Association des Petits Porteurs d'Actions EuroDisney -APPAED

Started by deisy, December 02, 2011, 04:11:20 PM

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The APPAED is an association of small shareholders (or minority shareholders) of EuroDisney.

It 'was created in September 2011 on the initiative of a group of small shareholders.

The idea of ??creating an association came almost natural to all home owners on a forum talking about the Disney theme that powers small shareholders (note the forum is

 The APPAED purpose is to bring together the largest number of small shareholders (minority shareholders) and allow it to be heard and to hear their reasons against the Euro Disney SCA and also against all French or foreign companies related to her.

The shareholders of Euro Disney SCA, waiting 20 years dividends to be, want to be more informed on the financial management of the company, but:

- The supervisory board (our auditors) does not communicate with the minority shareholders and does not make their behalf unless the shareholders' meeting, a document with incomplete and impersonal.

- Actionnaires the club offers some interesting information on its website, but these are equally impersonal and institutional.

The APAED therefore wish to open a direct dialogue and courteous, but just as strong and determined with the direction of the company and SCA.

This is not to challenge the decisions taken systematically, but to hear the views of small investors, to make known their expectations rather than thinking only to decisions.

For all the information you can receive an information sheet for membership.

You just return the piece of mail with a receipt for membership of the bank in which you can see that you own the shares and the number of shares paossedute.

Membership is free.

( :oops:  sorry for my bad English)

- ... pic=6154.0
- ... t9088.html


For registered shareholders: Societe Generale Securities Services should send the documents to the General Assembly today, January 27.

grand-mère donald

The documents are on the site Corporate ... tion.xhtml


Next June 21 there will be an informal meeting between members all'APPAED  =D> .  

The meeting is open to all members  :wink: .



Thanks for the link. Since I'm also a shareholder of ED SCA, I'm always interested to read some new about the company.

The round table discussions in January and February must have been very interesting. Mr. Gas said that Disney is exploring Eastern Europe countries and the Middle East, especially the Emirates. I think if Disney wants to increase attendance and spending, that's the way to go, since Mr. Gas said that the main markets of DLRP aren't spending  that much anymore. I'm also pleased to hear that Disney is returning to Germany.

grand-mère donald

Quick report on the Round Table March 31st, 2012 before an exhaustive one this week-end, I hope.

Mark STEAD said that the results are not so bad. The most important line is Cash Flow and not the loss.

The Press Event was a success and the benefit is 3 or 4 times the cost.
Investments will be pursued: they bring the performance. They will continue the development of The Studios till 2018. Ratatouille (opening 2014) will be unique. Why not a hotel in that Park??? Everything is a matter of choices and priority.

The rate of satisfaction for DREAMS® is 94%. "Nights in the Park" will return from 5pm or 6pm, with special packages diner/Dreams with a VIP access.
The restaurants in the Park will remain open later: it was just a need of the administrative authorizations.
A new "Chef", Philippe Geneletti is in charge of the California Grill of the Disneyland Hotel for 15 days with the challenge to make a "gourmet" restaurant.

New concept for the Disney Store that will develop "imagination". The Disney Village will have a new story-line. New shops: LEGO® ?????????

The IT tool is obsolete: it will be completely changed for reservation, the follow-up of customers and annual pass. A notion of loyalty will be introduced with new annual pass before the end of the year.

Villages Nature is going on. The building permit has been put down. The Aquatic Park will be unique in Europe.

As APPAED asked for, you can now find financial documents, letters from the Shareholders' Club ... in the Salon Mickey.

Philippe GAS said that "communication" is a major problem to be managed.

DLRP Roundup!

Quote from: "grand-mère donald"Quick report on the Round Table March 31st, 2012 before an exhaustive one this week-end, I hope.

Mark STEAD said that the results are not so bad. The most important line is Cash Flow and not the loss.

The Press Event was a success and the benefit is 3 or 4 times the cost.
Investments will be pursued: they bring the performance. They will continue the development of The Studios till 2018. Ratatouille (opening 2014) will be unique. Why not a hotel in that Park??? Everything is a matter of choices and priority.

The rate of satisfaction for DREAMS® is 94%. "Nights in the Park" will return from 5pm or 6pm, with special packages diner/Dreams with a VIP access.
The restaurants in the Park will remain open later: it was just a need of the administrative authorizations.
A new "Chef", Philippe Geneletti is in charge of the California Grill of the Disneyland Hotel for 15 days with the challenge to make a "gourmet" restaurant.

New concept for the Disney Store that will develop "imagination". The Disney Village will have a new story-line. New shops: LEGO® ?????????

The IT tool is obsolete: it will be completely changed for reservation, the follow-up of customers and annual pass. A notion of loyalty will be introduced with new annual pass before the end of the year.

Villages Nature is going on. The building permit has been put down. The Aquatic Park will be unique in Europe.

As APPAED asked for, you can now find financial documents, letters from the Shareholders' Club ... in the Salon Mickey.

Philippe GAS said that "communication" is a major problem to be managed.

Absolutely excellent, thanks :)

Also thanks for the English translation, the APPED site usually has everything in French and Google Translate can only do so much :)
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grand-mère donald

During the last Round Table, a possible evolution of the Shareholders Club and its membership requirements has been mentioned. For instance two levels of membership will be proposed.
It would be great to know your point of view. So APPAED would be able to communicate what small Shareholders are expecting.
Please fill the survey on our website in the section "Enquetes"


Also inform you that on June 21, will be held on 1st International Meeting of Appaed. There will be French, Spanish, Italian.
At Disneyland Paris!  :mrgreen:

If someone wants to participate, contact (quickly)  :thumbs:  grand-mère donald or me deisy. Thank you  :)

grand-mère donald

The results of our survey on the Shareholders Club are on our site.
Sorry, I can't release them here because of the diagrams

grand-mère donald

Our new survey, a summer survey:
What kind of Shareholder are you? ... a-d-estate

DLRP Roundup!

Complete :)
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On 20 October will be held in Disneyland Paris the 1st Annual General Meeting of APPAED. Here is the


The General Meeting of APPAED will take place on Saturday, October 20, 2012 from 12:30
till 3:00 pm in the restaurant Cape Cod – Hotel Newport Bay Club - Disneyland Paris Resort.
Agenda of the Ordinary General Meeting:
- Moral Report
- Financial Report
- Perspectives of development
- Internal rules of the Board
- Election of 4 members of the Board
Agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting:
- Modification or the statutes

Attending Modalities
Every member up to date at least 3 days before the meeting, that is to say on October 17th 2012,
having sent its registration form with the documentary evidence of ownership of his shares, will be able
to vote.
Members can attend the meeting, give appoint someone, give proxy with no name,or vote by post.
The meeting being held in a restaurant, it is compulsory to confirm with a 25-euro check before
october 10th to the order of Edith Zemirou. This will allow us to make the reservations. This check will
be returned you (Unless you do not come without notice) and you will pay the amount of your meal
yourself. You will take advantage of the shareholder's rate with your card of the Shareholder's Club.

According to the statutes, annual documentary evidence is required every year to allow the
update of the list of the members before the General assembly of the Association.
The quorum is fixed to the majority more one in the voices of the members up to date of
contribution. In case of absence of quorum, a new General assembly will be summoned
within the hour and will be held validly whatever is the number of present or represented
Every member has 1 (one) voice whatever is the number of his shares. The members can vote by being
present at the General assembly, by mail, or by proxy. Every member can detain a maximum of 3
(three) proxies. The number of proxies held by the President and by the founder members is not
limited. During the votes, In case of division, the voice of the president is dominating.

You will find as attachments:
- A proxy
- How to vote by mail
- A presentation of candidates for election to the Board of Directors


Election to the Board of Directors of the APPAED - October 20th, 2012


CHOQUET Alexandre
Alexandre is member from 2011, October 21st. He is French. He is interested in forum and social net
for many years. Among others, he created Disney Gazette Enquête as a webmaster an administrator.
He can bring us his knowledge and his professionalism.

DEMURO Elisabetta
Elisabetta is member from 2011, October 24th. She is Italian.
She is very active on Italian forums. She wants to encourage shareholders who are interested in the
management of Euro Disney SCA to become members of APPAED, publishing news on APPAED
mainly on Italian forums.

Bruno is member from 2011, October 27th. He is French.
He is keen of Euro Disney Company. His skills in financial subject can be an asset for APPAED. He is
available and friendly and he can bring to our Association his ideas in term of communication and

RIVA Roberto
Roberto is member from 2012, April 5th. He is Italian.
He is founder and administrator of the forum Tuttodisneyland. He is also Chartered Accountant and he
can put his expertise in the financial domain in the service of the Association. He believes in our
project and his purposes and he wishes to develop the presence of APPAED beyond the French