The Future Projects

Started by Kristof, July 18, 2006, 03:14:37 PM

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Quote from: "Anthony at WDSfans"The final article in Peter Bell's three-park series about the past and also probable future of Walt Disney Studios Park is now available at In addition to laying out his own (very possible) beliefs about the future direction of the park, Peter also describes in detail a map created in 2003 by Imagineer Peter McGraph to show a direction the Studios could take.

This much-discussed future plan apparently includes Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast next to Flying Carpets Over Agrabah, The Legend Of The Lion King in a purpose-built semi-circular theatre on what is now the Tower of Terror location and The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror itself set amongst lush greenery at the end of a new art deco boulevard, beginning with a new plaza on the current Studio Tram Tour station. The Studio Tram Tour station was therefore displaced to the left, with a new route taking trams along the back of the boulevard and behind Tower of Terror to Catastrophe Canyon, with several new sets and even some purpose-built studio buildings along the way. To round off the plan, new street sets were located on the right-hand side of the boulevard, possibly featuring New York, British and Sci-Fi locations.

This plan was drawn up by the Imagineers to show what they believed the park would need to become a grand-scale full day park experience. In following years, however, the plan made way for the current Toon Studio and Tower of Terror projects. According to Bell, however, it has not been completely forgotten. For the future of the Studios beyond The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror's 2007/2008 opening, he envisages a reworking of the Studio Tram Tour to be the next major project. This should include the moving of the station to allow for a new central park plaza, plus new outdoor sets along the revised route. Bell seems to think it likely that a Pearl Harbor set will be amongst these. Should the Toon Studio project be a success, the area would be given an expansion featuring more attractions, although Bell does not give details here.

Almost all of this expansion relies on next year - 2007 - being a huge success for the resort, and with the importance Disneyland Resort Paris is already placing on its 15th Anniversary celebrations, it seems they know this all too well. Should the year produce sufficiant attendance figures, though, Bell believes the Studios will finally be blessed with an art deco boulevard stretching away from the central plaza, with a signature attraction no doubt lying in wait at the end. It seems this is where the rumour mill runs dry, however, with Bell only managing to produce a few rumblings about Fantasmic! and a new Great Movie Ride. One attraction which seems almost certain to appear in the Studios by 2012 (the currently rumoured date for the opening of this phase), however, is Soarin' Over The World, an updated version of the popular Disney's California Adventure (DCA) and Epcot attraction givings guests a hang-glider flight over locations from across the world. Bell even goes as far as to say that the film for Soarin' Over The World, which is rumoured to appear in DCA and Epcot in the next few years, is already in the can.

Recap from:


Oooo exciting! I'm about to read it in a minute... so far "lush, winding gardens" and "Tower of Terror" have got me very excited!  :o


It got me excited, the frustrated at what could of been!!!

I cant wait for the studios to reach its full potential, MGM in Florida is my all time favourite park, and I hope one day WDS will match and exceed that park


Quote from: "Baloo"Oooo exciting! I'm about to read it in a minute... so far "lush, winding gardens" and "Tower of Terror" have got me very excited!  :o
Damn, that's what *could* have happened! :lol:

Oh well, the future seems... pretty much as expected.  Some extra additions to Toon Studio and possibly Soarin' and a boulevard by 2012, if attendance targets are met next year.  It's a very realistic set of rumours - none of that "Soarin/Philharmagic will open in 2008/09!" stuff.

With all the effort they're already putting into the 15th celebrations, I think they'll do quite well.  DLRP know 2007 is their most important year ever.  If they mess it up, everything comes to a crashing halt.  If it goes well, we've got even more great new things on the horizon. :D


QuoteDLRP know 2007 is their most important year ever. If they mess it up, everything comes to a crashing halt.

Yeah that's what I've heard as well from internal sources.  It's not only the year to live your dreams, but also the year of bringing the money back in or else.....  :(


Read the article this morning. Shame they didn't publish that map the author mentioned.

And indeed, it seems that ToT is not happening like it was 'imagineerd', unless, they break up Producion Courtyard to add that garden (which would be fantastic!).


So, according to Peter Bell, and if all goes well with next year's plans, this could be the future of WDS:

- 2008: Studio Tram Tour changes

- 2008/09: Toon Studio expansion

- 2009/10: Soarin' Over The World

- 2012: New boulevard & signature attraction

That's going to cost a lot of money!


Any idea what sort of visitor numbers to the studios they are talking in order to green light these projects?


I also wouldn't mind to see an updated version of Fantasmic. :D

The Butlin Boy

Sounds good to me! :)


Me too, just wonder how it would play with the weather aspect?


And the cost - with Fantasmic they wouldn't just have a large initial cost to build the lake and arena, but they've had to keep paying thousands each time the show is performed.  That doesn't seem very DLRP-like to me.

If we look at the rest of WDS, though, it's all very different to Disney-MGM Studios (except Moteurs), which means Fantasmic could also be very different.  The same concept, but a totally re-thought presentation style.  Don't get me wrong: I don't know of any plans or even intention for DLRP to build Fantasmic, but DLRP do have a good record for presenting classic Disney experiences in a brand new way...

Examples: SM:M2 (Space Mountain), Legend of the Lion King (Festival of the Lion King), Animagique (Philharmagic), CinéMagique (Great Movie Ride), The Tarzan Encounter (Tarzan Rocks), Wishes (Wishes), the whole of Adventureland, Sleeping Beauty Castle, the list goes on...

So, even though I've done it myself in the past, maybe we shouldn't rule out Fantasmic just because the D-MGM version wouldn't work in Paris?


I'm still wondering why it wouldn't work in Paris?

Sir Donald

^The only reason I could see is possible rain delays and the issue of a wet stage - however, I hear MGM has overcome this and run a wet weather version of the show (less performers on stage) so it could very well work.

Also, this 'Times Sq.' idea sounds great, but it made me think of the MGM Studio Park (non-Disney) thats being bult in South Korea, which will also have a Times Sq style center piece.


QuoteThe only reason I could see is possible rain delays and the issue of a wet stage - however, I hear MGM has overcome this and run a wet weather version of the show (less performers on stage) so it could very well work.

Indeed, TDS has open air shows as well on their lake, while the weather is similar to ours.