Has someone bought something from dlp mailorder ?

Started by Disneyana, November 14, 2007, 04:20:22 PM

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I want to know if someone here as already bought something from the dlp mailorder ? And how was it ? Is it easy ? And how can you pay.  I would like to buy something, but the last times I tried it always failed because of the bad contact. They didn't understood that I cannot pay with credit card, cause I don't have one. Are there other options to pay ? Would just be nice to hear of your experiences.
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"


if you use email it can take a long time i normally phone them up but if you do you have to know what you want!!

I think the only way to pay is by card though.

but every time i order from them I get a great service and they are really nice!! although, depending on where you live, it takes about 10 days for the product to arrive

hope that helps  :wink:

Working xmas 2012!!! \":D\"


I've bought stuff a couple of times, but it was always via credit card.

Last time was for some Princess pins in March. 4 new pins (including a Belle) were released the day after I came home!  :?

I ordered them through mailorder and they arrived about 2 days after they processed my order.  :D


I have just found a link about it, maybe it will help you

http://www.dlrp.thedisneyfamily.com/mai ... .html#help
