Transfer options CDG Airport to DLP

Started by Livvipivvi, February 11, 2014, 08:09:57 PM

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It's a long one, sorry  ::)  lol

I was really hoping to travel to dlp via the eurostar non-direct service for our holiday 25th-29th May, but I've been keeping a close eye on the early May non-direct eurostar tickets when they have been coming on the eurostar website and they have been really expensive. I've been looking in the nights when they have just come on so it's not because the cheap seats have gone. When the April tickets were coming on they were much cheaper, then when the May dates started, the prices shot up for some reason?

When I saw the prices I panicked and started looking at flights, so after a lot of thinking about what to do, shall I wait and hope to get bargain eurostar prices or shall I fly and take the risk out of the equation because the flights are available to book. I decided to take the plunge and book flights with Airfrance from Heathrow (although they increased in price by £30 while I was debating what to do).

So now we are flying so I've changed our holiday inn location from Ashford to Heathrow and I'm looking for transfers from CDG Airport to DLP. I've looked at the VEA Shuttle bus and read a mixed bag of reviews on that, so am torn on what to do.

I've got a few questions...Deep breath lol

1. Has anyone used the shuttle? If so what did you think? Is it worth the cost? (137euro) Thought the atmosphere on the bus would be nice for us as its our first visit and I've heard that the excitement of all the children on the bus can really gear you up. I've also read about delays, long waits and multiple terminal pick-ups which drag it out though.

2. Or maybe someone can recommend a good private transfer company? Cheapest I've found is 125euro with so cheaper than the shuttle. Has anyone ever had any experience with these?

3. I am also considering hiring a car OH does not mind driving and I have found a suitable car with CDG Airport pick up and drop off for £98.50GBP, so was also wondering if anyone had done this? If so, whats the drive like from CDG to DLP? Are there any tolls to consider when costing? Does anyone know how expensive the fuel is in the petrol stations on the route? Are there parking facilities at Hotel New York, and if so does it cost anything?

4. Have I missed an option that maybe worth considering?

Lol, sorry about all the questions, my head is frying with all these decisions. I like the thought of the hire car, because we wouldn't mind going into paris one day and thought that the car would give us the freedom to do this whenever we wanted. But whats it like driving in paris? tolls, parking, traffic etc. Would we be better off using the trains or a tour bus anyway?

Last things that maybe worth mentioning, we are a party of 4 with the youngest being 6, so no worries with babies or large groups and our flight times are good, so no early morning/late arrivals or departures. Only thing that may affect things is that we are arriving on a Sunday, so thought that not pre booking and just jumping in a taxi would cost us a small fortune

TIA xx

Has Disney blues after our first visit 25/05/14-29/05/14 (Hotel New York). Going back 19/12/14, flights and DLH booked! Yepppyyy!!!!

captain rocket

I have always been a strong advocate of the TGV from the airport, but the prices have become spiteful and is only economical now if you are travelling alone.
For shuttle transfers there are plenty of companies to choose from, I use RS transport and have never had any problems with them.
I just had a quick look and they are quoting 127.8 euros for a private transfer or 102.6 for a shared shuttle which is the option I would recommend. i have booked a shared shuttle many times and have only "shared" once.
They collect you from a specific door at CDG (they are all numbered) and take you to the door of your hotel.
I can't help much with the car, but there are no tolls between CDG and there is plenty of free parking at the Hotel New York.
have a great trip!

Gemma W

Have you thought about the tgv train? Its really quick at only 10 mins from terminal 2 at cdg to the train station at the entrance of dlp. Not sure how much it would be for 4 but for 3 it cost a total of 80gbp. It would prob be about 96 for 4. Its quite easy to get from arrivals to the platform but do try and give yourself 60 to 90 mins to get to station from time of landing if you do choose this option 

captain rocket

Its worth checking the TGV but as I said in my earlier post they seem to be pricing themselves out of the market. For my trip in April it was £18.00. per person from CDG and £25.00 per person returning not counting any kids discount that would be £172.00. for  two ten minute journeys! The other disadvantage is
You have to rely on your flight being on time or buying tour ticket on the day, which could be even more expensive! It has become one of the most expensive railway journeys that I know! Captive audience I guess.


Bear in mind TGV trains can be upto 2 hrs apart.


I believe you were too early to book the Indirect Eurostar tickets yet, you can only book them 90 days in advance of travel, so they're only available up to 12th May ish at present. You should be able to book them for around £260 total for 2 adults and 2 children when they become available.

Although if you've booked flights now that's probably too late to be of any help, sorry I can't help with the transfers as I've only ever used the Eurostar. Good luck though.


Quote from: stk31 on February 12, 2014, 02:31:57 PM
I believe you were too early to book the Indirect Eurostar tickets yet, you can only book them 90 days in advance of travel, so they're only available up to 12th May ish at present. You should be able to book them for around £260 total for 2 adults and 2 children when they become available.

Although if you've booked flights now that's probably too late to be of any help, sorry I can't help with the transfers as I've only ever used the Eurostar. Good luck though.

Hi there,

The plan was to wait until 24th Feb, when the dates become available for the non-direct eurostar.  I've been waiting for over a month already, but the Sunday May dates that have come on so far have been very expensive compared to the usual prices, hence the panic that I had that prompted me to book flights.

The early outbound trains are ridiculously priced, I saw them coming on at about £89 on the eurostar site and that was at 11.01pm, so they had literally just gone on.  There are not as many non-direct options on a Sunday, but if you want to travel in the afternoon you can get tickets for about £65pp, but thats not cheap either, especially compared to the £260 that you say they usually cost (and they did cost when the April dates were going online).  I know they have not JUST come online, but one way travel on the non direct from Ebbsfleet to DLP on Sunday 11th May for the 4 of us is £276  :o  and that is a later travelling at 1.15pm arriving at DLP at 5.07pm, so a day lost there too.  Based on those prices, even if we get the return journey for the cheapest fare of £34.50 we will pay £412 and thats an IF.  Also another agro to weigh up is that if you want to book a non-direct fare as soon as its available, you can only book your outbound travel, the inward travel date won't be available until 90 days before that date.  This is another gamble in my eyes as you won't have all your travel arrangements booked and everything is still up in the air until your return journey is secure.  Maybe I'm a worrier, but I would loose sleep in those in between days worrying that the prices were going to be astronomical or I couldn't get a return train to the same station that we left from and therefore we wouldn't be able to drive and park because our car would be at the right station on return.  If that was the case you would have the additional cost and hassle of getting to and from the stations using public transport.

Maybe it's just me and my nutty personality, but when I book transport for things like this I like to book it all in one go and know 1. that its all done and 2. exactly how much its costing me. This whole just book one way and cross fingers that your return dates are gonna go to plan is not worth the gamble when the outbound cost is so high to start with  ;)

We really wanted to try the Eurostar, so it is a shame.  The flight times are lovely though, we will be in DLP by lunch time and are leaving the resort at 5.45pm on our departure day, so are getting full use of our days. 

Never mind, we will have to use not going on the eurostar this time as an excuse to go back to DLP in the future.  Next time I will ensure that the direct fares are available first though lol  ;D [size=78%]  [/size]

Has Disney blues after our first visit 25/05/14-29/05/14 (Hotel New York). Going back 19/12/14, flights and DLH booked! Yepppyyy!!!!


Quote from: captain rocket on February 11, 2014, 08:24:40 PM
I have always been a strong advocate of the TGV from the airport, but the prices have become spiteful and is only economical now if you are travelling alone.
For shuttle transfers there are plenty of companies to choose from, I use RS transport and have never had any problems with them.
I just had a quick look and they are quoting 127.8 euros for a private transfer or 102.6 for a shared shuttle which is the option I would recommend. i have booked a shared shuttle many times and have only "shared" once.
They collect you from a specific door at CDG (they are all numbered) and take you to the door of your hotel.
I can't help much with the car, but there are no tolls between CDG and there is plenty of free parking at the Hotel New York.
have a great trip!

Quote from: caspdex on February 12, 2014, 12:40:53 PM
Bear in mind TGV trains can be upto 2 hrs apart.

Quote from: Gemma W on February 11, 2014, 08:29:06 PM
Have you thought about the tgv train? Its really quick at only 10 mins from terminal 2 at cdg to the train station at the entrance of dlp. Not sure how much it would be for 4 but for 3 it cost a total of 80gbp. It would prob be about 96 for 4. Its quite easy to get from arrivals to the platform but do try and give yourself 60 to 90 mins to get to station from time of landing if you do choose this option 

Fab, thank you all  :)

I've booked the shared transfer with RS Transport. Thank you very much Captain Rocket, 102 euro is a bargain! And the added security of not having to pay in advance, great!  ;D   All I've got to do now is reply to their email to confirm. Happy, happy, happy!

Has Disney blues after our first visit 25/05/14-29/05/14 (Hotel New York). Going back 19/12/14, flights and DLH booked! Yepppyyy!!!!

captain rocket

Don't forget to let us all know how it goes so we can still be sure everything we recommend is still kosher.
I am using them in early April and will do the same, have a great trip.


Quote from: captain rocket on February 13, 2014, 03:12:14 PM
Don't forget to let us all know how it goes so we can still be sure everything we recommend is still kosher.
I am using them in early April and will do the same, have a great trip.

Will Do captain  :D .  Thank you, we can't wait! Not much left to organise now, on the list for the next week is travel insurance and reservations for our evening meals, then its save, save, save!

Hope you have a magical trip  :D

Has Disney blues after our first visit 25/05/14-29/05/14 (Hotel New York). Going back 19/12/14, flights and DLH booked! Yepppyyy!!!!


Hi, I'm just back from DLP & we booked a private taxi from prestige private transfer to take us from CDG to our hotel (Sequoia Lodge) and it cost us £160 return, a bit more expensive than the bus, however it was a great service and totally worth the money and we were at the hotel so much quicker than we would have been had we got the bus service.



Sorry to resurrect an old topic, but I didn't one to start a new one if the thread already existed somehwere...

I have some friends traveling from Spain to DLP, they're landing in CDG airport after 22:00 (so too late for the VEA shuttles). They've asked me what's the best way of getting to DLP from there (they're staying in the Sequoia), but this is one area I know absolutely nothing about!

Looking around I've found two other shuttles, RS Transports and Supershuttle (which seems slightly cheaper). Any comments on either one? Or any other suggestions? There will be 4 of them (2 adults and two children, ages 9 and 5). And knowing my friend, a lof of luggage  ;)

Arrow Transport


captain rocket

If you look back on this thread, you will see that I usually use RS transport and have never had a problem and find them good value.