Star Wars or Marvel for RnRc

Started by Rocketeer, August 26, 2016, 08:48:49 PM

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An intriguging note from the Disney & More blog. Apparently there are rumours that the Florida version of Rock'n'Rollercoaster could be rethemed along the lines of Disneyland's Hyperspace Mountain (Space Mountain overlay).

As for the Parisien version...
QuoteMy guess is that they won't change the Rock 'n Roller Coaster at DLP WDS for a Hyperspace Mountain but either use it for a Marvel ride in a near future. But considering all the surprising changes we've seen recently i would say that nothing will surprise me...

An update to the attraction would be welcome though. I'm assuming that the newer projections would allow them to install a WDS version of Ghost Galaxy for the Hallowe'en season.

"We're not trying to entertain the critics ... I'll take my chances with the public." - Walt Disney


Just make it a Guardians of the Galaxy ride. Use the song Hooked On A Feeling for it.


"We're not trying to entertain the critics ... I'll take my chances with the public." - Walt Disney


Quote from: Rocketeer on August 28, 2016, 12:49:30 PM
:o  ;D 8)

Love that idea! Brilliant.
Thanks. I thought it made sense because the songs in Guardians of the Galaxy were such an important part of the film; they were like a character in their own right.


^Agreed. I'm not afraid to admit, I've got both albums (film and TV series). Both brilliant.

And no doubt Guardians II will have an equally rockin' OST.

"We're not trying to entertain the critics ... I'll take my chances with the public." - Walt Disney


Im hoping the studuo tram tours refurb cancellation and these rockinrollercoaster new theming rumors are connected. The studios park needs fixing, lets hope Disney are now serious about this and get it done.  Imagine how great this park could be if they let their imagineers go crazy. .


neither. an update will be well recieved but not a retheme.... though i have to admit a guardians retheme for RnRC makes a lot more sense than a ToT one does
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Although the chances are absolute zero.. what about the Tron Lightcycle Power Run attraction from Shanghai?

Sure you'd have to knock the building down and start from scratch, but.. how cool would it be to have this in the park?

"We're not trying to entertain the critics ... I'll take my chances with the public." - Walt Disney


Why not keep the coaster, but add new music? Aerosmith are cool and all, but I would love to hear songs from guns n roses, kiss, chili peppers and whatnots. What would be really cool if you had like a pad during the loading process where you can select the song you will hear in your seat from a list or just set it to random and let it surprise you, so each rider would have their own unique experience
<-Plz click


Quote from: Thaliel on September 07, 2016, 12:46:07 AM
Why not keep the coaster, but add new music? Aerosmith are cool and all, but I would love to hear songs from guns n roses, kiss, chili peppers and whatnots. What would be really cool if you had like a pad during the loading process where you can select the song you will hear in your seat from a list or just set it to random and let it surprise you, so each rider would have their own unique experience

That's a cool idea - I spent weeks figuring out which "secret" track I wanted to listen to before I went on Rip Ride Rockit haha!


We went on once and there was an issue with the music, we rode the ride in silence! Definately the music that makes it such a cool ride. I like the idea of being able to pick the music as some songs definitely work better.

I remember being on the ride once and we were just at the Peak when it went "going down" (like in the previous ride video) and the drop then was awesome.

I am unsure which songs from star wars would fit? I love star wars but don't think it would work. Marvel on the other hand - particularly the Iron Man films have some that would fit but I don't know if they would be better than Aerosmith.
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I have a feeling that retheme or not, we'll probably be saying au revoir to Aerosmith soon. The new mantra seems to be "if we don't own it, ditch it", which is understandable, but as I've argued with the Tower of Terror, you can still have the same attraction without the licesenced property.

Although I've never been on RnRc, surely it'd work with a generic rock soundtrack? After all, isn't the premise something along the lines of being in a limo and getting to a gig? If that's the case, then the soundtrack for Superstar Limo is just gathring dust......  :P

Edit: (Side note) I'm surprised we didn't end up with this attraction at WDS... it's of the same era. And it'd probably still be open in the park today.
My word I'd forgotten just how dreadful it was.

"We're not trying to entertain the critics ... I'll take my chances with the public." - Walt Disney