Only 3 Restuarants Were Open??? What's Going On???

Started by DisneyManiac, June 24, 2014, 05:17:06 PM

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I noticed they're opening a small number and rotating which are open at the moment, say Caseys Corner wasn't open for lunch but it was in time for dreams, very odd


I saw pictures online with huge linies just to get something to eat. That cant be right. More time waiting for lunch then to get on a ride


That's not right - is there a strike on or something? When there recently there were a few closed (Victorias Homestyle Kitchen, Pizzeria Bella Notte, Chalet au Marionette) and I think Caseys was closed at lunch times but most seemed to be open.

DLRP Roundup!

Park was just a lot busier than expected, knock on effect, looks like they consolidated staff into the higher throughput restaurants to try and meet demand rather than scattering them and being overly slow in all.
The Roundup
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