How busy will it be on... ?

Started by roaldbergmann, January 22, 2008, 12:55:36 AM

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Quote from: "smilingPunky"Hy Sugarzd

Thank you! I´ve been to Disneyland quiet often, but it was almost always during the Halloween Festival and then mostly early October.
As long as it´s not as crowded as during summer, we'll be fine... I guess :)
And thank God, we have the option Fast Pass for the really popular rides.

Ahhh, I just can't wait!

You'll definately be fine! We had a wonderful time on our March trip. But then again, I think whatever time of year you go to DLRP it's wonderful!!!  :D  I can't wait either!!!  :D/
"Have I gone mad? I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret...all the best people are."


any ideas how busy the 1st week of October is likely to be? We arrive on the 3rd


Quote from: "fetgirl"any ideas how busy the 1st week of October is likely to be? We arrive on the 3rd

I went that week last year and it wasnt very busy at all , bit of a queue for the usual suspects , big thunder , peter pan etc but the longest we queued was 25 mins for the parachute drop. and the weather was great too!
Hotel Cheyenne January 1998, 99, 2000,
Newport Bay May 2002
Hotel Cheyenne January 03,04,05,06,07,08, 10,12
Sequoia Lodge January 2009, Feb 2013
Hotel New York November 11, Feb 14
Newport Bay November 14

Jimmy Cricket

Anybody know how busy it will be on November 15th - 18th please  [-o<


Going to DLP Thursday night 15th December till Sunday evening 18th December. I'm tipping weekend before Christmas will be packed. Anyone been this time of year before???


Hey Guys,
I haven't posted anything in years but now I hope ya'll can help me out.

I'm planning a Trip for my Sister and since she's been saving like crazy to afford it, I really want to make sure it's gonna be perfect...
So, I'm thinking about eiter April (24th / 25th / 26th) or May (2nd / 3rd / 4th) 2012
I've tried to take everything into account, including public Holidays and School Holidays.

So what do you think?

Also, does anyone know when the 2012 Prices will be released for non-UK Residents?

Thanks for your help!

It's A Small World

28th November to 2nd December.


What will the queue times for the major rides be between the 19th-21st December? I know it will be busy, being Christmas and all, but was wondering what to expect!

Tower of Terror is really the one I'm interested in! Haven't been on it since 2001 (in Florida) so am desperate to get on it at least a couple of times!

[size=85]Newport Bay Club - July 1995
Sequoia Lodge - Dec 2001
Santa Fe - Dec 2007
Sequoia Lodge - Dec  2011


We are off in 25 sleeps  :D/

We will be ther 9-12 November

Am worried now about how busy will it be 11th and 12th?


we were there for the 11th last year and it was soooo busy even considering it was lashing rain torrential wind etc and we gave up and went to the shopping centre.  for emh that morning it was a 50 min wait for buzz


I am actually starting to get quite worried  :cry:

It is my daughter's birthday on the 11th November and I had no idea it was a public holiday! We arrive Thurs and come home Sunday. We figured the weekends might be busy, so we planned for most fun Thurs afternoon and Friday.

Is is really that much busier? Please be honest. I would much rather know what i was letting myself in for!



i have no idea but if the weather is colder may keep people away. Hope its not to bad for you. just prepare for the worse. X

Jimmy Cricket

Anybody know how busy it will be on November 15th to 18th please  [-o<


I always look on this site: //
It's dutch, but you can tell by the colors. Green is not busy, yellow is a little busy and red is busy.

Monday to thursday, when there's no holiday, is usually not busy.
Weekends are always busier.


Will it be busy near the end of April 2012?
"You laugh at me because I\'m different. I laugh at you because you\'re all the same."
-Lady Gaga?

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