Recognising cast members

Started by RockNRoller, September 23, 2014, 10:49:12 AM

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As we approach our next trip in November my wife and I were looking at last years photo's and found one of a cast member who really made the trip special:

Q 1: Does anyone know where you go if you want to commend a cast member for excellent service?
Q 2: When has a cast member gone out of their way/really played the part to make your holiday special?

The cast member in the photo was on duty in the Hotel New York restaurants over breakfast, on our first day I came down wearing a Union Jack T-Shirt and he pretended to ban me from the restaurant, then "chased" me round the restaurant laughing before making me turn the T-Shirt back to front and then showing us to our table. He then came over with 2 glasses of orange juice to toast our new found friendship. The next morning he greeted me like a long lost friend with lots of back slapping and a further toast. Excellent start to the day I think
DLRP 2000,01,02,03,04x2,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,13, 14, 2015 (Booked)

"Pumba, not in front of the kids"


That is a great story! My favourite moments have been when my children (Primary school age) attempt to speak French, occaisionally the cast member will instantly switch to English for them but I love it when the cast members encourage them by attempting a very basic bit of French! I think it's so lovely to encourage them to speak the language of the country they are in and I always really appreciate that.

Top cast member moment of all time has to be when my 6 year old daughter decided to ride the StarTours over and over again, there was no queue really, but after the 4th time, the cast member stopped us, called my daughter Captain and asked if we would like to use the captains entrance (disabled access). This really made her stay and she still talks about it now, how they thought she was a really important captain!!!


The best cast member we had was one morning walking into the park MickyMouse and his handler were making there way out we tried to stop them but the handler waved his hands in a no motion until he recognised my accent as he was from Folkestone and I from Dover .we had a chat for a good few mins .and he let us take some great pictures of Micky and my 3 kids.             Keep smiling


I had an amazing cast member riding Phantom Manor last year. He was so in character and very scary. He made my first ever Phantom trip a memorable one and the holiday too.

DLP has some amazing cast members though who do make you feel special while you are there.


Quote from: dazzle_v2003 on September 24, 2014, 04:32:07 PM
DLP has some amazing cast members though who do make you feel special while you are there.

I agree!  :-*