Animagique to close? (Rumour)

Started by orangarnold, June 18, 2014, 10:27:19 PM

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We love Animagique & would be sad to see it go. Its such a huge building it'd be a real poor show to close it without a replacement. However, a new show of similar quality would of course make a welcome change.


seeing that hardly anyone still viits art of disney animation (at least the last time we were there, on,ly one other family went in with us), it would be more useful to change something with that one instead of animagique
<-Plz click


I actually thought they closed Armageddon?

Why are they closing Animagique?


I truly hope they never close the Art of Disney Animation - the exhibits and artwork etc displayed are literally one of a kind pieces of history and Disney would not exist were it not for the classic animations of its history. Real Disney/Animation nuts like me go mad for seeing those beautiful Maquettes, the multi-plain camera, original cells etc, & its great that there are exhibits allowing kids to learn animation techniques and inspire the future generations of Disney & Pixar animators :)

If anything, the Art of Animation area should be expanded and updated - its apparently much more in depth in California and Florida. Admittedly in Paris the Mushu section is very out of date and close to worthless really, and the film of clips of Disney films could do with being regularly updated. However I've noticed that the drawing lessons that they put on in the Disney Art Academy are getting continually added to and updated, so that's a start.

I agree that Armageddon is essentially worthless (see it once but don't bother queuing long!), but I really like the big tank thing outside the theatre! Maybe it could stay, or get moved to the Studio Tram Tour :)


Yes, thanks for posting that Sam. I was going to say I too love Art of Disney animation.... Its a shame it never seems to be that busy..... but last time I visited this a couple of years ago (and had not been for a good five years prior) I was overcome a bit (don't worry I wasn't crying!:) when they showed the Disney film montage...... it collated and showed the epic that is Disney....
then there is the more important part as you say, the ability to go and have a go at drawing.. and all the beautiful original art.....
There are very valuable bits of art in there and I remember just looking for about an hour last visit, the early concept art for beauty and the beast and character sketches by Andreas Deja and Keane. I take it you follow Deja View.
It's even better in SCA, as the have Blue Sky, where they also exhibit the original art for the park attractions and upcoming concepts (a lot of which is also brilliant art to have the pleasure to peruse)....

plus the door/ entrance is a bit 'hidden' now when the HB (or fake HB) was built which I don't think helps. Some people in the queue don't seem to know what the attractions about/ what they're going in to see ::)

... drawing by day, dreaming by night, Disney fan all the time!:)


It appears Animagique won't be closing afterall! It was one of those bad rumours!


What!?! How did you find this out msRavenswood? Hope you had a good holiday   :D (not that you probably counted, but d'you think you got a personal best for Haunted Mansion:), sometimes by the fifth day I think, caw, I must have ridden HM (and Buzz) about 20 times!!... but that's in low-season.....
.....see anything happening round Chapparal Theatre....good to have you back :) (although you'd probably rather still be there!)

... drawing by day, dreaming by night, Disney fan all the time!:)


Here's the tweet by InsideDLParis.  ;)

We had a wonderful time, thank you for asking! I believe with did get a personal best this year at PM and we also had the best two rides so far! It was just us and two other people riding both times, it was quiet, we heard every bit of the audio track loud and clear, the CMs gave their best performances, I couldn't have asked for more!  ;D

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see what was going on at the Chapparal Theatre, but I guess we will soon find out!

Oh, it's good to be back having so many beautiful memories but at the same time it sucks to be back! LOL! You can never have enough of Disney and time flies when you're there!


oops,can't believe I called it Haunted Mansion :-X (i've been at the screen all day:) - oh, well I still wouldn't take an update or new show off the cards completely.... after all, a plethora of possibilities could take on the title Animagique- still it's probably staying for the forseeable future...

... drawing by day, dreaming by night, Disney fan all the time!:)


Sorry to resurrect an older thread, just seen your response to me jimtrim. Glad I'm not the only person who feels that way about the history & relevance of Art of Animation.  ;D

Very glad to hear Animagique will still be there, we really like the show when we go. It can always be updated with new scenes and songs to keep it fresh. Also glad to hear that Phantom Manor is performing well, another family favourite. We will be returning to the parks in just over 2 weeks so looking forward to seeing all of these again :)