Space Mountain - What is it like?

Started by Its Just Like I DreamedIt, February 12, 2008, 07:01:59 PM

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Its Just Like I DreamedIt

I have never been on a really scary rollercoaster but would like to do it the next time I go to DLRP. I can take BTM and CC but thats all I have been on, could someone describe what it is like and if you think I would cope?
!Magic Everywhere


Personally, I loved it, but I wouldn't recommended it to those who aren't massive fans of roller coasters.

The main reason being that part of the ride is in the pitch black, and you have no idea what's coming. There's also a loop-the-loop in the pitch black section, and that's unexpected and rather scary for even those who like that kind of ride.


I found SM:M2 a bumpy ride, still enjoyed it and did it a further 23 times in 2 days.
Its worth going on, but with it being so bumpy push your head back into the rest well, and dont wear a Kilt, its freezing!  (believe me):wink:

I think its much like BTM (apart from the loops and the fact its in the dark) if you can do BTM and enjoy it, you should like SM:M2 :)


It is an awesome ride, although not without its negative points: the bumpiness and the music not working most of the time.

Plenty of info here:


Although that is pre-mission 2.

Remember that this ride reputedly saved DLRP from closure.
July 2003 My Travel Explorers
May 2004 Sequoia Lodge
July 2006 Patio St Antoine @Nation (RER commute to DLRP)
December 2007 Kyriad Val de France
August 2009 Hotel New York
May 2015 Hotel Cheyenne


It is a bit rough, but not scary. Why not start with Rock 'n' Roller, it's fast, dark and loops etc, like Space Mnt. but is smoother. Or try Indy first, you can see what's coming, although that doesn't always help!

I would say "Do anything once", you'll never know for sure unless you do!


The ride is super. I am not a big rollercoaster fan, but I love this one. U should really try it

Its Just Like I DreamedIt

Im kinda scared to go on it as you hear people talking about getting sore heads, and then the girl that died on RNRC, can it be dangerous?
!Magic Everywhere


Quote from: "Its Just Like I DreamedIt"hen the girl that died on RNRC, can it be dangerous?

That has nothing to do with the attraction.  The girl had a previous health issue.


i can honestly say its great! it was the first rollercoaster i ever went on (other than btm) and i got off my uncle said "you know that had 2 inversions" and i just thought "what?"

its a little bit scary when you are sitting in the cannon but its great as soon as it starts going!
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone

Its Just Like I DreamedIt

Can you really get ill, if your not used to riding things like this
!Magic Everywhere


I don't think you that likely to be sick, if that is what is worrying you. It really depends on how you are generally; do you easily feel ill in a car, coach or train?

Most of the rides are really fast, that is short time, and so even if you start to feel a bit off colour, you usually don't get time to be sick. If it makes you feel that way, you probably won't ride it again, but it's got to be worth trying it once. Go an hour or two after eating.

As for more serious reactions, there would have to be something already wrong with someone to be harmed by a ride at Disney, they are really very safety conscious! After all, their reputation is vital and they want people to have a good time, not be hurt or feel ill.

The CM's have to clean up if someone is sick, so not doubt they carefully work out how much the average person can take when designing these rides!


I personally love SM:M2, the blast off is my favorite part of any ride. I really dont think its that scary, the darkness means you cant see whats coming and therefore you will not be aware of when the inversions are. I really dont think theres much to be scared of, whats the worse that can happen, give it a try.  :D


I have to say, I'm generally a scared person but i decided I would try out the scary rollercoasters last time i was in Disneyland. I was terrified at first but once the ride started, I loved it and went on the rollercoasters as much as i could! :lol:
Also, if you're worried about being sick, I'm extremely travel-sick but I've never felt ill from a rollercoaster. if anything, it makes me feel better!
Yo ho, Haul together, hoist the colours high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars, Never shall we die!


It isn't too scary , more exhilirating !! I think it is not as bad as Indiana Jones as you can't see what is coming !! If you can cope with CC you will have no problem with SM , remember millions of people have done this before you with no problems !! Its only a rollercoaster after all , not diving with sharks or mountain climbing !!! We should all do something that scares us at least once a day !!!! Have fun and enjoy it !  :wink:


This is one attraction I look forward to riding when I visit DLP. Ive heard its more like RnRollercoaster than its WDW counterpart (which is getting past its best) will definitely be giving it a try.