Confirmation Email

Started by tillyjenny, March 08, 2015, 09:08:56 AM

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Hello all, first timer off to DLP with my husband, adult son & 2 daughters aged 5 & 4 early July staying 3 nights/4 days in SL Montana Lakeside View adjoining rooms, just a quick query, I booked yesterday at 10am by phone, but haven't received a confirmation email yet, is that normal? Am a bit worried as yahoo mail was playing up yesterday & we didn't receive any all day, but then when I logged on this morning I had emails for all of the other things I'd booked yesterday (hotels on the way down/back, eurotunnel, kennels etc) but no Disney one. TIA


I was the same. Mine took just under 24 hours.
Just keep checking your junk mail.
How exciting!

Queen Elsa

I booked over a weekend and got my confirmation on the Monday so don't worry xx


Oh thank you both for such quick replies, I'll stop worrying so much! We're all so excited, the girls are already trying to pack & the youngest has donated her trunki to the dogs, so they can pack to go on their hols too.


I was the same when I booked got told confirmation email can take 24-48 hours and should have been told that on the phone. Clearly they don't tell people but it did arrive safely x


I booked Half board yesterday and noticed i didn't get a confirmation email straight away so i phoned about an 1hr later and said i never got a confirmation email so she emailed it again to me and i had no joy till last night 12hrs later it came through in my emails..Yahoo email must of had problems yesterday..Hope that puts your mind to rest tillyjenny :)

Queen Elsa

Quote from: tillyjenny on March 08, 2015, 09:26:15 AM
Oh thank you both for such quick replies, I'll stop worrying so much! We're all so excited, the girls are already trying to pack & the youngest has donated her trunki to the dogs, so they can pack to go on their hols too.

Awww that's so sweet! Wish I was going in July! I have to wait until December and the secret is killing me!!!! 


When I booked they told me it could take up to 48 hours to receive the confirmation.
I booked on a Saturday morning and found it in my inbox on the Monday morning.
And I use gmail, so it's definitely not a yahoo issue ;)


Thanks so much everyone, we can't wait!!!


I believe it can take up to 48 hours.

Have fun! :)
13-15 November 2016 Christmas time in Disneyland Paris


Thanks again everyone, panic over, it's just come through. Now I can start really planning for the trip, I'm sure I will be back asking for lots of advice, so apologies & thanks in advance!!