Shareholders Meeting - 21st Feb

Started by ICHAPMAN, February 22, 2008, 01:05:28 PM

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Hi All,

AFAIK the Shareholders meeting occurred yesterday (21st Feb).     Does anyone know whether there was anything of interest said / revealed at this meeting?.




Reading through DCP, absolutely nothing. Zero.

The stage was set up for "The Celebration Continues" and the only kind of news was Tower of Terror and Stitch Live. Sounds like the most exciting thing was getting a free mug and some brochures.

The cast of Candleabration came on for a bit of entertainment by the looks of it.

I don't remember the last time they did announce anything at a shareholders meeting, but it definitely looks like they're playing their cards close to their chest at the moment, waiting to see how Tower of Terror does this year. So by all means - - GO ride Tower of Terror, enjoy Hollywood Blvd and tell them WE WANT MORE!!! :wink:

I was almost expecting the World of Disney to be announced (even just as something in planning) with all that's going on around DV, or maybe some news on the fabled Nature Villages...