shift the showtimes to a later time so more guests will be forced stay longer at the park? Or did they already adress this issue?


i just hope when i go is when no one else wants to go to studios :P
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


Quote from: "Maarten"
Quote from: "Malin"I think DLRP may need to have a look at show times and crowd patterns now that TOT and Stitch Live have opened.

By the way, last time I went to the park, all shows (Animagique, Cinemagique and Moteurs) didn't perform after about 16h/4pm... Wouldn't it be a wise move to shift the showtimes to a later time so more guests will be forced stay longer at the park? Or did they already adress this issue?

This too is a good point Maarten, if Management expect guest to stay longer it needs to give them more to do. Holding later performances of shows like Cinemagique would keep some occupied. I don't think the Studios has enough attractions to keep guest entertained enough so that guest would leave at 9.00pm. So later performances of Cinemagique and Animagique maybe required.


Yes they should really have a look at these things. I remember last time it was a very rush-race to get all shows and all new attractions. Maybe they could also cancel the moteurs-show in the early morning to have a performance late in the noon.
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It's clear that the rides and attractions that opened last year and the official opening on ToT this year are having a big impact on the Studios. If the management haven't thought about the "ebb and flow" of the guests before, they are certainly going to have to soon! At least with the shows, particularly the Stunt Show, they do have the opportunity to control to some extent, the circulation of the guests.

When we were there in early January, it was always worth getting into a restaurant before the Stunt Show or parade finished!

With all that's happening in the Studios, it's no longer a matter of just staying in for a few hours once or twice during your stay. The studios are fast becoming a place where you could easily spend the whole day, which they were not when they first opened.

They also help attract to DLRP, those who might (wrongly) consider that Disneyland is just for little kids! I think that DLRP should be very proud of what they have achieved in 15 years, especially in the face of some nasty criticism and the financial situation.


yes a true word! That´s really much!

Just can hope that they get this growds controlled till summer :D I mean its now not that what I would call one of the main seasons for the park. It´s wonderful that they have this crowds now!  :D/  :D/  :D/ But they must reengineer the crowd control a bit for this reasons
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...the DPG is watching U...


This is kind of why I think the TOT was built in the wrong location. Because of its location this is the first attraction people are going to run to each day, because its new. Thats not going to help the flow of the crowd either. Stitch Live is also new and quite near the entrance which is going to cause a flow of guest heading here first too. Unless people want to ride RNRC or Armegeddon, why else would you venture into this area of the park. Holding the first showing of the Stunt Show at 10.30 for instance could change this. But I have confidence Management and the park ops Cast Members will review this soon.


Quote from: "Malin"This is kind of why I think the TOT was built in the wrong location. Because of its location this is the first attraction people are going to run to each day, because its new. Thats not going to help the flow of the crowd either. Stitch Live is also new and quite near the entrance which is going to cause a flow of guest heading here first too. Unless people want to ride RNRC or Armegeddon, why else would you venture into this area of the park. Holding the first showing of the Stunt Show at 10.30 for instance could change this. But I have confidence Management and the park ops Cast Members will review this soon.

At the WDS, everything is near the entrance.


Quote from: "pussinboots"At the WDS, everything is near the entrance.

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Quote from: "Malin"This is kind of why I think the TOT was built in the wrong location. Because of its location this is the first attraction people are going to run to each day, because its new. Thats not going to help the flow of the crowd either. Stitch Live is also new and quite near the entrance which is going to cause a flow of guest heading here first too. Unless people want to ride RNRC or Armegeddon, why else would you venture into this area of the park. Holding the first showing of the Stunt Show at 10.30 for instance could change this. But I have confidence Management and the park ops Cast Members will review this soon.

I don´t think the tower has the wrong location. I first think about it but now I must say it´s a perfect catch for all people going through this dark covered bvd. named Studio 1. They go through the gates, through the stage and have then a perfect and iconic view, like the castle at Disneyland Park. you can see and hear the aaaahs and ooooh when you leave studio 1 and that wasn´t the fact before the tower. I remember my dad who had kittens last year first time watching the construction of it. He was saying the whole day "Wow! That´s something great! Wow! When do it open? When could I ride it?"
And I remember a friend of mine who was entering the open area without the tower before all the placemaking was grow up and she was only saying to a disapoint face of her boyfriend: "Darling, yes, that like movie studios look like. They are just big tarmac places with some studio halls on it" and I could just say "Yes, that´s true. Studios are ugly" :mrgreen:
So the location where they build it is perfect.
For the growds and don´t see a very big problem. The waiting times seems to be ok and you have also fastpass. And don´t forget the tower is an absolute E-Ticket so it will always catch the masses. And Crush´s Coaster shows that people also chose attractions that are "farer" away from studio 1.
The cause why people don´t go to backlot seems simply to be: It looks like a real studio. And that means not very beautiful  :lol:
To take people into backlot they should made some better backlot /action studios theme. Why not some very iconic eyecatchs there which only say: "Here´s the place were the action live"
The stunt show is also a big possibility to get people to backlot. But I also remember that they must some advert inside the studios last year for the very first early show.
Maybe growds are flowing in a normal way. First taking Production courtyard and Toon studio and later in the evening or after lunch backlot. At Disneyland Park they take first Frontierland, Adventureland and in the evening discoveryland.
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I think it absolutely doesnt matter if the tower is here or there. The tower IS, and that attracts the people. So, once they pay that 46euros for entrance, they might do tower as their first ride, but then they will stay in the park for whole day to try and experience everything.. i am sure. Disney is expensive, and i think people wont just pay this price for going to the tower and then say, uhhh all other attractions are crap-we go home, no they will stay in the park. For the people that are on vacation, i think that with the minimum package 3days/2nights, they have plenty of time so they will also stay in the studios to try everything.
-The tower is here, at a perfect place, attracting the crowds to go to the studios and pay for the entrance- and that was the purpose in the end-at least i think that :)


I don't get why people say that no people go to Backlot?  Rock 'n' Roller Coaster had a +/- 40 minute queue line (full capacity) the last few times I went, Stunt Show always full and even Backlot Express and Café des Cascadeurs reached almost full capacity.  Backlot is less "cramped" area that's very wide open where people spread easily to the restaurants, attractions and the pathway behind Tower of Terror.  Don't let your eyes trick on you.   [-X


=D> I´m happy to hear this!  :D/

Last time the waiting times for RnR was always around 5 minutes and queue was a bit hmm missed. I like to have around 15 minutes to get exited enough for the ride  :mrgreen:
And you´re we shouldn´t forget that there is much space for the growds. Even the stuntshow could take many people away from the street.
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...the DPG is watching U...


I think you misreading what I'm saying here. I'm not saying the Tower's location is going to stop guest visiting other areas of the park. What I'm saying is that because of its location and the buzz surrounding this attraction, most guest are going to head straight to this attraction first. This will result in guest not entering other areas of the park until later in the morning. Thats why I think if WDS were to hold the Stunt Show earlier like 10.30am guest will be more willing to grab a FP for TOT and head over to that side of the park first first.

Disneyland on the other hand has four lands to choose from and more than one E Ticket for guest to head to first. What do you think would happen if Big Thunder Mountain was built next to the castle, guest would all head straight to that attraction first. This is why I think TOT is built in the wrong location. Its not a park icon, through some do view it as one. It is in fact the biggest E Ticket in the park and should of been built further away to spread the crowds out.


Quote from: "Malin"[...] Disneyland on the other hand has four lands to choose from and more than one E Ticket for guest to head to first. What do you think would happen if Big Thunder Mountain was built next to the castle, guest would all head straight to that attraction first. This is why I think TOT is built in the wrong location. Its not a park icon, through some do view it as one. It is in fact the biggest E Ticket in the park and should of been built further away to spread the crowds out.

To be honest, I've always thought the same thing, although for mainly thematic/storytelling issues. The Tower is the sort of attraction that should be built somewhere slightly beyond the berm, where it could dramatically "loom" over the park from behind dense greenery (so yes, like it was built at MGM). It is definitely not the sort of attraction that people should be able to walk around, like a Big Thunder Mountain or a Sleeping Beauty Castle, and it is definitely not suitable as a park icon.

However, let's face it, the WDS was a crater sans ToT. It just needed this. It needed it there because ED couldn't afford to spruce up the park's central area and build the ToT, it needed it there because it is visible from outside the park there, and so helps thousands of clueless guests realize at last that the WDS is a theme park, not a "museum" that could easily be skipped. Now that it's there at last, the park has got somewhat of a solid basis and they can finally start to improve the park without that big crater taunting them at every move. And there will be other E-tickets to spread out the crowds. So let's forgive them for the location of the ToT.


Although the TOT is the newest attraction not all of the guests entering WDS will head straight for it. Id say maybe 50% will not want to ride it due to age/fear etc. Some may also decide to head to the other attractions eg. RnRc as they feel they will be quieter due to others going straight for TOT. I personally think its in a great location, being the major E-Ticket of the park I think it deserves to be the first thing you see as you enter.