Ticket for 2 yr old? Buffalo Bills

Started by glgittens85, February 27, 2014, 01:21:04 PM

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Hi All

I was just wondering, do I need to book a ticket for my 2yr old daughter to see Buffalo Bills in June?

Im a bit sketchy on what we need to pay for (food wise) and what we dont throughout the park!

Any help is appreciated!



Children under 3 don't need a ticket; but then they will sit on your lap (and I guess eat off your plate)...


Thansk never2old

I dont know about my daughter sitting on my lap and eating - She likes to fidget a bit!

Hmm, I think I might give it a miss for now then - £126 seems like alot of money if my daughter has to sit on my lap. Maybe Inventions brunch would be a better option?

ford prefect

The basic principle is that there is no such a thing as a free lunch.  Tickets are free, but if you want them to have their own food then you need to pay for it.

Also, BBWWS can get a little intimidating for little ones.  It is noisy, at times a bit dark, and a very strange environment. 

We first took our kids when they were 4 and 2.  They are now 9 and 7! Be prepared to take them out of the arena if the do get upset.  Ask to be seated at the end of the row to facilitate this.

I love BBWWS, we are going for our 16th time in April. The kids have been 6 times!
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!


We took our daughter last November, she was 2 and a half, and she loved it. We paid for her own seat (and food), it was worth it!



we just got back from a trip with my almost 2 year old and went to the show he loved it especially all the animals he had to sit on our lap and ate from our plate but the servers were really nice and gave use extra and made sure he had a drink the only downside with him not having his own seat was that as i'm not on the small side there wasn't enough room to have him on my knee so he had to sit on my husbands lap which was fine but with the pates and the drinks it was quite confined but as we have the passes we saved 30% of the tickets so next time id book him his own seat but the show was great the highlight of the trip for us  ;D


We had 2nd category seats in Feb half term, we had no problems with getting drinks refilled, I had 4 or 5 during the evening plus tea or coffee after. The waiter was very friendly also.

Our boys are 7 and 2 and a half, we didn't pay for the youngest and took some snacks for him in case he wasn't fed, our server told us at the start that he'd give him food but put it on my plate each time. There was plenty of food for all of us and it was very hot and tasty considering the numbers they feed.

The four of us spread across 3 seats quite easily, it did mean one person sat astride 2 seats but they were flat and very close together and I didn't feel uncomfortable at all. But it meant no sitting on laps, the youngest could see everything perfectly well also as the seats have a very large staggering between rows.  Absolutely no need to buy 1st category seats, in fact the lower you are the more likely the safety barriers at the bottom get in your line of vision from what we noticed.

We all thoroughly enjoyed the show and was excellent value for money even when booked directly with DLP. Be prepared for lots of banging of plates and cutlery, ours enjoyed this so much they thought they'd bring this little party trick home with them!