Duffy the Disney Bear

Started by Malin, January 14, 2011, 11:22:23 AM

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Quote from: "Scissorsboi"Can somebody please explain to me how Duffy is taller than Mickey, if in all of the pictures of his story Mickey is seen holding him as an actual teddy size? I have no real problem with him in context, but little things like this just show him back up as the merchandising tool that he really is.

They are actually just around the same height in the parks. So does it bother you that Chip & Dale are taller than Donald in the  Parks? Even though in all cartoons they appear in together they barley reach his knees.
I really don't see why so many people are against Duffy. What's wrong with DLP trying to make money? Isn't that what we all want right now?


The problem I have with Duffy being bigger than Mickey (and he is in the last picture posted), is that he is supposed to be an inanimate object. I don't have an issue with any movie characters being off scale because I recognise them as characters which are there because people want to see them, Duffy isn't a Disney character for me, he's a cheap option for Disney to sell cuddly toys and accessories which you could see on any high street.

If it was a dress up Mickey concept I'd understand that. But if you look at Duffy there is nothing to suggest that he is any different or belonging to the park than the bear I bought from Hamleys in 2007. I guess I just want to see Disney retain it's values and not sell out on gimmick merchandise that has little to no relevance to the park.
"...keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things" - Walt.


Quote from: "Scissorsboi"I guess I just want to see Disney retain it's values and not sell out on gimmick merchandise that has little to no relevance to the park.

 :thumbs:  =D>
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Quick question: (to all the people who hate Duffy, please don't shout at me, BUT...) will Duffy still be in the parks for a significant time? I'm going in June and would love to meet him. Have there been any Duffy sightings since January? :D


Yes, Duffy now looks like a permanent addition!

He's currently meeting from 10.00am to 3.00pm every day at the same Liberty Arcade location, but now in his regular sailor outfit: http://news.disneylandparis.co.uk/UK/EN ... arades.pdf


That's great news, thanks very much :D Can't wait to meet him and buy a Duffy bear!


Quote from: "Anthony"Yes, Duffy now looks like a permanent addition!

He's currently meeting from 10.00am to 3.00pm every day at the same Liberty Arcade location, but now in his regular sailor outfit: http://news.disneylandparis.co.uk/UK/EN ... arades.pdf

You have made my year with this news!
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


And mine! :D Plus his little sailor outfit is so cute, aw Duffy!


We just came back from the park, having been at almost the same time the year before. I was keen to see / try all the new additions since that point, however small they may be, but I must admit that before we went to the park, I completely didn't get Duffy as a character or why he needed to exist: A character walking round the parks who has no connection to any Disney films or shows makes little sense, and as a Teddy Bear, he is cute, but quite generic looking, so I wasn't sure why Disney were trying to push him so much - surely a generic teddy bear is not a get rich quick no failure piece of merchandise, you can buy one anywhere.

And THEN when we got to Disney, I finally understood. It's a blummin' "Build'a'Bear"/"Bear Factory" compatible bear. NOW I get it. SMART move. Kids love Build'a'bear style cuddly toys, and they quickly become their favourites because they have a wide range of ever changing clothes and accessories that they can buy for them at (semi) pocket money prices.

Duffy being a generic character is a perfect move, because right next to him they are selling costumes so that you can DRESS HIM UP as your favourite character. We saw Buzz Lightyear Duffybears, Woody Duffybears, etc etc.

Adding the back story that Duffy is Mickey's favourite teddy that he always takes travelling with him is genius, because it means that kids who buy a Duffy will want to bring him EVERY time they come to Disneyland, and buy him a new outfit as an accessory. Its the ultimate re-sell.

And for kids who don't want a Duffy, as they already have a favourite stuffed toy that they brought with them on holiday? There's a very good chance that the costumes and accessories will fit them too, and of course their favourite little pal needs a souvenir as well as their owner.

Very clever, pure marketing hype of course, but good luck to them. Selling Disney costumes and accessories for build'a'bears without having to pay for the franchise rights is a very smart move that will do financially very well for Disney. Anything that shifts more merchandise is good for the parks over all, and Duffy is cute. I don't object to him being there, especially when he's walking round with Mickey or Minnie, ensuring they spend a decent amount of time in the parks. Oh, and the animatronic one in the shop (one in Main Street I think) is awesome.


Did you not read Duffys back story?

He is a bear that Minnie made for Mickey to keep him company on his travels.

I can understand why some people think he is just a money making scheme, I personally don't. I love his story and how he is appealing to all ages. My daughter having not met Duffy yet but knows his story is completely in love with him and does not go anywhere without her Duffy bear.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Duffy was in the Disneyland Hotel when we were there last week .. he was one of the characters doing the meet and greet by breakfast .. was so lucky we only had to wait 5 mins to see him not the hour + long queue that was waiting in the usual place ...

there are duffy's for sale all over the place and lots of the carts and kiosks had duffy outfits for sale .. he is v cudly .. we didn't buy one this time - but no doubt he is going to be on my daughters list for the next time :)
Self confessed Eeyore nut, IT Geek, IBM Champion, and Disney addict
WDW - Feb 2013 - Pirates at the Caribbean Beach

DLP - March 2012 - Disneyland Hotel, WDW - January 2012 - Swan Restort, DLP - June 2011 - Sequoia Lodge, WDW - January 2011 - Dolphin, DLP - November 2010 - Sequoia Lodge


Quote from: "torillien"Duffy was in the Disneyland Hotel when we were there last week .. he was one of the characters doing the meet and greet by breakfast .. was so lucky we only had to wait 5 mins to see him not the hour + long queue that was waiting in the usual place ...

there are duffy's for sale all over the place and lots of the carts and kiosks had duffy outfits for sale .. he is v cudly .. we didn't buy one this time - but no doubt he is going to be on my daughters list for the next time :)

Hoping to catch him in the DLH, my daughter wants to meet him everywhere and I think would camp out if she had too lol.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


I don't know what to make of him. I'm a huge fan of Disney. I'm getting Married on 5th December (Walt's birthday), all my pets are named after characters, and I have scrap book upon scrap book of Disney based things. I've documented Walt's biography, his work, his legacy, I absolutely adore everything Disney. But until coming on here, and then looking him up, I had no clue who Duffy was, and you know what? After reading his back story several times, he's still a random bear to me. He's just something Tokyo came up with to make more money and that's not Disney at all. Perhaps if he was featured in something out of the parks he'd make a lot more sense. But absolutely nobody I know has ever heard of him. I've actually had a parent today, who knows how big of a fan of Disney I am, came and told me that they're taking their kids to Disneyland Paris, but couldn't for the life of them understand who this bear was they thought it was a new film that they'd missed. It all just seems a bit, well I don't know really. Plenty of other parks have mascots, and you know what, usually those mascots are bears. It's as though someone's thought, let's jump on the bear bandwagon. But the Disney parks don't need another Bear. They've got plenty. There's Balloo, and Pooh, and Brer Bear, The Country Bears. When I was little there was the Gummi Bears!

I do see his appeal, and I do see that the back story is cute, but it needs to be better documented.
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Wow its been a while since I last visited this thread. Glad to see its still going and people who visit Disneyland Paris are being introduced at last to Duffy.

I bring very exciting news. Disneyland Paris is now stocking its very own 12 inch 20th Anniversary Duffy Bear. An exclusive product that will be the envy of Duffy fans everywhere. But mostly in Japan. I wonder how much these could go for on EBAY. Anyway here is a pic of the new line from the @InsideDLParis Twitter page.

https://twitter.com/#!/InsideDLParis/st ... 48/photo/1


That 20th Duffy looks super cute, though I just wish you could buy the outfit for him rather than it being attached to him.