Anyone else love the neon cola sign!

Started by lilcharlie, July 22, 2007, 08:33:49 PM

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Haha i have to say one of my favourite bits of the studios is the neon cola sign just inside the Liki Tike where the cola bottle fills the glass up and then it goes ahhhhh! Haha makes me laugh everytime only on the last couple of occasions it hasnt been working properly which wasn't nealy as fun!


Quote from: "lilcharlie"Haha i have to say one of my favourite bits of the studios is the neon cola sign just inside the Liki Tike where the cola bottle fills the glass up and then it goes ahhhhh! Haha makes me laugh everytime only on the last couple of occasions it hasnt been working properly which wasn't nealy as fun!

ive never seen that...where is it?

When you wish upon a star


It's located in the Liki-Tiki set inside Disney Studio 1.  Did you know you can trigger it by switching the button on the light control panel?  It also triggers lightning and the sound of thunder!  :wink:


All the Disney Studio 1 neons are amazing!!

I've wanted to compile a list of them for a long time, but I suppose I've never quite reached such geeky levels. Maybe someday soon. :)

I like the "We'll always have Paris" neon the most.



i want to try that coca cola thing  :D


Wow i never knew you could trigger it! I am so doing that wen i go in 2 weeks time yay i cant wait!


I've played around with those switches before! Normal guests seem to think they're something not to touch, but after I started playing with them everybody was joining in :P


Thats funny!
I have never heard of that :?
I'll need to try it next time  :P   :lol:


haha, i've never seen them switches. Will have to have a little play this weekend.