Nala's Picture Trip Report, Day 4 (Sept. 26th)

Started by Nala_84, October 06, 2007, 01:07:16 PM

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Hi there! Now time has come to bring my picture-trip-report to an end, what really bothers me a bit because it was so much fun for me to create it :)! And I'm glad that you liked it so far, so here it is, our last day at DLRP in 2007:

Wednesday, 26th September 2007  

Sadly, but true, the morning of our last day at DLRP in 2007 had come. We started it with a great breakfast at Cape Cod, before we went back to our room to take our stuff and put it into the car.

We went back into the hotel to take a picture of the Nantucket Pool which dad hasn't seen so far. We asked a man to take a photo of us three as a memory.

We took the shuttle bus to the WDS Park, where we first did Armageddon.

After it, Marc wanted to try RnRC which he never did before. Dad and I weren't that brave and so we waited for Marc, standing at a place where it rained all the time... strange...

When Marc came out of RnRC, the High School Musical Tour began, but we haven't seen the movie and so we prefered visiting Toon Studio again. Marc and dad waited on a bench while I tried to draw Mickey Mouse at the Animation Academy. Then time had come to watch the sweet show Animagique, and don't bother, of course I haven't used a flash and even not the display to take that picture ;)!

After the show we went back to Disneyland where we straightly went to Frontierland. The forecast has told us that today would be very rainy, and because of the fact that it hadn't already started, we went on a last wild and funny tour of Big Thunder Mountain, which was sooo much fun again. Although this picture looks a bit fake, it isn't and I somehow like it ;)!

That was the third time doing BTM, and so we also wanted a third time for Indiana Jones. When we sat in the waggons, the forecast suddenly became true: It began to rain a bit, only drizzly. After the ride we stood a while under the shop of Indy and we watched the poor guys who rode Indy now - they had a very big shower!

So we went to POTC and had also a third and last ride for this time. Good bye, dear pirates, see you next time! The rain was over now and we went through Fantasyland and straight to Discoveryland, where we had lunch at Café Hyperion. Marc and I tried the yummy Omelette Burger and dad had a usual burger. We enjoyed listening to another Lion King show in the background. Compared to the photo of our first dinner, this one looks like cheap fastfood, but we liked it too :lol:

Marc somehow needed pretty much adrenaline today, and so he did SM:M2 again while dad and I waited at Videopolis because it rained a bit again. Then we went to the Castle to discover the gallery of Sleeping Beauty a bit.

I haven't been to that gallery for 15 years now!! When we went out on the balcony and wanted to take the steps downstairs, the OUAD Parade had already begun and although the sky was grey and we decided not to watch it again coz of the weather, we ran downstairs quickly and I found a nice place to take again some photos of it ;)!

I also got a picture of my beloved Lion King float...

... and of the lovely princesses on their beautiful Romance floats!

I guess it would have been a much better picture if the sky was blue, but somehow I like it anyways ;)!

I was very upset because now time had come to say good-bye to the happiest place on earth. "Bye bye Disneyland, we'll come back!" I said while I took a last view over the Main Street and tried hard to hold back my tears. But we now went back to WDS a last time for this year and enjoyed the show of Cinémagique. Dad loved it as Marc and I did! When we went back to Studio 1, we were amazed again by the progress that the Hollywood Bld has made through during our visit!! When we'll be back next time, it'll be finished. Unbelievable!

We then made a little (or was it a big?!) shopping tour at the Disney Village where we bought a few great souvenirs (which you can see in the "What have you bought on your last trip?" thread  :P). Bye bye DV, we strolled along Lake Disney which looked beautiful at this time of the day (it was already 7 pm). The view to our hotel was awesome, and we now recognised that autumn had already begun.  

After a last look into the lobby of the NPBC we went to our car and started our 6-hours-home drive. I looked out of the window until the last little bit of the ToT disappeared, and a few little tears dropped out of my eyes.
But when we woke up the next morning at my parent's home, Marc gave me a surprising gift: A big Emile plushie which told me not to be upset and promised me that we'll go back to DLRP for many, many times!

I hope you enjoyed the last part of my trip report, like I've already said it was much fun for me to create it! I hope I could make the ones who'll soon visit the 15th anniversay a bit curious, and the ones who've already been there liked pics & report to refresh the memories of this unbelievable, magical, happy and just great place :ears:
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


Great Report !  :)

The Butlin Boy

Fantastic report, thanks for sharing it :)


really great pics again :)
DLRP, là où les rêves deviennent réalité


Really fantastic collection of reports, and I looooove your pink coat! I guess it was from Germany so I can't get my hands on one!  :lol:


Oh that were wonderful pics. I can't wait to see the whole gallery and to read your report in the german forum.  :wink:  I liked the photo with your pink coat too. It looks very nice.
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"


more great pics, and report
dlp nov 98, feb 99, sept 07, sept 2008
wdw 95,97,2000,2002,2005


Loved the report....makes me want to go back right now! I was only there a few weeks ago but it seems like it's been ages!
The prince and Cinderella in your pic are the same two that I met when my friends and I were there, she was a lovely girl and spoke perfect English which pleased me as my French is only basic!


Thanks for sharing, it felt as if a little piece of me was on your trip, great report and absolutly great pictures!  :D
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


Very good pictures once again!


So nice, too :-)

When we must go home from DLRP I always watch out of the window from car or bus so have a last view from the happiest place on earth :-)



Thanks again to all of your nice comments, I'm really happy that you liked the pictures and report  :)

@ bestbunnygirl, Disneyana: Hehe, how funny that you like my pink coast so much, thank you ;)!
Yeah right, I bought it in Germany in a famous big shop called "Tchibo" (a coffee brand) last spring (2006). Who knows, maybe they'll get it back next spring? ;)

@ Carnival_Princess: I can understand you so much, it really seems ages away although it was only 2 weeks ago. :( But I also like looking at others' pictures because so the time to the next trip seems much shorter ;)

@ Soap: Thank you  :oops: Then my job is fulfilled ;)!

@ Minnie: Hehe yes, that's somehow a tradition, looking out of the window until you can see nothing more of the resort ;)! It's really sad though, but you must always think that you'll be back one time :)!

@ all:
I've finally uploaded some of my pics on the Clickmagique PicParade now. I prepared 200 of my 1000 pictures  :lol: , but after 167 pictures the system told me that my storage space is now full  :oops: But I hope you like the pics anyways, although there are only 167 now :mrgreen: :

And for those who speak/understand German, here's now my German trip report: ... artikel=35

Thank you again for reading my report and looking at the pics, I'm always glad when I can share my experiences :ears:
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


Quote from: "Nala_84"... and of the lovely princesses on their beautiful Romance floats!


That's MY Belle.



Hehe yes, that's what I thought when I've seen your pics - "haven't I already seen her before?!" ;)! She's lovely, isn't she?
You also have a few pics of the Belle we met on the Castle Stage! I think she's really pretty, too :)
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


Quote from: "Nala_84"@ bestbunnygirl, Disneyana: Hehe, how funny that you like my pink coast so much, thank you ;)!
Yeah right, I bought it in Germany in a famous big shop called "Tchibo" (a coffee brand) last spring (2006). Who knows, maybe they'll get it back next spring? ;)

Thanks Nala 84, we have Tchibo in the UK, I love all the different things you can get everyweek.

I hope they re-do the coat! Maybe they'll do a similar one! I'm going to have a look at the website now!
