Prams and belongings a word of warning!

Started by kelliejayne, February 28, 2014, 12:03:45 AM

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I have put several posts on in the past in regards to property especially prams and buggies whilst in Disney. I think it's awful that people could be so horrible as to buy annual passes solely to take to Disney to go on the hunt for other peoples property and it shows the sad state of the world today where people can go to happy, carefree holiday places and deliberately and wilfully ruin other peoples fun.

I too have fell foul of being so caught up in the Disney moment that you don't stop to worry about your belongings as you're having so much fun but isn't this the whole point of Disney??!! Being able to forget your cares and worries and just enjoy time with your loved ones!

My only advice to anyone travelling to DLP is if you have to take a buggy or pram then take the most practical CHEAP one you can find! That way you'll be doing the thieves out of their annual pass money as they won't be able to take your valuable property and you'll be saving yourself the trauma of having something like this happen to you. I do sympathise with anybody that has any property stolen and sadly I can't see the situation getting any better.

So any travellers taking these items to DLP enjoy yourselves in this magical place but be vigilant and try to minimise  any inconvenience to yourselves. :D


 :( What a horrible experience! I quite agree I wouldnt expect anybody to find the situation laugh worthy!!  :(


It doesn't come as a surprise to me that prams are stolen. I've seen how people just dump them here let alone somewhere like Disney. A small space for pushchairs could be made more useful if people actually folded them ! A folded pram with a lock put round it would seriously put a theif of as they couldn't just simply walk of with it. 
Hopefully your holiday insurance will cover the cost of you  replacing your pram.


I remember seeing a programme that was about Bike Thefts at bike racks where the thief simply broke the lock and rode off with the bike. To battle this, the Police Department put up posters near the bike racks that displayed a pair of eyes and was captioned "We are Watching You". There was no other enforcements and believe it or not, the posters worked! I think no thefts were made or there were less.

Maybe DLP should consider this...