Princess Pavillion

Started by haribosmum, January 20, 2014, 10:54:25 AM

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Has the Princess Pavillion worked on the allocated ticket system lately?  It was just queue up when I went last Feb, then I read you went and picked up a timed ticket.  Not seen this mentioned again for a while, was it just a trial?
Santa 11/00
Newport Bay 10/03
Sequoia 3/09
Disneyland 2/11
Disneyland 5/12
New York 2/13
New York 2/14
Disneyland 2/16
Sequoia Lodge GF 8/17
New York ESC 2/18
Newport Bay CC 4/19
Disneyland 2/20


According to the schedule on Disneymagic, it dosn`t look like they have tickets right now. maybe they use it at times with more people in the park...


Aurora1 is right they just seemed to use this as a trial for busy times. When I went in November this was the only attraction in the Disneyland Park to have ridiculous queues. People started to line up during EMH for when the attraction opened at 10:30. By attraction opening the queue was already an hour long and simply got bigger throughout the course of the day!


Just don't get lied to. When we went in Feb 2013 we joined queue when sign said 45 Min waiting time around 10.30am, I asked the cm if this was right and he said it would be quicker as 2 princess . I didn't have a watch so joined queue with my oldest Daughter 4yrs and left husband outside with the 1yr. We seemed to wait along time and daughter wanted to stay when I said we'd try another day. We final got to see Cinderella and my daughter was over joyed, when we came out we meet up with my husband to find out we'd been in there 2hr 15min. So I was hoping for the ticket system this time.

2015-Sequoia Lodge Honeymoon Suite
2015-Sequoia Lodge GF Lakeside
2014-Sequoia Lodge- Hubby's big 30
2013- Newport Bay- 1st time with kids 4y &1y
2008-Sequoia Lodge
2005-Sequoia Lodge - Got engaged
2004-Sequoia Lodge


Yes, queues tend to be ridicoulous.
2 tips, we followed last october( not so busy times): no matter what it says outside, take a look inside. If people are standing half way up along the "castle-windows", it never took us longer then 1 and 15 min.
Or go towards the end of opening times aat the pavillon. They close the doors at 3 (or whatever it says on the schedule) but still let you in before.

;) if there`s no one around in the park, they all queue up at the Pavillon! ;)


Can people give an update on this if they're visiting in the coming months please? I'm going to DLP in June and my daughter would love to see the princesses, but queuing for 2 hours doesn't sound like fun with a 3 year old


The Princess Pavillion is rarely closed. Also I doubt the queues will be a two hour wait if you are going to DLP during the low-season. I love visiting the princesses in the Pavillion, but if the queues are ridiculous you can always try to meet some of the princesses in the Studios! Ariel, Snow White, Jasmine and Mulan, who are in the Stars n Cars parade, often meet in the Studios about two hours before the parade. These meet and greets aren't scheduled though.
Goldie, look at this! Look at all the blood in his mustache! Good sir, that\'s a lot of blood!


Yes they are. To my knowledge it says on the schedule "personnages Disney/Disney Characters" Ariel , we saw everytime. Mulan and Snow White most of the times!


I may sound dumb lol but what is the princess pavillion? lol xx

DLRP Roundup!

Quote from: debz1402 on February 01, 2014, 06:08:50 PM
I may sound dumb lol but what is the princess pavillion? lol xx

A meet and greet for princesses in Fantasyland :)
The Roundup
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ooooo guess where i will be heading lol xx


I want to meet a princess but I daren't queue at the pavilion because I'm 25 lol


Wouldn't worry. There was a man who I would say was in his mid forties queuing by himself one time I was there. Last time I got talking to a girl about your age by herself. She was lovely and it helped pass the time. Everyone is made to feel special when it is their time with the princess no matter how old you are.


i cant wait to meet the princesses!! im such a big kid at almost 31 haha
First visit to DLP but stayed in Paris in 1993 just after DLP opened - aged 10!!

Cheyenne 13-17 Dec 2012 - amazing time for my sons 3rd birthday

Santa Fe 12-16 Feb 2014 - truly magical, Valentines meal overlooking the fireworks at the DLP hotel ... PERFECT!

Newport Bay 23-27 Dec 2015 - I only went and got engaged ON CHRISTMAS DAY IN DISNEYLAND ❤❤❤ 1st in the park on Boxing Day too ... amazeballs


On the topic of princess does anyone know if you can met Elsa and Anna from Frozen in Paris? My DD has seen a you tube video of them doing met and greets, that the only ones she wants to met. She is almost 10 so getting to the stage of there just people dressed up to her.