Return to Disneyland! Trip Report (FINISHED!) [video added!]

Started by ecila, July 02, 2012, 11:12:25 PM

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To take a look at just my photos from my trip, click here to view my facebook album :)

Hello everyone!  :hello:
I got back from DLRP on saturday night, and I've just about managed to upload all of my photos (over 500!!) and let my feet recover from all the walking! I went with my boyfriend, Mike, and we're both 17 so we had to fill in parental consent forms in order for us to go. We stayed for 4 days and 3 nights, and it really was a fantastic trip, I had been planning and looking forward to it for over a year so I was worried that it might not live up to our expectations but it really did, I can't wait to go back! I had been to DLRP twice before, once for the 10th anniversary when I was 7, and once again in 2006. Mike has been twice before also and to WDW once, so we were both looking forward to 'returning' to Disneyland ;) Anyway, I'll stop rambling now and begin, I hope you enjoy my trip report! :)

DAY ONE - Wednesday 27th June

My alarm went off at 4:30AM, and Mike had stayed at mine so I had to drag him out of bed! We packed some last minute things in our suitcases and hand luggage and set off for Ebbsfleet station at around 5:20. We stopped off on the way to put some credit on my phone in case I needed to ring home for emergencies, as my contract doesn't cover phoning abroad. We got to Ebbsfleet around 6:10 and our train didn't leave for another hour so we had plenty of time. My mum had taken us to the station and wanted to make sure that we got on our train alright, so we sat and had a coffee for a while.

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We said goodbye to my mum, went through security and waited for a little while before we boarded our Eurostar to Lille. We found our seats and the journey went really quickly, the journey through the tunnel is so fast too!

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We got off at Lille and sat down for a while, as our TGV was coming in about 50 minutes. I was a bit confused about stamping our tickets in the little yellow machines, and as we got onto the platform I realised I had stamped my returning ticket by mistake so Mike had to run up the stairs and stamp the right ticket for me haha  :roll: The TGV went really quickly too but it stopped at each station for about 10 minutes which made me a bit impatient as I was so excited to get there!! I had been feeling really sick and nervous for the whole journey as I was so worried about if there might be some problem with us checking in or something due to our age. I had really been worrying as the day before we still hadn't recieved our holiday confirmation in the post or from the travel agent, so i was freaking out until Mike's mum realised she had it all along  :roll: thank goodness for that! Anyway, as we approached Marne La Vallee I became so excited, as I could see Space Mountain, Tower of Terror and the top of the Castle out of the window!!  :D/

We took our luggage up to the Disney Express counter and was served by a lovely man who spoke English very well :) There was a bit of a problem though, he told us that our package hadn't arrived yet as it would be arriving with the direct train from St Pancras, and so our park tickets hadn't arrived or anything :( But he printed us out a park ticket each for the day so it really wasn't any problem at all and told us we could just pick up our package from the hotel when we checked in later  :thumbs: After handing over our luggage we rushed down the stairs and outside, grabbing the video camera from my bag and breathing a sigh, we were finally here :) I could see Panoramagique over the top of the village, and the big yellow shuttle buses travelling backwards and forwards. We suddenly realised how hot it was too! We ran towards the entrance of the parks, taking in the beautiful sight of the hotel as we walked underneath it, and admiring all of Fantasia Gardens. When we got through the turnstyles I started to get a bit teary. We had waited so long for this trip and had been talking about it almost constantly for over a year, it felt almost unreal that we were finally there.

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Our first stop was to go up inside the castle, as I don't really have any memory of going up there. The windows were lovely and so colourful

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After we toured the castle we had a walk around fantasyland, stopping off for a fastpass for Peter Pan's Flight :)

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Le Pays Des Contes De Fees had about a 5 minute wait, and as it was a ride I had never been on before, we thought we might as well make it the first ride of our trip :) The moving platform scared me a bit but we managed to get on okay and we really enjoyed the ride, Mike couldn't stop smiling!

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Being the big Beauty and the Beast fan that I am, I loved this bit!!  :thumbs:

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It was a nice start to the trip to get us in the disney mood :) Afterwards we headed over towards Its a Small World :D

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After touring the rest of Fantasyland, we walked round to Discoveryland.

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There was a 10 minute wait for Space Mountain. Mike couldn't remember whether he had been on it before or not, as he couldn't remember the beginning of it when you shoot up. I told him not to worry and that it wasn't scary or anything...Funnily enough when we got up to the front of the queue, we were seated at the front of the carriages :D What a brilliant place to ride for someone who's never been on before haha

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Mike really liked the ride, and for me it was better than I ever remembered it being! Unfortunately it gave Mike a headache for a while, it really is so bumpy :( That's one thing I do remember! We toured around Discoveryland to try and let Mike's headache ease a bit.

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We were really eager to see the rest of the park and reacquaint ourselves, so we walked through Main St over to Adventureland.

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We then went on Pirates of the Caribbean, which had about a 30 minute wait but we didn't realise until we got into the queue. This turned out to be the longest wait we waited for the whole holiday, which isn't bad! We then had a quick look around Frontierland and admired BTM, looking as lovely as ever :D

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After looking around all the lands, we decided it was time to go and check into our hotel (Santa Fe) as it was about 3/4 o clock by now. We checked in with no problems regarding our consent forms (phew!). We explained about our package with our tickets and the lady at Reception went and fetched them for us and gave us a map of our hotel and directed us to our room. We were in Building 10 in room 117, which was upstairs and overlooking the cactus on the Trail of Artifacts. It was a really lovely room with a big corner room looking out onto the reception but also quite close to the Rio Grande :) I was a bit apprehensive about staying at the Santa Fe as I had heard a few bad reviews, but it really was very nice and clean. They were doing work on the buildings and painting them whilst we were there, which is clearly needed as the outside of the buildings do look a bit shabby. But our room was lovely and served its purpose, as we really only slept and rested in there.

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I thought it was cool that our hair dryer had the logo on it hahah!  =D>

After having a short rest in our room, changing into shorts and pums, and watching a bit of tv (we soon turned over the Disneyland Paris channel after watching that incredibly irritaing woman doing a top 10 things to do in the parks  :| ) we decided to walk by the Rio Grande to Lake Disney. We took a slow stroll round the Lake and took in the atmosphere, whilst admiring all the lovely hotels. I would LOVE to stay at Newport Bay on our next trip, as I really wanted to on this trip but our budget was rather small. We then wandered on to Disney Village and took a few photos.

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We went back to the parks after this and I think we then went to get a fastpass for BTM. Mike had lost his fastpass for Peter Pans Flight from earlier that day  :roll:

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After getting our fastpass we went to Phantom Manor that had either a 5 or 10 minute wait

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Then it was time to use our fastpass for BTM. The queue was fast moving so we got on quite soon. It felt so good to be back on the ride and brought back some nice memories from when I went 10 years ago. Back then my little brother was about 5 and used to cry over everything, including all the rides at Disneyland. To try and calm him down we tried to find a nice slow ride in Frontierland. My mum saw the BTM train finishing around the front of the ride and assumed it just went around at that speed and it was a "nice little train ride". Needless to say, my brother was absolutely terrified and so were we once we realised what was happening, and he didn't stop crying for ages! Ahaha but we never made that mistake again!

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I really love the way that mountain reflects on the water  :D We walked to the castle and it was then that I had a brilliant idea...

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Hahaha I really love this photo! Other people started doing it after us too ahaha

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We then headed out of the parks to go and get our first Earl of Sandwich

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I got the Cannonballs sandwich and I can honestly say it was the most delicious sandwich I've ever had, it was just so good!!

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This is the view we had from where we were sitting

taken by surprise!

It was so lovely walking back into the parks and seeing everything lit up. We found a spot in the middle of the plaza and sat and waited for Dreams. It was without a doubt the best thing Ive ever seen, absolutely amazing. It brought me to tears, the music and the lights and everything was just sooooo beautiful :)

After watching Dreams we walked back to the hotel and stopped off at the petrol station to buy a big bottle of flavoured water. We watched a bit of Disney Channel and then went to sleep, still amazed and mesmerized by Dreams  :mrgreen:
- Davy Crockett\'s Ranch (May 2002)
- Davy Crockett\'s Ranch (Oct 2006)
- Santa Fe (June 2012) Trip report here]


Looks like you had a great time! I love your shirt btw and I'm looking forward to the rest of your trip report.
I'm 17 as well and I'm going to DLRP this summer without my parents and I was wondering about that form, is it an official form that I can download somewhere or is it just a note written by my parents? I hope you can help me out!
xoxo Enya
Goldie, look at this! Look at all the blood in his mustache! Good sir, that\'s a lot of blood!


Aw, I loved your trip report and your photos so much, I'm excited for Day Two! I like the scrunched-up faces you and your boyfriend did in some of the first photos, me and my boyfriend do the exact same face and we have near-identical photos to those :') I totally agree about Dreams, it made me cry too, I wish I could see it again! Youtube just isn't the same!


That was a fantastic fun read =D>  I look forward to the rest of your holiday report. Also, loved the photos :thumbs:



Quote from: "PrincessEnya"Looks like you had a great time! I love your shirt btw and I'm looking forward to the rest of your trip report.
I'm 17 as well and I'm going to DLRP this summer without my parents and I was wondering about that form, is it an official form that I can download somewhere or is it just a note written by my parents? I hope you can help me out!
xoxo Enya

Thank you! :)
Well we booked our trip through our travel agent and they gave us the form, we filled it out and then gave it back to our travel agent and they sent it to DLRP in order to confirm our booking :) Hope this helps, but I'm sure you can ring DLRP if you'd prefer and they could probably mail you the paperwork and you send it back :)
- Davy Crockett\'s Ranch (May 2002)
- Davy Crockett\'s Ranch (Oct 2006)
- Santa Fe (June 2012) Trip report here]


Quote from: "geekyjo"Aw, I loved your trip report and your photos so much, I'm excited for Day Two! I like the scrunched-up faces you and your boyfriend did in some of the first photos, me and my boyfriend do the exact same face and we have near-identical photos to those :') I totally agree about Dreams, it made me cry too, I wish I could see it again! Youtube just isn't the same!

Hahaha, yeah those faces became a bit of a habit throughout the holiday as the sun was always getting in our eyes :') I know! I showed my mum the video on youtube and she still thought it was amazing but I tried to explain it was absolutely nothing in comparison to seeing it in real life. When you feel the warmth of that fire on your face its just, wow!
- Davy Crockett\'s Ranch (May 2002)
- Davy Crockett\'s Ranch (Oct 2006)
- Santa Fe (June 2012) Trip report here]


Quote from: "Epcot_Boy"That was a fantastic fun read =D>  I look forward to the rest of your holiday report. Also, loved the photos :thumbs:
Thank you very much! I'll be starting the second day soon and there are plenty more photos to come!  :thumbs:
- Davy Crockett\'s Ranch (May 2002)
- Davy Crockett\'s Ranch (Oct 2006)
- Santa Fe (June 2012) Trip report here]


An amazing trip report so far. I love your photos - I love the one of Mike "holding" the top of the castle - very artistic!

Cannot wait to see more. =D  :thumbs:
31st Aug - 1st Sept 2010 = Kyriad Torcy (First Time <3)
11th - 14th July 2011 = New York Hotel
2nd - 4th Aug 2011 = Kyriad Torcy
31st Oct 2011 = Day Trip
13th March 2012 (Disneyland Cal)
10th - 13th April 2012= Hotel L'Elysée
30th May - 1st June 2012 = Hotel L'Elysée
31st Oct - 1st Nov 2012 = Residence Prestige
18th - 20th July 2013 - Residence Prestige
9th -11th Nov 2013 = Hotel L'Elysée (First Christmas Trip!)
Coming soon:
29th April - 1st May = Hipark Serris.


Quote from: "ecila"Hahaha, yeah those faces became a bit of a habit throughout the holiday as the sun was always getting in our eyes :') I know! I showed my mum the video on youtube and she still thought it was amazing but I tried to explain it was absolutely nothing in comparison to seeing it in real life. When you feel the warmth of that fire on your face its just, wow!

Hahaha for us too! We always do faces like that anyway but the sun does get in your eyes doesn't it, especially in front of the Disneyland Hotel for some reason we've found?! Yesss the fire was amazing, we were quite far back so I was shocked we could still feel it...'wow' is definitely the word for it :D


Thanks for sharing your photos and trip report! They are really great.  :D


DAY TWO - Thursday 28th June

We had got to bed at about 1AM last night after walking back from dreams, going to the petrol station and showering before bed, but we were determined to get up early and explore our first full day in the park. We woke up around 7 and got dressed and packed our bags for the day. It was then that I realised we weren't given breakfast passes when we checked in yesterday  :? By now it was about 7:30 and I knew by the time we went down and sorted it out, breakfast would probably be heaving. Luckily my mum had given us a packet of pain au chocolat the day before that we were going to eat on the train, but we had saved them so we just had them for breakfast instead :) We left our hotel room and made our way to get the shuttle to the parks.

When we got into the parks it must have been around 8:20 but Main St was still pretty empty. It was really a lovely morning, really sunny and warm :)

(Mike and his scrunched up face again! haha)

We walked through the castle and round to Fantasyland. We had a little look around the shop with the beanstalk and had a look around to see which rides we wanted to go on. I think Peter Pan had quite a short wait, and it's Mike's favourite ride so we went for that and basically walked on  :thumbs: I had completely forgotten how much I love this ride, all the lights underneath and around you are just lovely :) After that we walked around to Alice's Curious Labyrinth but it wasn't open yet, so we just hovered around for a little bit and took some photos. I think this was when we headed over to Discoveryland and I had my first ever ride on Buzz. Well, this is probably the most embarassing part of my trip report. I have no idea what I was doing wrong but I got an absolutely atrocious score of 900 when Mike got something like 15,000 ahahaha! We walked back over to Fantasyland to see that Alice's Curious Labyrinth was now open!

I love the maze but it did bring back some bad memories from when I got lost in it when I was younger! haha I went missing for about 15 minutes and my mum was panicking like crazy and my brothers and sister had to go up to the top of the tower to see if they could find me  :oops: but luckily this time I was okay ;)

It was about 9:20 now and we decided to head over to Adventureland. Pirates of the Caribbean had a 5 minute wait and we practically walked onto that too, it was lovely and cool inside too :') We then walked around Adventure Isle and up onto the rickety bridge, a lot smaller than I remember but I am a lot bigger now haha. Nevertheless, Mike was still a bit scared to go across ;) There were a group of kids rocking the bridge and one lady had to ask them to stop as she was carrying a child and they were getting a bit too wild.

 After this we headed through Frontierland, down Main St and out of the parks to the Studios. It was about half 10 by now so we didn't expect the queues to be that great.

We walked past Crush's Coaster which had about an 80 minute wait already, of course  :roll: We then walked round to Toy Story Playland as I've never been there before. As big toy story fans, Mike and I loved the theming of the area and the giant Buzz. I loved all the hanging lights and the giant toys :D We walked around a bit and saw that RC Racer had a 15 minute wait, and this looked like the kind of ride we'd rather go on as opposed to Slinky Dog and Parachute Drop, so we decided to go for it. We didn't queue for very long and I really loved the queue line with the little road :D We were both actually quite surprised by how scary this ride was!!

We both really enjoyed the ride even if it did make our stomach flip when we first went backwards and upwards! We had a walk round the studios after getting a fastpass each for Tower of Terror. I have to say I much prefer the layout of things in the parks. It feels like everything has just been plonked down without much thought, just my opinion haha. We walked past the raining umbrella, but the rain wasn't working :( I had a photo with it anyway, but the next day we saw that the rain was working again but there was a huge crowd of people having their photo with it. :( We had a nice walk round using all the photo points.

Sorry for there being loads of photos of me, Mike took care of the stills camera whilst I used the video camera most of the time and he doesn't really like being in photos hahaha. Our fastpasses for Tower of Terror still weren't for a good few hours and everything in the studios had a long wait time so we decided to head back to the park. It was getting really hot now and our feet were starting to ache from walking all day yesterday up until 12AM and not having a lot of rest, so we decided we needed something to let us rest. It was about 11:30 so we decided to go on the Railroad. The queue time for Main St was about 45 minutes so we decided to walk down to Frontierland station in the hope that there would be a smaller queue. After  walking down there we saw that there was a 20 minute queue and barely anyone in the waiting area so we queued there. The train ride was a lot faster than I remembered or maybe just less in it haha. It was still a nice way to see the parks from a different perspective though :)

 We got off at Main St and we were quite hungry by now so we headed out to the village. We went to Earl of Sandwich again and I got the tuna melt and Mike had the Caribbean jerk chicken. They were both lovely, so much so that I forgot to take a photo  :lol:  By now it was time to go to Tower of Terror for our fastpass ride. We queued inside for about 5 or 10 minutes and then went inside to the library where I was already a bit scared! This was my first time on this ride and I really really enjoyed it, although it turned out to be the only ride of our trip as Mike didn't want to go on it again :/

By now our early start and late night had begun to catch up on us and our feet! We decided to go back to the hotel for a while to rest a bit, although we didn't want to waste any time whilst we were there, we figured that we'd rather rest for a while than wear ourselves out and feel miserable. It was really unbearably hot by now, so this made us feel a bit worse and run down. When we got back, Mike went to the petrol station to get another big drink and I went back to the room to soak my feet haha. We watched a bit of Disney channel and Mike had a power nap and we returned to the parks.

our nice big corner window!

If I remember correctly, we went to Frontierland and went on BTM. I made sure I sat on the outside as I was so hot I wanted to get splashed haha! We then went through all the caves to see the waterfall and to try and keep cool. I'm really struggling to remember what we did next, I wish I had kept a diary! I think Star Tours had a small wait time so we went on that. We had a bit of a problem once we got into the loading area. Obviously we were all just going to walk straight in and go to the seats that were in our line, but once we started walking in, everyone just walked to wherever they wanted to and sat down :S This became a problem for us because everyone had a seat but me and  Mike :| A man at the back had sat down with a seat either side of him for some reason? The CM asked him to move but he began muttering something in french and I had no idea what they were saying :S The man refused to move and the CM asked if we wanted to just sit either side or wait for the next one. We decided just to wait because we wanted to enjoy it together really :( We didn't have to wait long  but I just don't understand why that man didn't move one seat along if he was alone  :-k

Nevertheless the ride was just as good as I remembered, Mike forgot to put his bag under his seat and because he was sitting at the end of the aisle at the very back, he had to just watch his bag roll down the gangway as the ride was going hahaha! After this we went into Videopolis to relax for a bit and watch some cartoons and pixar shorts :) They were playing 'Mike's new car' which is one of my favourites! :)

It was about 8PM now so we decided to mooch around for a while and take in the atmosphere. We headed over to Fantasyland again and walked around then through to Adventureland.

It was around 8:30 now and if I remember correctly we had fastpasses for BTM yet again for about now, so we headed over there and started queueing. It wasn't quite dark yet but it was still a nice atmosphere for riding BTM. It was still hot out so it was also very refreshing to get splashed haha. Afterwards we wandered around for a while and had a look in a few shops before we headed to Main St and sat down to wait for Dreams. We sat to the left of the castle this night and it was a nice view, we couldn't see the fountain with Wendy on it very well but we could see the bottom of the castle and that was what I really wanted to see haha. We filmed it that night and Mike and I took turns to hold the camera so our arms didn't ache :') When I sort out the tapes from the video camera I may try posting some our videos from  our trip :)

- Davy Crockett\'s Ranch (May 2002)
- Davy Crockett\'s Ranch (Oct 2006)
- Santa Fe (June 2012) Trip report here]


Eek, such good photos! And more scrunched up faces hahaha :D Your photos have made me want to be back there so so much, you've captured it really well  :thumbs:


Quote from: "geekyjo"Eek, such good photos! And more scrunched up faces hahaha :D Your photos have made me want to be back there so so much, you've captured it really well  :thumbs:

Awhh thank you so much haha :) I never noticed how much we scrunch up our faces until you mentioned it, now I notice it alot in my photos haha :')
- Davy Crockett\'s Ranch (May 2002)
- Davy Crockett\'s Ranch (Oct 2006)
- Santa Fe (June 2012) Trip report here]


Nice report :-)
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


Very nice report! I read him with pleasure, and in one breath from beginning to end ... Great pictures! :)
[size=85](sorry for my bad english, thank You!)[/size]