Comments on Rude guests.. other peoples opinions??

Started by Cookie, June 30, 2012, 01:49:19 PM

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Hi Everyone!

So, I'm not sure if this is the right area to post this in but it is relating to a trip to Disney I went on last week!

I have been going to DLRP and WDW for years and never have I experienced such rude behaviour from guests as I did last Tuesday! Perhaps this has happened to some of you before?

Anyway, to cut a long story short after only two hours in the park we were fed up with people queue jumping and pushing which did not start our day off well! The worst people for it to my surprise were actually familes with young children! Perhaps it is because me and my friend are in our early twenties and these people felt they had more of a right to be there than we did?! Don't get me wrong and please do not be offended, I am not saying ALL guests or families were rude just unfortunately quite a high percentage!

Can I also please have peoples opinions on people sat on the curbs waiting for the parade? I understand everyone wants to get a good place and some people are sat there well in advance so definitely deserve a good view! However, do any of you agree with people not letting others through or past you if you are sat in this position? Especially in high season where it is difficult to even walk on the pavement around parade time!

I have to admit it has totally tainted my view of going to the park again, I am due to go again in November which I have to say I am really not looking forward to as much now! I'm hoping it will be quieter at this time of year and therefore less of pushing, shoving and general rude behaviour from people!

The other time of day that was totally ruined for us was Dreams :-( after we had our spot and the show had STARTED people with children on their shoulders (again fair enough if people want their children to see, we deliberately positioned ourselves away from the areas were people were doing this) actually had the absolute cheek to come and stand directly in front of us so we could not see a thing!! No matter where I seemed to move this one particular mother seemed to move back infront of me.. so any tips on how to avoid this please? I know she wanted her child to have a good view but it's not like I was a giant and the child was literally head and shoulders above me!

Sorry to rant on and just to note it cannot be a language issue with some of these people as I can speak french and german (not fluent but definitely enough to communicate) and my friend I was with can speak Spanish so the majority of people we could communicate with! Plus we always made the effort to speak french as we are respectful people!

Please, please, please can someone advise me on how to look over this and even 4 days later I am still absolutely gutted that these strangers have ruined my holiday!!

Don't get me wrong not everyone was rude, infact people of a similar age to us (who I thought would be the worst) and any English and American people especially we met were soooo friendly and some even made our day!

I think next time I will just save up for a long time and go back to America!!

Sorry everyone- rant over! But opinions on the curb situation and children on shoulders at dreams- as I had a particularly bad experience with this- would be much appreciated! Although I am quite patient and willing to understand that everyone there wants to get the best they can out of their holidays people I will be going with in November will probably not stand for it and I do not want there to be arguments and confrontations in what is supposed to be a happy place!!
Think of all the joy you\'ll find, when you leave the world behind and bid your cares goodbye..


You shouldn't let other people ruin it for you. Children on shoulders, queue jumping, no one likes that,  people sat on the curb waiting for a parade guarding their position, pushing and shoving in a busy park, doesn't happen in America? I've seen people hanging from the lampposts, climbing in the trees and trampling over the flower beds to see the fantillusion parade.  Oh well, count yourself lucky you didn't get someone smoking in your face. I've been on very busy days in the summer and will be this year, so I'm learning some rugby tackles. :thumbs:
Ed & David


HaHa brilliant! Think I'll be learning how to tell people in the nicest way possible what I think in every language! People sitting on the curbs isn't too annoying as it's fair enough that they want to keep their place! It's the people that refuse to move to let you through! I had some woman (I think Spanish) who would not move to let us through and we wanted to leave park to beat the crowds after the parade- unbelievable! If I wasn't at a Disney park with young children everywhere I would have probably let anger get the better of me! But to be fair the cast members seem pretty useless, there were literally people jumping over posts in queues at BTM and cutting in later down the line! And nothing was done about it!
Think of all the joy you\'ll find, when you leave the world behind and bid your cares goodbye..


im glad i have my body guard with me this july (my son is 16 yrs 17stone and 6ft ) so no one will be pushing passed us this year ;)


Oh and yes that's another annoying thing people smoking in the park! I went with the impression that it was not allowed?! Lovely to see cigarette stubs on the floor at Disney! Also I know, the sad thing is all the parks can't control how rude the guests are but you would think people would just consider how their actions ruin other peoples experiences!
Think of all the joy you\'ll find, when you leave the world behind and bid your cares goodbye..


Quote from: "Cookie"Oh and yes that's another annoying thing people smoking in the park! I went with the impression that it was not allowed?! Lovely to see cigarette stubs on the floor at Disney! Also I know, the sad thing is all the parks can't control how rude the guests are but you would think people would just consider how their actions ruin other peoples experiences!

smoking is allowed on certain spots, though. But it's definitly rude to just drop them on the ground.

Last March the smoking in the park seemed notably a lot worse than the year before! People were smoking in queues, even if the queues were 'covered' such as Crush's and BTM, I had never seen that before...

We also had a lot of incidents with rude guests.. In the Tower of Terror queue there were children sitting on the chairs which are inside the main lobby of the 'hotel', trying to open each and every door, or cabinet they could find...


Although I have had to put up with some rude behaviour from guests at DLP over the years, my experiences have been mostly good. We've been going to DLP for 20 years and I'm quite chilled out now about getting on the rides, and I get alot of satisfaction in beating the queues and finding a good position to watch the parade. Just don't get in the way of a Mum with a pushchair :shock:
Ed & David


We were there this week just gone also and have to admit some people do leave their manners at home. We were very lucky most of the time that CM's bent over backwards to help us get through etc as my 6 yr old has a wheelchair. I still found it incredible, however, that a grown man found it acceptable to push himself right in front of his wheelchair and practically sat on his knee to get a photo of Goofy I would happily have moved for a moment if he had simply asked lol. I found queuing for drinks / ice cream the worst as people were smoking in the queues and it really put me off. Popcorn doesn't smell quite the same with nicotine mixed in.


I know, I don't quite understand why people don't seem to realise that if they just ask (politely!) then 99% of people would happily give some space etc! And I know, there are certain areas where smoking is totally unnecassary such as in queues and smaller spaces, especially considering most of the people there are young children!

I suppose it is just a case of some people being the way there are?! But just wish there was a way to stop this happening so much, it just spoils it for some people and it's such a shame!
Think of all the joy you\'ll find, when you leave the world behind and bid your cares goodbye..


In a America and Britain smoking is frowned upon, 25 years ago if someone smoked around me and I asked them to stop, people would look at me like I was mad, that's how much things have changed. Maybe other parts of the world are playing catch up, there has to be a cultural change in peoples attitude towards smoking in my view, its not really a Disneyland Paris problem. I know that there are smoking areas and CMs should enforce them, but guest have to be willing to cooperate and many probably won't, they no doubt take the view, it's not against the law. It's just like the picnic area provided outside the park, some people still insist on taking their picnics inside the park because they say they can't afford the food, it's still against the rules as far as I know.
Ed & David



We just came back and we arrived on Tuesday had a brilliant time will do a trip report soon.

Some guests were lovely and their childrens manners was outstanding. The only complaint I had about queing was peoples bags. People would be continuously looking around them and keep hitting you with their bags. People behing you would also stand up to close to us and hardly leave room to breathe as if it was going to make their queue time shorter. I had not to much experience with queue jumping but it did happen once or twice. I am usually very firm with my position and if somebody tries to push through I stand on front of them (as in not jump queue but remain in my place except on front of them).

For the parades I have to say people sitting on the foot path I dont mind they are very fair and its always first come first served. I`m happy as long as they don`t block our view. I can`t stand it though when they are sitting on front of you and then the parade starts and they stand up.  :evil:

As for Dreams I really do agree with what you said. We got a brilliant spot over to the right at a fenced off area near the info kiosk. We stood outside the railing and everyone inside it on the grass was sitting down. We thought this brilliant  but once the music began  :x  that brought out the maddening. They automatically stood up not considering that they had a perfect view already and weren`t blocking anyone and then blocked everyones view.  :x


Oooh I hope you all don't think I am just moaning and making the park look bad- this is really not what I wanted to do! Infact apart from the incident with the woman refusing to move from the curb to let me through and the queue jumpers on BTM (I'm sure you all know how long the queues get for that ride so it is quite annoying to see people pushing in!) it was one of the best visits I have had to DLP! Dreams was incredible and worth the trip alone!! Anyway plan to do a proper trip report soon- minus the mention of rude guests! Then it's time to get excited for my first visit to DLP at christmas!! :-D

Thank you for your opinions on it all, I will try to not let it get to me so much next time! I guess it's nice to think you're in a nice happy bubble at Disneyland! :-)
Think of all the joy you\'ll find, when you leave the world behind and bid your cares goodbye..


I have noticed all kinds of rudeness like this, I wouldn't know where to start.  English, French German, they're all at it!  I'm glad I'll have my well built friend with me on my next trip!


I always sit down at the curb, waiting for a parade to begin, hehe.
But, when it actually starts, I will stay seated, not to bug anyone else behind me, and I'm just more comfortable sitting down, hehe.

Though, when you are sitting down waiting, you really should count the numberous of feet you get hit in the head by!!
It's not that people say "excuse me, can I pass?" anymore   :|
They just push their way intbetween 2 people sitting down, and 9 out of 10 they hit someone, and sometimes very hard because half of the people are "running", and when they do hit you, don't you even think they say "sorry"  :?

Off course, not everyone is like this, I've noticed only a group of certain people this mainly happens with (but, I know, even there are good ones too, but it seems noticable it's a majority of certain groups, where 90% of others agree with).

I can't be bothered with the smoking.
I don't smoke myself, but I grew up in a house where both parents do.
Don't think anything can really be done about it, because you are outside.
Though, I do agree, no smoking in waiting lines (as it's just too crowded for that).
And yes, for crying out loud, there are so many trash cans at the park, don't just throw all those cigarette butts on the floor/street  :(


I am always amazed that grown adults think it acceptable to push in front of me and my son...I am only 5ft 1 so hardly ever get a good view of anything unless we sit it out for ages. I will always let smaller people in front of me when parades start, obviously this will normally be children and as long as no-one is pushing me out of the way we can normally work something out. I have to say this never seems to be reciprocated and the scrums to meet characters are just a nightmare. I have seen rude behaviour from all ages and nationalities and been astounded by the courtesy of others. I think when the parks are hot and busy people get more irritable so we tend to go off season when it is quieter. Overall though I think that most people try to be considerate and that makes the bad behaviour more obvious.