Big Thunder Mountain derailment incident (27/10/11)

Started by Josh, October 27, 2011, 10:56:40 PM

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It looks like there's been another incident! :o The back car in one of the trains derailed while it was moving slowly. No one was injured.
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glad to hear noone hurt or injured, without this sounding selfish i hope that this isnt closed when i visit in december its one of my faves!
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If it was just the one train that had the problem, they'll probably just check the wheels on all of the cars, tighten all the nuts and bolts and maybe replace the train with a different one.
Disneyland Paris
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Walt Disney World
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Oh dear lord it's falling apart. Let's hope we don't see the events of California appear over here.

I'm sure it won't, but two indents in one year on the same ride. The only time a ride has had several in one year was mission space at epcot.

Oh dear


There aren't many details yet apparently, but here is the link: ... -reported/

I hope it isn't anything too bad.


According to @Photomagiques on Twitter, nobody was hurt or anything. So that's some 'good' news, I guess...

Quote@Photosmagiques: Another Big Thunder Mountain incident this evening the last car of a train derailed while riding at low speed No injuries
[size=120]"Most men, they\'ll tell you a story straight through. It won\'t be complicated, but it won\'t be interesting either."[/size]

[size=120] - twitter - youtube[/size]


Ah good news!



Big thunder mountain was shut down last night and fire crew were going into it. Looks like it's not going to open for Mickeys not so scary arty later. The big green boards are up and staying up so far. Oh dear  :cry:


Yep. There was an accident, yesterday. :( See this topic:
Disneyland Paris
    [li]January 2000, 2012[/li]
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Walt Disney World
    [li]August 2008[/li]


Oh dear , we were On a train waiting to depart and they took us off. Glad that I wasn't up there but a shame for the party. Feel a bit cheated but would rather be safe. Had been looking forward to it as the Q time was 90 mins some days.


You were about to get on when it happened? :o Gosh.

That must mean the derailment happened on the island. Where were the fire crews going?
Disneyland Paris
    [li]January 2000, 2012[/li]
    [li]April 2012[/li]
    [li]August 2009, 2011, 2013[/li]
    [li]New Year 1997-98, 1998-99, 2001-02, 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07[/li]
Walt Disney World
    [li]August 2008[/li]


They were going up into the mountain. About 7 in total.  Yeah we were right on the train waiting to go. Excited too as it had broken down on our last fast pass too.
The train is still in the sme place stuck on the last outside climb.


Official tweets about the incident from @Disney_ParisFR:

QuoteCe soir, un incident à faible vitesse est survenu sur l'attraction Big Thunder Mountain. Aucun blessé n'est à déplorer. #Disneyland Paris!/Disney_ParisFR/st ... 8462496769
QuoteL'attraction est fermée pour vérification comme le veut la procédure. #Disneyland Paris!/Disney_ParisFR/st ... 0292874241
Basically - an incident occurred at low speed on the Big Thunder Mountain attraction this evening. No one was hurt. The attraction is closed for checks as is normal procedure.

Nothing mentioned on the English @Disney_ParisEN account, but then personally I don't think incidents like this need to be mentioned on their public Twitter feed at all, especially this kind of uselessly vague statement simply announcing an "incident" with no detail. Should their followers just make it up in their head? They should have a separate official channel for press releases. Posting out 140-character statements looks very unprofessional.


Photo of the closed entrance from 1 hour ago:


BTMRR does not have much luck in any of the parks!