Disney Dreams! — Nighttime Spectacular

Started by Festival Disney, April 14, 2011, 01:54:28 PM

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DLPTwenty just posted something like that on Twitter as wel

http://twitter.com/#!/dlptwenty/status/ ... 3611203584
"It's like when you go and you see a really great band live for the first time, you know, and nobody's saying it but everybody's thinking it: "We have something to believe in again."


It's so easy to start rumours these days ;-)


Haha, I realise PoD has gone forever, but I can't help but see a suggested 'Dreams' motif everywhere! Whatever DLRP has in store, it's going to be huge.

Although it's unlikely, if Welcome (Parade of Dreams' showmode) appears in OUADP, I think I will scream with joy.


Quote from: "Columbiad"So, as InsideDLParis confirmed, we are getting a fountain on Central Plaza? Sounds excellent to me.
Actually, he didn't confirm anything. We're just trying to interpret his vague implications. :P After all, it might not be what we think it is. If it's just going to be a colourful fountain in the middle of central plaza, when why have they been experimenting with fountains in the castle moat? ;) I think there's more to this than just a mini-WoC fountain.

But even if it is just that, I'll still be impressed. :D
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They could be laying piping, maybe thats the works on central plaza are for


Quote from: "Poppy The Monkey"Okay, I've given away far too much already....  :twisted:
Yes, you have. :P Thanks! And if there's more to the night time show than just the fountain, then you've really got me excited. :D

...and sad. Why did I have to book two holidays to DLP this year? There's no way we could afford a third. XD
Disneyland Paris
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Walt Disney World
    [li]August 2008[/li]


Wow. Thanks so much Poppy! Apart from the new name of the parade, everything sounds very promising. Hope they go for Peter Pan - it'd be a fresh change, but -

Quote from: "Poppy The Monkey"Say goodbye to the Power float.

WHHAAATTT??!! It's the best float of the whole parade!


Awwww I would miss the Power float :(. So where are the shows going to be presented then the castle stage?! Seems like such  waste of work and funds to design and place this vast stage only to rip it out again. No wonder DLRP never has any money!!!!

Changes to the parade sound AMAZING!!!! I am slightly sick of the ouadp music now something new would be really refreshing. Fountains sound fun though!!


Wow, that all sounds amazing! I really cannot wait for it all to be confirmed! =D  

If they play the "Parade of Dreams" show stop (Welcome to our family time) I think I might have a fit. XD
It all sounds really amazing, I hope that on the day of the 20th (the 12th) it will be EPIC!

and, omg, if "Dreams" will be a theme, i wonder if they'll do something like "Year of a million dreams?" =D  That would be awesome for 'dream prizes' to be given. XD
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Yaay, I was right about the piping!

All sounds promising, and a live performer in dreams, where will they be,

I'm just "dreaming", but could you imagine if they were on a castle balcony?


I've heard a rumour that the princesses in OUADP will each have their own horse drawn carriage instead of being on a float. I think this would be pretty cool!


Quote from: "DisneyBud"I've heard a rumour that the princesses in OUADP will each have their own horse drawn carriage instead of being on a float. I think this would be pretty cool!

Well, they'll definitely need to be somewhere since Mickey & Pals will be moving on to their old float.


I wonder if we'll get a new lead float? The current one is very much themed to DOUAD, so a new one would be a nice signal of a new parade.

As for the fountain show, that's awesome news, not only will it open the Hub back up, it'll add a new sense of elegance to the end of Main Street! I can't wait to see what they do with Dreams! Hopefully some pyro will be included too for good measure.. like a mini DisneySea Fantasmic?
"...keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things" - Walt.


Quote from: "Scissorsboi"Hopefully some pyro will be included too for good measure.. like a mini DisneySea Fantasmic?

woah, you are aiming very high there!!!

i mean, as far as i am convinced, only places that makes a profit can put on anything close to that!!


I think the choice of a fountain for the park is so perfect. Not only will it be unique to our park, but I think it continues the European spin on the Disneyland park formula, as I think a fountain in an open public space seems a very European thing.

 I wonder whether it will function during the day as a regular fountain? I hope so.

And I'm so curious to find out what sort of design the fountain will take - can we expect a Victorian style that blends into Main St. USA, or a style that compliments the Fantasy-medieval castle? Or perhaps will we get some sort of bronze character(s) or statue, akin to the Partners statue ?

So many questions.

And yet, as I type this, I dread to think of the reputation of  Disneyland Paris guests, and how they might mistreat a beautiful fountain....