Make Crush's Coaster FASTPASS only

Started by mattsteveal, September 01, 2011, 11:05:44 AM

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Have DLRP thought of utilising a FASTPASS ONLY system on some of the lower capacity rides to reduce queue times?

seems like the best option for Crush and RC racer imo

anyone else think the same?


They so need a fastpass line on Crush's Coaster. Even though we queued up for this attraction when the park first opened, we still waited over an hour. However, that was when it first opened so things might be different now


the problem with adding a Fastpass line to such a low capacity ride is that the normal line would be even slower and longer, and pretty much come to a standstill. Thats why i think it should be Fastpass only, everyone benefits then


They need to do something to reduce the queue time. I queued for nearly 2hours one time. But the ride is excellent and to be honest I wasn't too angry as the ride made up for the waiting time.


The fastpass only idea isn't that bad, have Disney ever used this before?


They've never used it before.

But basically, this means you would have to book for when you want to go on the ride. The fastpass system seems like the best way to do that.

However, queues are actually more important than you think, because they keep people from crowding the streets and pathways, so I don't think the queue will go away. XD
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thats a good point. also, if people stop queueing here, then queues are going to get longer everywhere else


Exactly Peter. We were there when they trialled fast pass and it was a nightmare. The day fp was not in use, the queue for Crush was an hour, cars 20 minutes, tower of terror and tram tour about 30 and rock and roller coaster was 20.

The day we went in when they were trialling it, standby was 2 hours for crush. Carpets and cars were at 50 minute waits, tram tour, TOT and rnrc were at an hour. It took 20 minutes of quoting to get a fp (return time was 10:30 when we got in the queue. The ticket we got was for 2 (clashing which our lunch reservation). The pavements were heaving and the studios were very unpleasant.

There was a cast member friend there and he remarked that there was not a major difference in the number of people in the parks both days. It proved to me my theory that fps are bad for the overall park experience and of course they never rolled it out (I am glad).
since 2001 (many before that)


I think the suggestion is to make it ONLY fastpass. I'm not sure how many "timeblocks" that Fastpass is divided into, but I guess if a ride was ONLY fastpass, there could only ever be a queue equal to the timeblock you are in....

I don't know if it would work. The CMs would have to be very strict with people coming after or before their time, and then you'd have the technical adjustments to deal with. Also people who would have been safely standing in the Crush line would then be cluttering up the lines on other things, leading to more delays there.

And on a purely selfish note, if they made it only fastpass then people would be forced to use the system and therefore more people would figure out how it works and begin to use it on other rides, so it would no longer be possible for people who have figured it out to swann past a huge queue to get on things like Peter Pan etc. Because it must only be the fact that people don't know about the system that would make them stand in line for more than an hour, in my opinion!


Good point, could you imagine if everyone knew how to do it?

Pete's Dragon

In theory it sounds like a brilliant idea, but sadly it would never work in practice. People never turn up at the right time, they always get there a bit early and hold everything up.

The only real way to sort Crush's queue out is to increase capacity. I doubt more pods could be squeezed in so, what about 8-seater pods with 2 seats facing north, south, east and west?


maybe its crazy, but what if they changed it so that the pods were in a train, maybe 3 or 4 pods attached to each other, that would mean up to 16 people at a time. now, a ride lasts for about 2 and a half minutes, so i reckon that its capable of at least 5 trains. also, each pod can still spin, as long as only the first pod has the lift hill system.

so, lets say that the ride is running 5 trains. thats 80 people for every full cycle of the trains. lets give loading and unloading 1 minute, so each train takes 3 and a half minutes. in an hour, each train can get in theory 17 cycles in, but i'll change that to 16, just so that its closer to reality. each train can carry 256 guest each hour, so if 5 trains are running, then the ride has a capacity of around 1256 per hour. the current capacity is around 900 per hour, so it would really help the queues.

it really isn't a bad idea at all, and i'm surprised they haven't thought of it before, all that would be needed is a refurb of the station, and a new set of vehicles.


The block brakes are designed for one "pod" only, the brakes are too short for trains.
The carrying structure was not designed for trains.
Have a look a the station, how much do you want to speed it up so that you can load whole trains while maintaining the dispatch timing?

All in all there are that much changes to be made, it would be easier (and probably cheaper) to just build a second identical ride next to it.


Ah, hadn't thought of that.


I honestly see it being a real option to build a double one. I'm sure for a while while California Adventure were debating a clone of the ride, they looked at doing a duel track option (same logic as the dual sided Primeval Whirl vs single Manhattan Madness (now Goofy's) I guess). There is space (kinda) to place one behind the building at a 90% angle, and then if they do, enclosing the current queue so that there is a split point half way down, but making it similar to the Epcot Nemo attraction with a more winding queue, more heavily themed. It'd work, plus that way there may be the option for Fastpass merge on one of the sides.

As for making the ride Fastpass only, that'll never happen. It's too much of a logistical nightmare, what if the machines break? What if no one gets anything for one time slot, and the ride just sits there when there could be a perfectly good constant walk up queue? It's a solution on paper to fix it, but operationally illogical.
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