Space Mountain - What is it like?

Started by Its Just Like I DreamedIt, February 12, 2008, 07:01:59 PM

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I went on it for the first time in December... My brother kept screaming "I'M GONNA BE SIIIIIICK!!!!" all the way through the ride, and photo just about says it all. But yeah, he nearly threw up afterwards! I wanted to go on again but everyone else said no!

Remco K.

Space Mountain, what a great ride... it WAS. Great music, great sets (especially seen from the queue), and there used to be a highly detailed poster, just outside.

Now, it might sound I'm only praising a classic here, but I'm not. I still would've had respect for Space Mountain if they really gave it an upgrade. But to me, it's more like a downgrade. Music plays to soft (but it's not worth listening to it anyway :P), nice views from the queue are gone (together with the music that played in the queue), and the poster has been replaced by something that looks less detailed.

The ride is also very bumpy, but that's not the fault of the upgrade. The ride has been bumpy for some years now.


the only negative comment i have for space mountain is how bumpy it is... but i still ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. we went on 3 times in a row and we would have kept going and going but our neck was hurting quite hard  :oops:
it's our favourite ride of all!


Yes i would agree it is quite rough. Ruined it slightly for me, but i loved the effects. :)


my husband and I know preety well that we'll be running to Space Mountain as soon as we enter the park... :P we can hardly wait!
oh i have to say that i rode space mountain at WDW in 1996, and remember that riding it when it was daytime took a lot of the magic out of it because some daylight would get inside the building and you could see some of the structures of the mountain itself... (and it was easier to fear for your head's sake), so it was better to ride it in the evening in pitch-black darkness, so it wouldn't spoil it
we rode space mountain in paris several times and no spoiling at all!(none that we could notice at least) we loved that!

i don't know if the WDW version was refurbished-updated to mission II though... but we love the paris version :D


It's rough as hell, but a great coaster.
Well Br\'er Rabbit, looks like I\'m gonna have to SKIN ya!


It really shakes you!!! More than once I've ended up with bruises in my knees... (trains not really designed for tall people...)

But it's all worth it... I love it!!  :D

Captain Pan

I will admit it, I stood in the cue for Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast, and saw the cannon fire... Turned to my girlfriend who was pleading with me to go on it next... I became an LGM and instantly said NO!... I chickened out and now I regret it, and regret not going on Rock'n' Rollercoaster. But it looked so daunting from the outside... It was to late for me to turn back in the cue for Indiana Jones but this one I had both the time and space to say no.

This Autumn Space beware Captain Pan is coming back with vengeance and Conquering Both mountain, and the Twilight Zone.


I think Aerosmith is a lot more violent than Space Mountain... I've only done it once... The worst is the very start, don't know what speed it reaches but it does it very quickly!!! Don't know what it looks like inside, I had my eyes closed all the time...  

The Space Mountain is (personally) a lot more enjoyable. I normally do it once or twice when I'm in the park (never more than twice in a day), but it is very exhilarating  :D That one I can do 3 or 4 times in a row, no problem!!

I haven't tried the Tower yet... Went I went in March, I was with a friend, and we both chickened out  :oops:  I'll do it. Someday. Maybe if I'm with a group of friends... Peer pressure and all that....


Space Mountain is absoloutly amazin! My first time on i was terrified and had my eyes closed through all of it and was shouting "MAM I CANT BREATHE" and i thought i was gonna die lol.
Inside the ride its got projections everywhere of space type scenes and has three inversions, but the best part has gotta be when it shoots you up at the start!!!  :)
But i came of and wanted to be back on   :lol:  
So if you're frightened of rollercoasters i wudnt go on lol but i have an addiction to them so i think its great  :D  xxx
[size=200]Princess Katie[/size]


this has been so nice to read for me.
I am extremely scared of rollercoasters with loopings for some reason so I never went on anything but BTM. But somehow I would like to overcome my fear and a lot of people said that Space Mountain would be the best (and funnest) loop-ride to try for a first-timer. I really enjoy BTM. Got a bit dizzy riding CC but loved it nevertheless. Think I should be ok in SM?


the worst thing about SM is how bumpy it is... for the rest of things it's just a normal rollercoaster with inversions, what adds to the frightening feeling is that you ride it almost in pitch black... it's even darker than aerosmith
We love it, but for short people as me it can be quite hurting... your head bangs onto both sides of the safety-harness thingy (whatever it's name is) and if you're short your ears hurt (TAKE YOUR EARRINGS OFF!!!!!)
I can't ride it more than 3 times in a row, it hurts too much after the second time :P
But still...
IT'S MY FAVOURITE RIDE IN THE WORLD!!! I would go to DLRP every year just to ride it ;D

We were at DLRP from Aug1st to Aug 6th and we got many chances to ride it...
in most ocassions the photo service didn't work (the camera didn't even flash), the music went off in a couple of times, (I hummed the melody for everyone to hear :P) and problems with the light and sound sync too...
Still... I LOVE IT

I have to say that after riding SO MANY TIMES, my body got used to the launch part and I almost didn't even notice the speed... I kept asking my husband if he had felt that the ride's speed was being slowed down...


Well the ride is less darker than it use to be wich i find dissapoint since it's set in Space but you can see a lot of the track and supports :(


Quote from: "mehdi5"Well the ride is less darker than it use to be wich i find dissapoint since it's set in Space but you can see a lot of the track and supports :(

I have to admit that either my eyesight is improving or the ride is indeed not as dark as it could just be my impression though.......but it was pitch black the times before my recent visit :?
Maybe I need some new contacts 8)

Epcot_Boy :ears:



well.. i agree that know it's not exactly "pitch black"  :lol: but it's quite dark and for first timers is confusing enough for them to not to see or know where they're going
I prefer to ride these things at night but the park gets so crowded...