Association des Petits Porteurs d'Actions EuroDisney -APPAED

Started by deisy, December 02, 2011, 04:11:20 PM

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Modalities for postal vote
Please check boxes corresponding to your vote for every question. For the election of the members of the Board, you can vote for 1,2, 3 or 4 candidates.

1 - Postal vote.
Please insert your form into an envelope without any distinction. Then put this first envelope in another one on which you will write « Vote for the General Meeting of APPAED ». On this second envelope please write your name, surname and sign.
Please send before October 18th to our postal address: APPAED, 61 Bis rue de la Roquette, 75011 PARIS, France.

2 -  Vote by email.
It is possible to vote by email. Please write the subject of your message: "GM of APPAED" + name and surname. BUT DO
NOT WRITE YOUR NAME AND SURNAME IN THE MESSAGE, only on the subject. Only the President will have communication of your vote. She will print the form and will insert it in an anonymous way into the ballot box.

grand-mère donald

The APPAED Combined General Meeting took place at the restaurant Cape Cod in Newport Bay Club Hotel – Disneyland Paris, on October 20, 2012 from 12:30 to 3:00 PM.

Perspectives of development

-   We need to convince more shareholders to join APPAED
-   We will develop APPAED in other countries
-   Our website must become a reference for the information of the Shareholders.
-   Our next survey "EuroDisney Communication"  will be on-line after the publication of the results of the fiscal year 2012
-   During  next  EuroDisney General Meeting we will ask again written questions and one oral question
-   After EuroDisney General Meeting, we will have lunch together
-   We are going to study we can organize our own Round Tables.

grand-mère donald

New survey on APPAED's website till the end of November: what do you think about "EuroDisney's Communication" ... tionnaires


Already done!

grand-mère donald

November 28th 2012, Yann and Edith met Olivier Lambert. It has been a very interesting discussion which lasted about 2 hours and a half.
We had many explanations on:

- the debt:
- the loads:
- the display of results:
- the Investors:
- The Round Tables:
- our survey "Communication of EuroDisney":

We were very satisfied with this moment of discussion where the will of explanations was obvious.
Olivier Lambert repeated that they estimate the dialogue which was established with APPAED
and which allowed that some of our suggestions are already applied.

grand-mère donald

November 28th 2012, Yann and Edith met Olivier Lambert. It has been a very interesting discussion which lasted about 2 hours and a half.
We had many explanations on:

- the debt:
- the loads:
- the display of results:
- the Investors:
- The Round Tables:
- our survey "Communication of EuroDisney":

We were very satisfied with this moment of discussion where the will of explanations was obvious.
Olivier Lambert repeated that they estimate the dialogue which was established with APPAED
and which allowed that some of our suggestions are already applied.