Captain EO returns to Discoveryland - now closed

Started by The Butlin Boy, April 10, 2010, 01:00:37 PM

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Well my bro had the suggestion to bring your own 3d glasses, which are far better then
the ones at DLRP. So if you have them, bring them  :thumbs:
It will save you "the headache" which some people experience with this 3d movie.

Hope to see it one more time, before it gets shelved for ever  :oops:
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


@nemo1981: No, you are not the only one ;-) I was at the Pre-Premiere on June 11th and was not as far as excited about the movie as I've been back in the 1990s. The whole setting is so outdated and naive, that one just have to see it as nostalgia.
But even for seeing it as Nostalgia, the new special effects are not appropriate in my opinion, especially the moving floor does hardly fit to any of the scenes it is used for. Maybe it is better to deactivate the floor and just keep the 3D-effects and the ambiance-effect-lights, just as it was back then, when the movie premiered.

If Disney want to keep a souvenir of MJ, it maybe better to move Captain EO to another theater (e.g. as alternating programm to CinéMagic or AniMagic) and to come up with a - really exiting - new 3D Attraction to finally replace the anyway outdated HISTA.
DL 1988 * WDW 1988 * DL 1989 * DLP 1994 * DLP 1997 * DLP 1998 * DLRP 2005 * DLRP 2006 * DLRP 2006 * DLRP 2007 * DLRP 2007 * DLRP 2008 * DLP 2009 * DLP 2010


Quote from: "Alan"Anybody know the prices of all the different bits of Captain EO merchandise sold at Disneyland Park?

What sizes do the t-shirts come in?

I bought a Captain EO T-shirt in June. I'm pretty sure they were around 20 euros and came in sizes S-XXL


QuoteWell my bro had the suggestion to bring your own 3d glasses, which are far better then
the ones at DLRP. So if you have them, bring them :thumbs:
It will save you "the headache" which some people experience with this 3d movie.

Some important things you should know:

- Only "3D" glasses with polarized glasses will work. The glasses you use at home are probably shutter glasses, they won't work here. Color-filter based glasses like the Dolby ones, also will only end in more headaches. Also, if you're using other polarized glasses, be sure they have the right polarization or you will end up with an even larger headache. The ones used by RealD (used by some cinemas) might work, but they are hardly better than the ones provided by Disney.
- The headache you're getting is the result of the large amount of negative parallax that is being used in this movie. That is, the "in your face" effect. HISTA only used it for a few effects (most of the scenes took place BEHIND the screen, as that's where the lab was supposed to be) and in modern full feature 3D movies tend to avoid it with the exception of a few scenes in the movie. Overuse of the effect can result in headaches and dizziness.
- The refresh rate, picture clarity and stability of this old style analog 70mm projection can never be as good as a high resolution DLP image, used in the most recent digital stereoscopic (3D) projections. So essentially, if you watch Toy Story 3 in "3D", you're watching more cutting edge stereoscopic technology than Captain EO ever had at his disposal.

Captain EO's ressurection is quite obvious just a temporary hack. Some nostalgia which I can appreciate nonetheless. With the arrival of superior stereoscopic projection in almost any multiplex around the world (some even on screens comparable in size) and plenty of feature length "3D" movies to choose from, there was no longer any room for HISTA. You could argue EO doesn't add that much, but at least there is quite some action and music in this one, whereas HISTA only had some cheesy special effects and lousy humor on the menu.

Ah, and did I mention, I really liked the deep and misterious loop they played in the theatre before the show started, as did I like the star-effect that extended beyond the screen combined with the asteroid that exploded right in your face. I hope they left that intact :p.

The replacement for EO, if any is on the horizon, should not be another simple "3D movie". Even the gently moving floor cannot give enough "4D" effect to make it worthwhile in my opinion. Thanks to Hollywood, "3D" has become mainstream fare and Disney did their part in that.

PS: You might have noticed that I'm calling it "3D". I know that from a marketing perspective people tend to call it 3D, but it is just "stereoscopic". I hate using false terms, so hence the quotes ;).


Nice indepth info, tx for sharing  :thumbs:
I was talking about the polarized glasses and not the shutter glasses ;)
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


3D glasses in cinemas these days use circular polarisation, whereas Captain EO and HISTA use(d) linear polarisation.

What's the difference? Well, if you tilt your head to the side while watching Captain EO, you get a double-image/ghosting effect, and the 3D breaks up. That's because linear polarisation assumes the angle of your head is  perpendicular to the angle of the screen.

Circular polarisation, however, doesn't have this limitation. You can rotate your head as much as you want, even upside down, and the 3D still works. Circular polarisation doesn't depend on your head being at a fixed angle for the 3D effect to work.

Let's hope Star Tours: The Adventure Continues uses circular polarisation :-)


Quote3D glasses in cinemas these days use circular polarisation, whereas Captain EO and HISTA use(d) linear polarisation.

RealD uses circular polarization, IMAX 3D uses vertical/horizontal polarization or shutter glasses. IMAX glasses might work, as long as they don´t have a reverse polarization (or else the left-eye image will end up in your right eye, and vice versa). In that case, you could still wear those glasses upside-down :).

QuoteLet's hope Star Tours: The Adventure Continues uses circular polarisation :-)

I didn't know they already settled on the inclusion on "3D" into it. I've also read they were actively looking for a stereoscopic system that could operate without any glasses.



Yes, Star Tours II will definitely be in 3D. It's supposed to use a Disney Real-D 3D screen. Glasses will be worn :-)


Going back to Captain EO, I found this great video on YouTube that contains 2m 28s of the magical music they play as you enter the auditorium. If I could buy one piece of music in the World, it would be the full version of this in CD-quality. I'd love to have it:




Yeah, thanks. That's exactly the score I was referring to. I would not call myself an audiophile, but I do appreciate good sound quality. I still remember being extremely impressed not only about the score itself, but how it sounded in the theatre. It had extremely clear high tones combined with deep basses and it was also played quite loud.

The mistery of the tune and the way it was played added a great deal of excitement, something special was going to happen!

I've done a little research by Googling around, the score was probably written and produced by Richard Bellis, he also did the preshow. I couldn't find any high quality recording, thee ones on YouTube seem to be from an old VHS recording.


Great tune, thanks for sharing!
It just brings you to a magical place only by sound, that's stunning..... =D>
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney



It's beautiful, isn't it. Such an atmospheric piece of music. It has so much emotion and magic in it. If there's a more magical piece of music in existence I'd like to hear it.

Yes, I know what you mean about the sound quality. I remember those crystal clear treble sparkles, and those deep spacey bass notes too :-) I can't wait to see Captain EO again in Paris.

It was either composed by Richard Bellis or James Horner, but it was most likely Richard Bellis. The guy's a genius. Here's his website:


Oh I do love that music. It brings me back to when Discoveryland audio really inspired - Le Visionarium, SM From the Earth to the Moon, Star Tours and Capt. Eo.  I am looking forward to seeing this on the weekend.
since 2001 (many before that)


I know it's not exactly the same, but track 3 from the Flight of the Navigator soundtrack sounds similar to the Captain EO theatre music. Here's a 30 second sample of it:

03. The Ship Beckons


Just found this. A better version of the Captain EO Theatre Load music:
