Parade pictures

Started by needmagic, March 19, 2007, 05:58:55 PM

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maybe he wants shouting  :lol:


sorry for offtopic
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


aww i see . now i know yeah it does make sence , it does look as if you are getting mad or something  :ears:

thanks for that  :ears:


all i can say is why not pictures nobody tells you that you carnt put pics of your seft here in what ever way shape or form hmmmmm!!!

if its not to be done please remove them and i will not put any more there.

also the disney rule is as long a the picture is in full costume there is no problem..

people have said on this site that there going to work at dlrp charactor/parade hello what is the differnce in a piture of a parade and some saying there going to work there hmmmm..
Living The Dream Making The Magic


I like the pics personally :D  But I like to take a look at backstage areas!
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


also when people write there going to an audition and tell everybody on this site how thay did the audition and what you had to do hmmmm

 things like telling you about animation dance and stuff...

dont blow this into large scale war...

thats all i have to say on this topic have a nice day now heheheh
Living The Dream Making The Magic


Thanks for explaining that Poppy, i kinda thought that but wasnt too sure.

And i dont see the problem in 'needmagic' posting the pictures, there not exactly revealing anything..

but ah well, rules are rules i suppose  :roll:


Are there no more parade pictures???


Hey Guys!

Here are some more parade pictures of 1 of my old favorites..The Disney Parade In 2006!

And here are some other pictures of the Disney Cinema Parade in 2006!


Donald-Duck-Malta, can you please remove the [IMG] tags around the images?  Posting photos wider than 800 pixels is not allowed, because it stretches out the layout.  You can just post the links without img tags.


mary poppins has gone a bit butch in her old age  :P
just like alice you\'re in wonderland


Quote from: "raptor1982"Donald-Duck-Malta, can you please remove the [IMG] tags around the images?  Posting photos wider than 800 pixels is not allowed, because it stretches out the layout.  You can just post the links without img tags.

Hey Raptor1982!

First of all im very very sorry if i caused problems as i didn't mean to.:(And now i resized all the pictures to 799x600,the size which is i right?And also it is a honour to meet u....THE ADMIN!!How cool,i am talking to a Admin on magicforum....SWEET DUDE!LoL

Thanks and once again,sorry.;)



No problem, that's why us moderators are here.   :)


Quote from: "Samninetysix"Okley Dokley, didn't realise Disney didn't want them published

the bottom line on this argument is that Disney strictly forbids CMs from even taking pics backstage and noone should be showing them to any non-Disney CMs ever if they're lucky enough to have some. So I guess that should be the end of that.

As for the pics, they are beautiful can't wait to see a parade there!


I believe in santa...yes,  know, I'm 13, and most people at school say "You're too old for this kind of stuff!"

I like magic! I love fairies and stuff! Its fun to have something to believe in!


Quote from: "MinniesBestPal"I believe in santa...yes,  know, I'm 13, and most people at school say "You're too old for this kind of stuff!"

I like magic! I love fairies and stuff! Its fun to have something to believe in!
Yeah and that's the whole point in Disney whether you believe in "Santa" isn't the point here, Disney is magic and people who really do love Disney... we KNOW what's going on, we aren't stupid we just love the magic, we like to pretend so if you're the type of person who goes around being sarcastic and nasty to people and challening thier intellegence because they don't want the magic ruined than it's probably not the place for you :D I believe in Mickey Mouse.