First Timer......apolgies in advance

Started by kims, June 20, 2016, 04:51:36 PM

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We are heading off for Disney this Saturday for the first time and I have a couple fo questions i was hoping you could be nice enough to help with.

1. We bought our tickets online, do we need to take ID to the park with us? If so, what? Really dont want to have to carry our passports around with us all day. My husband and I both have driving licences, but would we need ID for the children?

2.Can we buy Photopass before we go or do we have to wait until we are there? We have booked our tickets online, but Explorers Hotel seperately and dont seem to be able to add somethings on the website as we havent done a traditional package?

As an extra, we are travelling with a 4 year old and 1 year old twins, if anyone has an essential advice, tips or tricks they can share they would be very welcome  :) Thank you


You don't need to carry ID with you. We always leave our passports in the hotel safe.


With smaller children, take it easy and don't try to do everything. The early afternoons can get very busy so don't stress if they need some quiet/nap time


Firstly I hope you all have a lovely time  :)

Baby switch is something to consider if either of you would like to ride an attraction not suitable to the children ask the cast member of the attraction, one of you waits in line rides then afterward the other bypasses the line and can ride without any wait (maybe a few mins) I've done this a few times in the past.

Also it's good to know about the baby care centres in both parks there are changing facilities everywhere, but here there's more and microwaves if you need to heat anything for them you can also purchase baby items here.

Your children in sure will have a wonderful time! Be prepared weekends are busy, waits can be long use fast pass to shorten the wait time. Ratatouille ride is somewhat difficult and if you'd all like to ride (fine for young kids) I'd advise one of you ran (yes ran) first thing upon the parks opening which is 10am usually to the attraction with all your park tickets to receive a time slot to return. It's the newest ride and still extremely popular. We usually wait around 9.15 outside the studios and normally gates open around 9.30 ish so before attractions are running. Obviously if your not fussed about ratatouille then it doesn't matter but thought I'd tell you as first timers wouldn't know.

The shows and parades are fantastic also try to arrive 30+ mins before the parade/dreams.. A good place to see dreams with small children is opposite caseys hotdogs on Main Street directly behind the railings and little green building in front of you nobody will block their view here but it does get busy.

A character meal is great too it saves time from waiting in line for lots of characters so something to consider as well.

I'm sorry it was long but thought I'd give you a few tips! Take your time during the day there is a lot to see and do without waiting long like the Alladdin walk through, Alice's curious labyrinth (maze) nautilus I think it's called the submarine in discoveryland. The shows are fantastic in the studios for children so I'd suggest those for when it gets busy or they want a little rest!


French law requires all adults to carry ID at all times.


Quote from: stifle on June 20, 2016, 10:58:46 PM
French law requires all adults to carry ID at all times.

I agree, it's best to carry some kind of identification on you. There was an instance where we were asked for our ID cards at the gate, we had to exchange our online tickets for printed card tickets. We were staying off site and it may had to do with the ticket type we purchased but we were definately asked for our ID's. 

I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time!!! littlebitofpixiedust gave some great tips.
"Have I gone mad? I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret...all the best people are."


Thank you so much everyone for your replies  :)

Glad to hear we will be ok without needing to take our passports around with us, that was a big worry!

We have park tickets for Sun, Mon, Tue, planning to use the weekend day to have a walk round and find our feet before we make a plan of action for the remaining 2 days. We are quite happy to return to the hotel late afternoon before the fireworks etc, we are staying at Explorers so the babies can have a break and swim, use the soft play, nap, so this should give us a small rest.

We have booked lunch at Cafe Mickey and Wild West evening show, so should be good to sit down and see some of the characters too, we're all very excited.,.....once we get the drive out of the way!

Thank you all again  :)


I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time, have a great first trip :) I know that my family's first time was originally meant to be a "once in a lifetime" thing, but once we got the bug, we're always looking for any chance to return  ;D having 2 kids myself I can testify that each time as they get older they enjoy different stuff and get different things out of it - its magical at any age. I wish we had taken mine when they were as young as yoursx and started the happy memories earlier! Once again, have a wonderful time, and remeber to come back here and tell us how it went!  :D ;D


Take a stroller also for your 4yo child, it's gonna be much easier for you and for her/him. And take also a lock for each stroller.
Have fun!!!!