Tower of Terror Pin Event

Started by Cinder, September 10, 2007, 06:43:57 PM

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Last weekend there was a Pin event at WDW and a delegation of the DLRP pin trading team was present there.  Florette, manager for pins and collectables at DLRP, announced that the theme for the next DLRP pin event will be the opening of ToT!  When and where the event will take place was not announced.  I hope to see some very nice ToT pins!


Date confirmed to be on December 22nd, in Studio 1.


Great news,
I should be in disney Paris on the 22nd!
I too would like to see some ToT pins and hopefully add an pin to my collection!


I have booked flights so i will be there for the event.


We have a Tower of Terror pin with Stitch on it and sliding lift doors :D , my daughter's friend brought back from the States. :pluto:

The Butlin Boy

The is some info about this event at the link below:

 :arrow: ... s?id=29477



29€? Wow, that's pretty cheap!


It includes exclusive ride time at the ToT at night and a meal! :D

(but I still think it's a bit expensive but okay)


Update: Apparently the event is sold out!

"Bonjour à tous

L'événement du 22 décembre est à présent complet.

Merci et à très bientôt

Claire Thirioux
Manager projets pin's et collectibles
Disneyland Resort Paris

Admin edit: removed contact information