What's everyones view on Disney sequels

Started by EmoK, October 16, 2007, 06:29:02 PM

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Disney sequels
i.e The Little Mermaid 2 & 3, Cinderella 2 & 3 etc

Personally, I hate them, they come across as cheap gimicks to make a few more bucks from an already established name (the hakuna matata film for instance)

*prepare for a rush of hatred*

Anyway, what are everyone elses views?
I'd be interested to know



They're rubbish and I'm led to believe they've been dropped as a concept following feedback.


I've only seen one of the Disney sequels - Lion King II. They don't really interest me, the original is always best :lol:


Moved to Cinemagique :)

The sequals don't bother me much anymore, they seem to have faded into a distant memory and haven't tarnished the reputation of the original films, so... An unfortunate chapter of Disney history that is luckily done with.

It's a shame all the DisneyToon Studio animators probably lost their jobs, they were just beginning to touch on greatness with stuff like The Three Musketeers...


Bit of a mixed bag really. Some I really like.

Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas, Cinderella III, Bambi II, The Lion King II and 1.5 (as it was called in the US). Some are appalling.

I think when they got the quality right, they could be an interesting diversion, and entertaining, and the animation was definitely improving on them. That's the biggest problem with them if anything, substandard animation on some of them.


I do like some of the sequels like Peter Pan 2, Ariel 2, Cinderella 3, Hakuna Matata, Junglebook 2 and of course Toy story 2. But there are some I really do not like, f.e. Lady and the tramp 2, Cinderella 2 and Mulan 2. But anyways I would be happier if Disney would stop with the sequels. And the only sequel I really do hate is Pocahontas 2. this movie totally destroyed the wonderful romantic of the first movie.  :twisted:
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"


I feel as though the majority centre around the fact the the main characters from the 1st film managed to have children...oh lets make number 2 about that then! (lady & the tramp, bambi 2)

And some are just completely stupid, like Cinderella 3 "What if the magic never happened" oh, come on, now they're messing with the plot of the original!!



Adjusted the topic title to comply with our magicforum dos and don'ts.  :wink:


Quote from: "Dark_Prince"Bit of a mixed bag really. Some I really like.

Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas, Cinderella III, Bambi II, The Lion King II and 1.5 (as it was called in the US). Some are appalling.

I think when they got the quality right, they could be an interesting diversion, and entertaining, and the animation was definitely improving on them. That's the biggest problem with them if anything, substandard animation on some of them.

I agree, DP, the biggest problem with them is substandard animation. I remember watching Aladdin: Revenge of Jafar when I was a kid, and being very annoyed about the fact that the Genie (who was freed at this time!) had shackles on in a lot of scenes, whereas they remembered to leave them out in other scenes... Lack of quality.

I do find some of the sequals quite amusing though. Disneyana mentioned Toy Story 2, but that is of course a Pixar sequal of outstanding quality, and is not really meant to be included here. I thought Bambi 2 was really nice. Peter Pan 2 and Lady and the Tramp 2 were also okay, as was The Lion King 1.5 (I've still to see Lion King 2...).

I detested The Little Mermaid 2 and Cinderella 2....

Quote from: "EmoK"I feel as though the majority centre around the fact the the main characters from the 1st film managed to have children...oh lets make number 2 about that then! (lady & the tramp, bambi 2)

Bambi 2 was not about Bambi's kid! It was about Bambi *himself*, in the part of his youth the original movie sort of skipped over. I actually really liked Bambi 2.  :)
You do have a point though that it is somewhat silly to keep making movies about "the kids of".
You can take the girl out of Scotland, but you can't take Scotland out of the girl.


Sequills to older animated films i hate hate HATE! i think it rewins the original reason why you liked the first film and the sequils are never as good. But i love the pirates films as they keep inproving on there last movie
Remember Dreams Come True! \":mickey2:\"

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Quote from: "EmoK"I feel as though the majority centre around the fact the the main characters from the 1st film managed to have children...oh lets make number 2 about that then! (lady & the tramp, bambi 2)

And some are just completely stupid, like Cinderella 3 "What if the magic never happened" oh, come on, now they're messing with the plot of the original!!

Well, a lot are mid-quels, they happen during events of the original film, Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas (which I love, it's a Christmas tradition!), Tarzan 2, Bambi II.

Have you actually seen Cinderella III - it's a great film, the animation is of a high quality, it has some nice songs, the actual story idea is pretty cool, it's a kind of Back to the Future meets Cinderella, and Cinderella proves there is more to her in the film than the Fairy Godmother. She actually prevails through her own efforts, and comes across as a stronger character. It did quite well critically, and if it is indeed the end of the sequels, at least they've ended on a high note.

But what's the situation with The Little Mermaid III, is that still going ahead?

Tinkerbell Movie? And how about Princess Enchanted Tales, they've got to do another volume so we get the Belle story!

I'd actually be very happy to see them continue to do sequels and direct to video stuff, so long as they can keep the quality to the level of things like Cinderella III.


I do absolutly agree with Prince. Couldn't have said it better. Cinderella 3 is awesome for a sequel.
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"


i would love too see monsters inc 2

the way it ends is so cute and i thought there would be a second
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The only Straight to video sequel that i liked more than the original was Pocahontas 2.
The rest are just for kids, It's a shame that some of them had really
good songs  :(


I don't watch the newer sequels, because I was very disappointed when I saw Pcahontas 2. But two sequels are really good. First of all Toy Story 2. I wouldn't say it is better than the original one, it's just different. And I love love love The Rescuers Down Under! That's a really good movie and in my opinion, it doesn't destroy the original story. But I know many people think different about that one.

Actually Walt Disney himself didn't like sequels after the sequels to The Three Little Pigs flopped.