Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Quote from: "morjen"
Quote from: "ilovedisney123"The guy I spoke to earlier just called me and offered me a job in what sounded like 'stock'- so i guess working in a stockroom in a boutique. The job starts on the 15th June!!!

Congrats! also very jealous! can I ask you though, when I got through earlier, they said they would email me but they seem to be doing it all by phone, should I ring back and give my phone number just in case?

I think they have your phone number on file from when you submitted your application, because I didn't give mine- they just rang me about an hour after I had spoken to them on the phone.


Quote from: "AbiMarsh"
Quote from: "ilovedisney123"The guy I spoke to earlier just called me and offered me a job in what sounded like 'stock'- so i guess working in a stockroom in a boutique. The job starts on the 15th June!!!

Thats great! Congrats! Are you working til the 30th September?

Yeah that's when the contract ends... uni starts before that though.. I'll have to cross that bridge when I come to it, I guess!


Quote from: "chachaaa"
Quote from: "ilovedisney123"The guy I spoke to earlier just called me and offered me a job in what sounded like 'stock'- so i guess working in a stockroom in a boutique. The job starts on the 15th June!!!
Congrats! did you just call earlier and did they say no? SOOO JEALOUS! you'll be starting a month tommorow  :D

Thanks, yeah I called earlier and the guy said they didn't have anything left! So I was so surprised when he called me back!


Quote from: "ilovedisney123"
Quote from: "AbiMarsh"
Quote from: "ilovedisney123"The guy I spoke to earlier just called me and offered me a job in what sounded like 'stock'- so i guess working in a stockroom in a boutique. The job starts on the 15th June!!!

Thats great! Congrats! Are you working til the 30th September?

Yeah that's when the contract ends... uni starts before that though.. I'll have to cross that bridge when I come to it, I guess!

Have they emailed you your contract yet?


Hi, could anyone please tell me the phone numbers to call about contracts?

I'm ringing from the UK, don't know if that makes any difference!

Thanks in advance :)


Hi everyone ! I got this message early afternoon today :

Cher membre de notre Talent Pool,  
Nous recherchons actuellement des Opérateurs Animateur d'attractions disponibles pour un contrat du mois de juin jusqu'au 30 septembre inclus.
Rémunération mensuelle brute : 1412.38 euros  
Horaires travaillés : 35 h /semaine (pour rappel, une journée de 7 heures de travail peut commencer au plus tôt à 6 h 30 et se terminer au plus tard à 2 h du matin)
Rémunération mensuelle brute : 1412.38 euros

Pass Navigo : remboursé à 75 % pour le trajet domicile / lieu de travail
Vous serez logé/e en chambre partagée dans nos appartements meublés (WIFI possible). Le loyer mensuel  est de 291 euros (caution de 200 euros encaissé lors de votre arrivée). N'hésitez pas à nous indiquer votre préférence pour une chambre fumeur ou non fumeur. Nous essaierons de vous satisfaire dans la mesure du possible.
Le nombre de postes étant limité, merci de bien vouloir me confirmer par retour de mail avant le lundi 21 mai 2012 - 17h00 (Je suis absente du bureau du jeudi 17/5 au dimanche 20/5) si vous êtes intéressé/e ou pas par notre offre (en me précisant la date à laquelle vous pouvez commencer).
Nous vous confirmerons votre embauche dans la limite de nos disponibilités.
Toutefois, sans réponse de votre part, nous considèrerons que vous n'êtes plus intéressé par une offre d'emploi au sein de notre entreprise et nous retirerons de ce fait, vos coordonnées de notre vivier de talents.
Bien cordialement,

Assistante de Recrutement
Disneyland Paris    
PS. N'hésitez pas à nous communiquer vos nouvelles disponibilités si vous souhaitez toujours nous rejoindre à une date ultérieure.

Unfortunately I start uni before the 30th September so I have to turn down the offer   :cry:  but don't give up, this prooves there are still contracts for ride operators out there.  ;)


My best friend and I just got offered a job in a shop to start on 26th June for at least 8 months! So excited!


So lucky, congratulations !!!!! :)


I am devastated...does this mean that there are no jobs AT ALL left in Disney for the summer? I emailed them there just to see if I should just give up hope and make plans to enjoy my summer..I think it is really unfair what they do, don't put so many people in the talent pool if you cant accommodate them with job offers..and if you don't have a job offer for us..email us and tell us so we can stop checking our emails and sitting on the edge of our seats!


Quote from: "hadarw"
Quotehey ^^ yeh i really do think there are ALOT of people waiting.... think.. there all on the waiting list for 6 months.. theres   been about 5 auditions since i did mine! and there was people before me , who were waiting :( x they just know what there looking for, and i really think there looking for face characters... obvs they have to dance .
hopefully one day <3 this is my second time on the waiting list
good luck with your Paris audition. are u from the uk?

I'm from Israel...
It's really expensive to come to paris for the audition, but i'm going to do it anyway... it's my dream...
so i have just one shot and to be good. I can't afford another audition...
That's way i have to come prepared, and i would really appreciate any info about what's going on inside the audition? what are they looking for? is there anything i can do in order to prepare myself for the audition?

hey , um not really.. ( its all how they feel on the day, iv been to 4 auditions, once i was ignored the other 3 times i was looked at/ put into makeup) >_< are you a dancer? x just work on technique , perfecting ! make sure when you go through the routine, you are doing it as well as you possibly can. I am not a dancer, so i really cant help you :( just remember to smile ! ^^ just enjoy your self!  and dont fall at the animation stage! "THINK BIG MOMENTS" .. just be your self! but dnt annoy people ^^ its a difficult situation really, iv never been to an audition in Pairs. BUT good luck! x


Quotehey , um not really.. ( its all how they feel on the day, iv been to 4 auditions, once i was ignored the other 3 times i was looked at/ put into makeup) >_< are you a dancer? x just work on technique , perfecting ! make sure when you go through the routine, you are doing it as well as you possibly can. I am not a dancer, so i really cant help you :( just remember to smile ! ^^ just enjoy your self!  and dont fall at the animation stage! "THINK BIG MOMENTS" .. just be your self! but dnt annoy people ^^ its a difficult situation really, iv never been to an audition in Pairs. BUT good luck! x

hey, so yes i'm a dancer :-) I've been dancing and performing for a long time..
Thank you so much for helping! i'm really trying to prepare myself well cause i won't be able to fly again to another audition, it's to expensive...
I hope you don't mind if i'll ask you some more questions :-)
*when you said "work on your technique", did you mean classical technique like ballet or some thing else?
*what are like the people who come to the audition? are they good dancers?
*Did you do something different at the last 3 auditions then the first one, so they won't ignore you?
*and what did you mean by "put into makeup"? is that another stage at the audition?
that's it for now... i hope it's not to much :oops:
 and thank you again :-)


I received an email saying that they can't give me anymore info about Summer jobs this Summer but that they'd keep me on file for Halloween or Christmas. Gutted but at least they let me know!


I emailed them yesterday saying this:

Hello, I am very sorry for bothering you once again,

I'm simply wondering if there are any jobs available anymore, as I have seen on the Disney fan forum that many people have gotten jobs offers in the last few days and when they called the phone numbers they were given, many were told there were no more jobs available.
Should I just accept that I haven't been offered a position for this summer and make plans? Or is there still hope?

I look forward to your reply.

and they replied with this:

Merci pour votre email, nous gardons votre candidature dans notre base de données afin d'être contacté si nous avons un poste qui correspond à votre profil.
A ce jour, nous ne sommes pas en mesure de vous donner d'avantage d'informations concernant les contrats pour cet été.
Nous pourrons cependant vous contacter à partir du mois de septembre / octobre pour les prochains contrats d'Halloween (du 26/10/2012 au 07/11/2012) et Noël (du 22/12/2012 au 06/01/2013). Merci de nous préciser par retour d'email lequel de ces contrats peut vous intéresser.

So I guess..it's just another waiting game and hopefully those of us who didn't get contracts for summer will get them at halloween or christmas! :)


Quote from: "Tink_22"Hi everyone ! I got this message early afternoon today :

Cher membre de notre Talent Pool,  
Nous recherchons actuellement des Opérateurs Animateur d'attractions disponibles pour un contrat du mois de juin jusqu'au 30 septembre inclus.
Rémunération mensuelle brute : 1412.38 euros  
Horaires travaillés : 35 h /semaine (pour rappel, une journée de 7 heures de travail peut commencer au plus tôt à 6 h 30 et se terminer au plus tard à 2 h du matin)
Rémunération mensuelle brute : 1412.38 euros

Pass Navigo : remboursé à 75 % pour le trajet domicile / lieu de travail
Vous serez logé/e en chambre partagée dans nos appartements meublés (WIFI possible). Le loyer mensuel  est de 291 euros (caution de 200 euros encaissé lors de votre arrivée). N'hésitez pas à nous indiquer votre préférence pour une chambre fumeur ou non fumeur. Nous essaierons de vous satisfaire dans la mesure du possible.
Le nombre de postes étant limité, merci de bien vouloir me confirmer par retour de mail avant le lundi 21 mai 2012 - 17h00 (Je suis absente du bureau du jeudi 17/5 au dimanche 20/5) si vous êtes intéressé/e ou pas par notre offre (en me précisant la date à laquelle vous pouvez commencer).
Nous vous confirmerons votre embauche dans la limite de nos disponibilités.
Toutefois, sans réponse de votre part, nous considèrerons que vous n'êtes plus intéressé par une offre d'emploi au sein de notre entreprise et nous retirerons de ce fait, vos coordonnées de notre vivier de talents.
Bien cordialement,

Assistante de Recrutement
Disneyland Paris    
PS. N'hésitez pas à nous communiquer vos nouvelles disponibilités si vous souhaitez toujours nous rejoindre à une date ultérieure.

Unfortunately I start uni before the 30th September so I have to turn down the offer   :cry:  but don't give up, this prooves there are still contracts for ride operators out there.  ;)
Congrats, yeah that's the rice operator dates they offered me a few weeks ago, if the contract finished just 2/3 weeks earlier it'd be perfect.
DLP Visits: Summer 2003 // April 2011 // Christmas 2011 as a Cast Member // April 2012 // April 2013 // Returning June 2014 to September 2015 as a Cast Member // February 2016

WDW Visits: Summer 2013 as a Cast Member // September 2015
DLR Visits: August 2013 // September 2015

My Cast Member blog - http://www.mepipe.com


hi everybody,
I've been in the talent pool since the London interviews in October but since the email telling me my interview was successful I have heard absolutely nothing! I read on here that all the contracts should be sent out by mid-May, so I was going to wait until the end of this week and send them an email, but from the sounds of things there aren't any jobs left so I was wondering if there's any point? I put down hotels as my first choice and my dates were July/August - end of September - do you think there's still hope? I won't be able to do halloween or Christmas, so this summer is really my only chance to ever work at Disneyland! :(