Getting excited now!!

Started by Vicky7260, September 28, 2015, 03:34:39 PM

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I've now ordered my AP' s ( just hope they arrive okay) and decided how to tell the girls we're going, I'm doing them each  a bag with Disney bit's in it, frozen lollies, chocolates, mickey sweets, mickey pens, colouring books ( although they are a bit old to colour) Disney party bags for sandwiches. Booked a hotel room for the night between the tunnel, ordered an in car kit and booked our Disney hotel.

I'm sooooo excited I think I'll burst between now & the end of November! I know I need to plan what we will do each day, but I'm thinking of first 1/2 day in the park and then early ish to bed. Second day early start to get most of magic hours do all the rides ( not sure what way Round yet). Dinner in the park, retail therapy & then to watch dreams before falling into bed.

Last day, in the studios for as long as possible until we need to go back to the hotel to get the car & go home, via the supermarket.

What do you all think????


Sounds good - just check the opening times and what park EMH are for (usually MK but on the odd occasion it is studios).

Obviously it depends on the stamina of your children but with Dreams being on much earlier (8pm or 10pm) I prefer to stay all day in the park and then do the Village and shopping after (I have only ever been with really small kiddies in pushchairs or older ones so hence we could stay up til 11pm for shopping).

With the Studios I find people queued for ages for the shows and we literally walked in at start time - this saved us hours of queuing. Also in my personal opinion Armageddon is not worth the wait or time (most horrifically poor walkthrough ever) so I always miss that out which saves a good hour.
♥ Disneyland Paris 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2015 ♥ Disney World Florida 2009 ♥ Disneyland California 2008 ♥

Next Visit: DLP March 2016.


Thanks Rebecca20 to be honest I didn't even think of shopping afterwards, the girls will be fine it will be me who's near death!! Ordered a job lot of pins from eBay ( pre loved ones) so they will be ready to trade fright from the off.

Is there a specific entrance for the EMH's?


No its just the main entrance - although if you do go during normal hours and its super busy try using the entrance to the right hand side - we stayed in DLH and always used this and literally walked in every time.

Definitely useful in my opinion to shop later as the stores a quieter (or at least theres less small children and pushchairs) and you can go back to your room and avoid carrying things.

There is the drop off service for Disney Hotels but we all know that once a child gets their toy there's no chance you can take it from them without a major breakdown (We ended up with a large Mickey utilising the pushchair rather than the two year old!).

It's a pity we're not visiting at the same time - I love a good pin trade! It's definitely not as popular in Paris as in the States. I personally found my best pins in the DLH shop especially the CM lanyards as it was always really quiet which meant they allowed me to trade more than the two Disney stipulates.

If you want any food or ride advice let me know - enjoy your trip :)
♥ Disneyland Paris 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2015 ♥ Disney World Florida 2009 ♥ Disneyland California 2008 ♥

Next Visit: DLP March 2016.


Thank you Rebecca20 any advice you can give will be gratefully received! The pins have arrived today any apart from one they are all perfect or as near as dam it!

My girls are fearless so will want to do all the big rides as well as see the parades, what do you recommend and what would you suggest we leave out( if anything).

Also we eat anything, and whilst I don't want burgers every day I also don't want to pay silly amounts for food unless it's great, again, any suggestions would be fantastic.

I think my girls will come back with more teddies than softmick, the youngest has an obsession as it is!!

I can not wait now literally counting down the seconds lol 😀

Slimy yet satisfying

Good atmosphere and food at family friendly prices
Annettes in the Village
Lucky Nugget in Frontier land or Cowboy cookout
Plaza gardens Main St( a little more expensive but lots of choice on the buffet)
Toad Hall Fantasyland great fish n chips 1 portion will def feed 2 kids!
Hakuna Matata Adventure Isle
Not so keen on the Studios.
1992 Honeymoon DH
1994 Oct DH, 1996 Jan DH, 1998 Oct DH, 2000 Oct DCR, 2002 Jan SL....too many babies so a big break...2010 Mar SF, 2011 Mar SF, 2013 Jan Kyriad, 2013 Apr Gite, 2013 Oct Gite + 2nts DC, 2014 New Year/Jan SF, 2015 New Year/Jan SF, 2015 Oct Gite, 2016 Jan Gite, 2016 Easter Kyriad, 2016 June Explorers, 2016/7 NY Dream Castle and Gite, 2017 Feb Cheyenne , 2017 May Dream Castle,  2017/8 NY/Jan Gite, 2018 Feb Dream Castle Hotel, 2018 Nov Dream Castle, 2019 Feb Santa Fe.


Thank you slimy yet satisfying for your recommendations it is much appreciated! I'll google the menus to see where we prefer the look of. Do you gave any idea What time dreams starts so I can book a meal beforehand and then we can shop afterwards 😍

Slimy yet satisfying

Dreams starts at park closing so is dfferent depending on the day or season. You can check on this site or the official one for your dates. It is busy tho so unless you are super tall and can see from anywhere (they usually stand right in front of my 5 foot 2!) get there early to secure a good spot.

Oh and if your kids eat burgers each day dont stress about can always go veggie for the week you come back!
1992 Honeymoon DH
1994 Oct DH, 1996 Jan DH, 1998 Oct DH, 2000 Oct DCR, 2002 Jan SL....too many babies so a big break...2010 Mar SF, 2011 Mar SF, 2013 Jan Kyriad, 2013 Apr Gite, 2013 Oct Gite + 2nts DC, 2014 New Year/Jan SF, 2015 New Year/Jan SF, 2015 Oct Gite, 2016 Jan Gite, 2016 Easter Kyriad, 2016 June Explorers, 2016/7 NY Dream Castle and Gite, 2017 Feb Cheyenne , 2017 May Dream Castle,  2017/8 NY/Jan Gite, 2018 Feb Dream Castle Hotel, 2018 Nov Dream Castle, 2019 Feb Santa Fe.


I've got no issues with the kids eating burgers whilst we're there at all, I'm just not into them so I will want something different. I'll check the website for the dreams times and book a restaurant round that. When the parks close the restaurants & shops stay open till late I believe but if I'm wrong please let me know :-) x

Slimy yet satisfying

When dreams ends the park is closed there will  not be anywhere open to eat and the shops start asking people to go to the tills. You will be able to eat in any of the hotels (even if you are not a guest) and of course the Village has lots of eateries and shopping galore all open very late.IMO its worth hanging back in the village anyway to avoid the rish for the shuttles. They run late also.
1992 Honeymoon DH
1994 Oct DH, 1996 Jan DH, 1998 Oct DH, 2000 Oct DCR, 2002 Jan SL....too many babies so a big break...2010 Mar SF, 2011 Mar SF, 2013 Jan Kyriad, 2013 Apr Gite, 2013 Oct Gite + 2nts DC, 2014 New Year/Jan SF, 2015 New Year/Jan SF, 2015 Oct Gite, 2016 Jan Gite, 2016 Easter Kyriad, 2016 June Explorers, 2016/7 NY Dream Castle and Gite, 2017 Feb Cheyenne , 2017 May Dream Castle,  2017/8 NY/Jan Gite, 2018 Feb Dream Castle Hotel, 2018 Nov Dream Castle, 2019 Feb Santa Fe.



Aged 22 I ended up bringing home 5 plushies  ;D it's not my fault if I collect Stitch and Angels though right?!

Obviously everyone has there personal favourites for food! I personally hated Plaza Gardens as it was chaos - if you don't mind a rugby scrum then go for it as the food is decent but the noise and number of people was a little too much for me.

Best counter serve: Caseys Corner (if you don't like hot dogs then don't bother).
Inventions - food was great and characters were there. If I didn't have kids I wouldn't bother but it was lovely for them.
Annette's - possibly my all time favourite (I have been visiting DLP since the age of 2 to age 22 and it has never disappointed) American theming but the portions are huge and the salads are also lush if you want a break from fries!
Chez Remy - Disappointment as it was so quiet it felt really awkward eating in a huge empty restaurant - they also messed up our order but I have since been informed that the wait staff are better. Food was nice, cute theming but pricey.
Planet Hollywood - love love love the lasagne! Good food and a break from Disney!
Rainforest cafe - never been to Paris but the Florida one was really nice.

The only think I really think is pathetic is Armageddon (sorry to any fans) it didn't help that the commentary is all in French but it's essentially a room where the lights go out and theres a fire thing in the middle and some wind tunnel stuff. Also the car stunt show is a bit boring but as a newbie you might enjoy it (It's been running like 14 years hence my boredom).

I really love Rock n Rollercoaster and the queues weren't bad - indoor rollercoaster with Aerosmith theming. Personally my favourite ride.

Other musts - Ratatouille, Indiana Jones (if your kids like big rides), Buzz Lightyear. Most would say Crush's Coaster but it really didn't float my boat - people love it though (I thought it was essentially a hella long wait for a whole load of spinning).

The village was where I was talking about doing your evening shopping! Sorry I didn't make that clear enough. Its basically like a shopping and eating area - stays open til midnight. It sells a lot of merchandise the parks have. If its a specific themed area it won't have everything and there aren't a huge amount of pins but most merchandise can be bought from the Disney Village. For me it was the source of almost all my purchases. Possibly best to do the village on one of your first days and then you can pick up anything they don't have from the parks.

Sorry for the crazy long post!
♥ Disneyland Paris 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2015 ♥ Disney World Florida 2009 ♥ Disneyland California 2008 ♥

Next Visit: DLP March 2016.


Thanks  for Rebecca20 thank you for all the information. I think I'll let them go mad in the village on the Saturday  night in the & then they can pick up the other bits on the Sunday in the park on the Sunday before we head off to the supermarket.

I think I'll leave the plaza garden, I'm not into elbowing my way to food!!

I'm gonna look for menus for inventions & Annette's and think we'll go in both while we're there. A girl needs a cocktail so Panet Hollywood is a must.

I actually can not wait now to go:-) think I'll be far more excited than the kids to go lol. Oh the pins arrived today.. Really really pleased esp what I paid for them! X


You're more than welcome.

Not sure if Inventions has a menu as its a buffet - theres a good selection though. Including pizza, pasta, fish in batter, salad, seafood, a few fancy meat dishes, potatoes of varying types. Deserts were the best part - they even had lollies which were around 12 euro for a pack of 10 in shops so needless to say its worth stashing some. I happened to grab around 7 and then ended up with 20 because Chip decided to give me loads as it was my birthday  ;D

If anything springs to mind after my October visit or if I visit anywhere and its a complete disaster I'll let you know!
♥ Disneyland Paris 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2015 ♥ Disney World Florida 2009 ♥ Disneyland California 2008 ♥

Next Visit: DLP March 2016.


Fab thanks again Rebecca. I'll bet your getting excited for your trip, how long are you all going for?